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When Charlie Hebdo Denied Freedom of Expresion to its Cartoonist

I condemn the killings but seriously a bunch of hypocrites were killed by extremists? And the world goes round...

Those people were killed because those animals did not agree with what those journalists published. And thats something very very very serious!

This attack is a terrible and cowardice attack on the core values of any modern democracy: The freedom of speech and expression and secular principles.
Not justifying the violence but...

I condemn what happened yesterday... but lets face it...

Still doesn't justify killing someone but

Nobody is justifying anything. But

I don't justify killings either. But

I condemn the killings but

Those people were killed because those animals did not agree with what those journalists published. And thats something very very very serious!

This attack is a terrible and cowardice attack on the core values of any modern democracy: The freedom of speech and expression and secular principles.

The bigotry by Charlie Hebdo was attack on modern democracy. And that attack as answered by another attack violence and insanity. It is very simple you know.
Hey @Akheilos

About your signature. Soch giri hoyi mili hai? Kisi bharati ki to nahi. Shakargarh sector sai giri hoyi to nahi mili? Agar aisa hai to wapis kardo. Border par aman ho jaye ga. :D
Whats in Shakargarh? :unsure:

Yaar har koi idher udher apni sooch phank ta wa jata hai...litterbugs :pissed:
You just can't sugar quote hate speech with such shiny words like modern state, democratic secular state etc. Your country is neither one of them.

For a modern secular state, coexistence is most important. And by attacking religious figures you just can't coexist. And hence there won't be any modern democratic secular state without this tolerance and coexistence.

1.) India certainly not a role model state... but at least we are working on it. And thats not the topic here.

2.) Co existence does not mean that one can force ones religious beliefs on others!!! If Islam prohibits people to depict Muhamed, why on Earth should people who dont believe in it be forced to do so as well?! :hitwall: Especially in a secular nation that puts emphasis on personal freedom?
Freedom to mock religious figures is not going to stop people can disagree if they choose or take up to protesting in a peaceful way but taking arms would result in more hatred not less.
The bigotry by Charlie Hebdo was attack on modern democracy. And that attack as answered by another attack violence and insanity. It is very simple you know.

It does not matter WHAT he published, but the fact that he was murdered in such a horrific way because some stone age era maniacs did not like what he did is an act of bestiality and deeply concerns me.
1.) India certainly not a role model state... but at least we are working on it. And thats not the topic here.

2.) Co existence does not mean that one can force ones religious beliefs on others!!! If Islam prohibits people to depict Muhamed, why on Earth should people who dont believe in it be forced to do so as well?! :hitwall: Especially in a secular nation that puts emphasis on personal freedom?

1 I don;t know what you guys are trying but they look to be failing apparently.
2 So asking someone not to attack his religion and religious figures is equal to forcing one's religion on another. So ifa Hindu asks me not to insult his god that means he is forcing me to become a hindu. What kind of f*cked up logic is that?
Freedom to mock religious figures is not going to stop people can disagree if they choose or take up to protesting in a peaceful way but taking arms would result in more hatred not less.

A person is free to criticize ANYONE or ANYTHING in a modern democracy. Period.

Saying that certain things or persons (esp. those who lived over a thousand :hitwall: years ago) is the first step to a totalitarian regime.
Those people were killed because those animals did not agree with what those journalists published. And thats something very very very serious!
Yes it is series and we condemn it from our heart and soul no doubt!

But in the same breath we also condemn the 2 faced value unfolding itself! How is
This attack is a terrible and cowardice attack on the core values of any modern democracy: The freedom of speech and expression and secular principles.

I dont know how joking that the president's son was going to convert to Judaism can be labeled as anti semtism and brought to court not be an attack on the core values of any modern democracy: The freedom of speech and expression and secular principles? Or are those values ONLY selective? If yes, as we see they are...its no longer freedom of speech but bigotry!
It does not matter WHAT he published, but the fact that he was murdered in such a horrific way because some stone age era maniacs did not like what he did is an act of bestiality and deeply concerns me.

Well it does matter what he published. You publish it again. And there would someone again who pick up a gun and do something stupid. It is easy that you don't mock someone's religion and keep the liberal majority with you to isolate the extremists. Here the so called freedom of speech which actually is hate speech is forcing even the liberals to join radicals. After all there are bigots who are attacking religion followed by both extremists and liberals.

Danish are stupid. I hope no Danish muslim does something stupid in return.
Criticizing or depicting religions/religious figures who lived over thousand years ago is part of ones right to criticize whatever you want in a modern democratic secular state in the 21st century.

Period. If you dont like what you see, argue with words, or ignore it... BUT DONT FORCE your beliefs on others.

There is no place for such BS like "blasphemy" in a modern state...

A person is free to criticize ANYONE or ANYTHING in a modern democracy. Period.
Why wasnt the same right used for calling someone a Jew? :unsure: or saying they were gonna convert to Judaism?
A person is free to criticize ANYONE or ANYTHING in a modern democracy. Period.

Saying that certain things or persons (esp. those who lived over a thousand :hitwall: years ago) is the first step to a totalitarian regime.

What might be sacred for some will be subject of jokes to another but people can demonstrate by using the pen not the sword is what I would say.

Well it does matter what he published. You publish it again. And there would someone again who pick up a gun and do something stupid. It is easy that you don't mock someone's religion and keep the liberal majority with you to isolate the extremists. Here the so called freedom of speech which actually is hate speech is forcing even the liberals to join radicals. After all there are bigots who are attacking religion followed by both extremists and liberals.

Danish are stupid. I hope no Danish muslim does something stupid in return.

Why are Danish stupid? Europe's journalist are supporting them and will continue to do so.
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