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What's up with some Afghanis hate against Pakistan and ISI?

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Dear all,

I am new to the forum and one of things, which have bothered me lately is the fact, that many of my great Afghan friends are very much against Pakistan, its military and intelligence activities in particular. Their claims are more specifically:
- ISI and the rest of the Pakistan military are main contributors to the war and problems in Afghanistan, because a stabile Afghanistan would enable Afghanis/Pashtuns to reclaim a part of Pakistan as their own - through international court or something. This part is supposedly something which they say was taken away from them through British rule in an unlegitimate way - and given to Pakistan. They also say, that the population of this area strongly opposes the Pakistani rule and would like independency from Pakistan.

My questions are:
- Which part of Pakistan exactly is it, that Afghanis/Pashtuns claim to be rightfully theirs? And are their historical facts true (that it was taken away from them unlegitimately)?
- Is it true that an unstabile Afghanistan is in the best interest of Pakistan?

This is my first thread, so please bear over with me if there is a lack of quality or if I do not follow some of your standards.
none of it
and there is no part of afghanistan that is present or snacthed by the Pakistan
Check this out...The Afghans don't recognize the Durand Line too. And then the ordinary Afghan asks what Pakistan has done for bettering their lives in terms of development, aid and so on?

It is true that the Afghan hate Taliban, and the vast majority of Pakistanis also hate Taliban.

And about india, I am sure most of them hate Taliban too. And the rest of the world?
Here we go again. Uninformed Indians.

Do you know how many times we've had this conversation with various different members? I can't even count that high.
Why are you holding me responsible for your Math skills :D

Jokes apart, realities dont change based on number of times someone tries to twist them
Blaming Pakistan for their failures is the easiest way out for a nation with a great deal of uncertainty.
Afghanistan was a sovereign state before and after the deal, and for god sake read my previous posts, fool.
The deal was signed under pressure, and what was promised was not kept, which makes it invalid! so you claim to study international relation, but is dumb as ****.


SO which PROMISE Was NOT kept ???? :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
@Aeronaut @Afghan-India

Something really interesting.

*The Red line is the official Durrand line
*The White line is the present Pak-Afghan border

A couple of months back watching s Akbar khan interview related to the Pak-Afghan issue,When he was asked that it is strongly believed within the Pakistani establishment that a non pashtun leader out of Afghanistan such as Abdullah x2 if makes it to president will sign the durrandline agreement into international border,But he said if Afghanistan agree with durrand line than strategic Afghanistan provinces like Khost,Kunar and parts of patkia will fall under Pakistan.


Damn didn't knew Afghanis are occupying our land! :angry: We need to take it back, and for punishment to Afghanis for occupying our land we also take land which connect Pakistan with Tajikistan.
You do not understand it do you?

Abdullah is NA man, you guys have tried to kill him dozens of time, so will he be a friend of Pakistan?

Much has changed since than.

Pakistan is in favour of anyone who would solve the durrandline problem.he's the one believed to do so.

Passage of time can prove it
Blaming Pakistan for their failures is the easiest way out for a nation with a great deal of uncertainty.
Let him reply my question i will fix his head. he is avoiding

Much has changed since than.

Pakistan is in favour of anyone who would solve the durrandline problem.he's the one believed to do so.

Passage of time can prove it

There is NO such issue. so we dont need to favour anyone bughead
Damn didn't knew Afghanis are occupying our land! :angry: We need to take it back, and for punishment to Afghanis for occupying our land we also take land which connect Pakistan with Tajikistan.

they had it recaptured before 1947,This is the reason Pakistan never bothererd to take it back

Though if the durrandline agreement is turned into a official border than these region will back into Pakistan.
Afghans should also look at themselves. They were fighting each other for a decade. The warlords. They destroyed Kabul with their own hands.

How can they forget their own behaviour toward each other? That was a civil war done by Afghans on themselves.

If this is a blaming game, then Afghans are to blame too.
they had it recaptured before 1947,This is the reason Pakistan never bothererd to take it back

Though if the durrandline agreement is turned into a official border than these region will back into Pakistan.

You know they accept the durand line and we will give those regions that will come back to us back as a sign of goodwill. The last thing we need are terrorist havens. :P
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