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When Charlie Hebdo Denied Freedom of Expresion to its Cartoonist

Mocking Islam and making derisive cartoons of Prophet Mohammed is 'freedom of Speech'

Why this 'freedom' is not given to question or even talk about Holocaust, may we ask?

There is 'them vs argument' here. Typical western narrative that west is under attack.

Interesting myth about stereotype surrounding Muslims and their faith is trashed by this tweet.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Surprise, surprise: French &quot;terrorist was not religious, drank alcohol, smoked marijuana, had premarital sex...&quot;&#10;<a href="Suspects in Paris attack were on police radar for years">http://t.co/VWI771fxCh</a></p>&mdash; Mehdi Hasan (@mehdirhasan) <a href=" ">January 7, 2015</a></blockquote>
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I am surprised by the response of lot of Pakistani members here. They seem to condone the Paris act just because one of the cartoonist killed depicted Mohammed's caricature. Even there was no official condemnation from the Pakistan government. This is what those terrorists wanted: an approval and eulogy from a silent majority of world's Muslims and they just got it. They became instant heroes. This is the approval and eulogy that many Muslims youth look that fuel them to turn to extremism.

I agree that it is inappropriate to hurt religious sentiments of Muslims, but you just cannot kill someone because he has hurt someone religious sentiments. The killed cartoonist also depicted cartoons of other religious figures. It is west, and west is going to go to any length to protect its freedom of its speech. That is how they have evolved into modern societies. If Muslims feel that they don't want to live in such a society then they should remain in their own country where they have a society that conforms to their outlook.

Muslims have divided the world into us and them and in the end this is going bite Muslims in a big way.
Calling a wrong a wrong is not extremism! It is this behaviour of the West being OVERLY righteous which has caused a plague to kill

The inability to use your own brain and calling a wrong a wrong is what is causing all the decay! If you call THAT extremist then you are pathetic and strangling your own freedom !!

The topic here is their hypocrisy! Cant point a wrong as a wrong maybe you should stay out of such threads!
I dont care what they say...Its your fear of what they say coz you are warning me against human apparently you are afraid of (simple projection psychology)...No one can stop one from calling a spade a spade ESP when they are hiding behind hypocrisy!

Who are you to tell they are wrong or right? First go find wrong within yourselves before pointing fingers to others!! I will tell you how big hypocrites you Pakistanis are.. In your country the peaceful ( when I say peaceful i literally mean peaceful) minority are killed/tortured using blasphemy laws. Is that not wrong? did you guys go to street demanding your govt to take back those blasphemy laws or do you want your minorities to pickup arms are start killing you left, right and center. Talk is cheap do something in your own backyard before acting overly righteous and advising others.

If you had used brain, you would have figured the decay your Muslim society is going through and thought about how to save your society but no that's not important as you are content finding wrongs of others.

As for your lack of understanding SHOW ME ONE POST where I have said they did right! JUST 1 POST! If you cant show then please taking your accusation drama elsewhere!

I don't need to show any one post.. The intent of this thread and more so of all your posts in this thread, is to show charlie hebdo in poor light and thereby indirectly suggesting that they were hypocrites controlled by Jews and that's the reason this happened to them!! I am sure you are not supporting their killings but just finding reasons why they would have been killed by Islamic extremists..

They are atleast not hiding behind the secular curtain and say/ show what they are!

They dont brag to preach freedom and then back down when it comes to Jews, Judaism or anything along those lines as OP has shown!

Why do they need to brag about anything let alone freedom of speech? France is not exactly an Islamic country and everyone there is free to draw cartoons of who ever they want, if you don't like their work don't buy the magazine. They are not breaking any law and if you think they are hurting someones feeling go to court.. Just keep in mind it is them who let the muslims in the first place and are letting them live their. You can not dictate your terms on them.

This is a big problem of Muslim community.. where ever they go they think the world will start revolving according to their wishes else they will do something like this.. Nobody now gives a $hit and if you are going to kill then be prepared because there is no guarantee of your life too.. This is applicable even to me and all Indians living world over, if we start doing this nonsense then a few things will happen to us will be - .
a) People will hate us..
b) Someone can turn mad enough and start killing us also.
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@Akheilos Have you ever read it ?
People are criticizing this SATIRE newspaper,but never read it !
Where the world is going to ?
[QUOTE="The guy got killed over having different opinions. This has got to stop and no justification can be possible. stop maligning him for the sake of scoring brownie points.[/QUOTE]

The Muslim countries and numerous innocent Muslims bombed / droned to death for having a different way of life has to stop as well and there has never been any justification for it. World never found any WMDs in Iraq, world never witnessed any change in Afghanistan.

The freedom of speech does not give me any right to insult you or anything that you hold dear or does it? With freedom of speech should come the responsibility to respect others, whats with the idea of hurting feelings of masses? A crooked mind will do such a thing.
@Akheilos Have you ever read it ?
People are criticizing this SATIRE newspaper,but never read it !
Where the world is going to ?
Hi,Gabriel,we the Chinese netizens side with you,because secularism is in the blood of our culture,we don't believe any religion is scared,even we are still not a free country
And people this is a leftist magazine,do you know they against Le Pen's national front?Do you know they against Zionism?Do you know they make fun of other religions?
we have to stop them. We need to punish them. we need to find out why they are doing this (in this case: brainwashed mullahs spreading hatred) and get rid of them. And yes, this my OPINION. but its an opinion that will make our planet a safer place.

This isn't about brain washed mullah's anymore By promoting hate speech in the garb of freedom of expression you are even pushing the liberals towards extremism. Many of them might not pick up a gun and do what these two brothers did but they would start hating societies who are attacking their religious figures on the name of freedom of expression.

Then please explain it further for all non Muslims

If being a Christian, you ask me not to mock or attack Christian religious figures and if I don't mock your religion then that doesn't mean I have become a Christian. That means I respect your religion and we both can coexist. This is pretty simple thing to understand.

To become a secular free society, you need tolerance and respect for each other. Not mocking and attacking each others religion on the name of free speech.
The freedom of speech does not give me any right to insult you or anything that you hold dear or does it? With freedom of speech should come the responsibility to respect others, whats with the idea of hurting feelings of masses? A crooked mind will do such a thing.

SATIRE is not insult~ this is where most muslims fail to understand. Satire is a opiniated mockery based on actual events so that the one being mocked get the message for improvement.

It seems that fundamentalist muslims have different definition of "INSULT" than everyone else~ for example:
1. Having a red-cross depicted in public is "insult"~ (Indonesian Red Cross Refuses to Change Its Logo - The Jakarta Globe)
2. Someone selling pork in public is "insult"~ (The Malaysian Insider)
3. Someone convert from Islam to other religion is "insult" (Almost impossible to leave Islam - The Malaysian Insider)
4. Openly discussing atheist belief is "insult" (Saudi activist to get 1,000 lashes for insulting Islam - NY Daily News)
5. Having a teddy bear named Muhammad is "insult" (Sudanese teddy bear blasphemy case - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
6. Wikipedia showing historical Ottoman picture of Muhammad is "insult" (Requests for comment/Prophet Muhammad images around Wikimedia projects - Meta)
7. Having a three curve of "U"s together in logo is "insult" (Happy Meal toy yanked for ‘insulting Muhammad’)
8. Having a statue of three women is "insult" (Artist Says Bekasi Statue Critics Have Betrayed Indonesian Culture - The Jakarta Globe)
9. Having Buddha statue is "insult" (Foreigner Arrested For Smashing Statues Of Buddha At Sensoji - japanCRUSH)
10. Caricaturizing and mocking ISIS is "insult" (Jakarta Post editor 'amazed' by accusation of insulting Islam over anti-Isis cartoon )

It is no brainer to see who is having the problem. And oh~ before you spew something about censorship and hypocrisy about "anti-semitism", here is the "Anti-semitic" contest reported from German media.
Jewish Caricature Contest: Kosher Anti-Semites - SPIEGEL ONLINE


The point is, there are big difference between satire and insult. You don't see those artists were being punished or sentenced because of their anti-semitism in Europe, why? Because they're satire and caricature. It is different if your spread something like "killed the jews, they're pig, blah blah blah"

Charlie Hebdo satire about Jews and Nazi:

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@Akheilos Have you ever read it ?
People are criticizing this SATIRE newspaper,but never read it !
Where the world is going to ?
Not many of us are versed in French...We are only criticizing what the media is spewing for us like how France is going crazy with Islamophobia over what some so called idiots are reacting!
If being a Christian, you ask me not to mock or attack Christian religious figures and if I don't mock your religion then that doesn't mean I have become a Christian. That means I respect your religion and we both can coexist. This is pretty simple thing to understand.

To become a secular free society, you need tolerance and respect for each other. Not mocking and attacking each others religion on the name of free speech.

You are free to criticize or depict any Christian (or whatever) religious figure. Thats your fundamental right.

And with that I dont mean that you are not saying that all Christians are terrorists and need to be wiped out publicly to tell you one (extreme) example.

Nobody called for the deportation of Muslims with those cartoons (another extreme example).... they were simply drawing pictures of Muhamed and criticized aspects of his actions (waging war for example).. and thats something that NOBODY can prohibit them to do.
Its a fundamental right on any citizen to criticize the actions on ANYBODY, no matter how holy he is to a certain group of people and NO MATTER how prohibited it is to criticize/depict him.
As Voltaire said: "I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.

Voltaire was prosecuted and hunted down by the Church clergy for his views. So you believe in freedom of expression...please allow me to then write vulgar things about your mother in this forum.
The freedom of speech does not give me any right to insult you or anything that you hold dear or does it? With freedom of speech should come the responsibility to respect others, whats with the idea of hurting feelings of masses? A crooked mind will do such a thing.
So if we bomb Iran every time a bunch of Iranians burn the US flag, a thing that many Americans hold dear, would that be fine with you ?
There is no justification for violence. We know western journalists are hypocrites. But I can never condone the murder of any human being, especially since the Prophet Muhammad (saw) suffered far worse but did not take any harsh measures. Killing these cartoonists was unislamic and not justified. Period.
No but they should put morals before allowing the death of their own civilians by giving them "power" (freedom) where they know not the price of it!

Morals? There is hardly anything more subjective than morals... Your morals might tell you that you cant criticize certain figures because they are too "holy" and "sacred" ... but my morals tell me that rational thinking and my fundamental rights always come first! I have no problems whatsoever criticizing any person (dead or alive) for actions/thoughts/words which I think are wrong.

And what about hypocrisy? You are free to file a complaint against somebody if you feel that he/she has done something wrong to you.
The court will decide according to the law.

And so it happened with the French cartoonist Sine you are constantly referring to. And yes, the magazine did made a mistake on firing him and it was wrong. Thats why they had to pay him a hefty compensation!!!

So after all justice has been delivered.

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