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What's up with some Afghanis hate against Pakistan and ISI?

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So you agree that Afghans who say "Oh that pact was only for 100 years" are wrong?

Listen kid, I am an expert in International Relations currently pursuing my degree in the field from one of the top 1% universities of the world (one of the top ten in the United States).

I will tear you apart on this issue.

Bottom line is: Durand-line IS the international border. Afghanistan's claim to Pakistani areas is totally unfounded.

Can you show me where exactly Afghanistan officially rebuked the Durand-line pact? Read British-Afghan treaty of 1919. It clearly states that Afghanistan still abides by ALL the previous treaties made with Britain.

How about we include Afghanistan as an option today?

Majority of Pakistani Pashtuns will vote in favor of Pakistan, right? So again, even here, KPK belongs to us!

Oooh, and he doesn't know it's "revoked", not "rebuked".

Take an "F" and go to the back of the class.
1. Over our dead bodies.

2. I disagree, from the Afghans I've met, some of them have a sickening hate. Not all, but some.

3. Not really, our methods were questionable at times, but so were those of EVERY single party involved.

4. Again over our dead bodies.
and some one plz tell him that khost paktia and paktika is already under Haqani groups control
There are many versions of the Durand line, all made to serve their political interest. Some Maps includes Peshawar , Chamnan and other areas.

well even i believe that if Abdullah wins,He will solve the durrandline dispute
1. So you are just a wannabe who threatens people with a university enrollments? I assume that your stunt was a lie.

I don't need to prove anything to an idiot like you. You didn't answer my questions. Your case can't even stand infront of me, how will it stand in any court?

How weak and pathetic :lol:

2. As a wrote previously, the concept of same borders is not valid, if the deal with your English master was invalid, as it clearly was.

lol, what?

Afghanistan signed a deal with British that Durand Line would be official demarcation point of British and Afghan sovereignty, right?

I.e, beyond Durand line, Afghanistan will not have any sovereignty and British will rule that part. You signed this deal, right? So why are you claiming the area now? It doesn't work like that in International Law.

3. KPK could not choose Afghanistan in the beginning, and therefore the concept of that they choosed Pakistan is wrong

Fair enough.

As I said: How about holding elections now! 2014. Even today, majority of KPK will choose Pakistan and that is beyond any doubt. So again, people "choose" to be with Pakistan. So what right does Afghanistan has to claim the areas of Pakistan where people themselves want to live with Pakistan?

4. popularity for Afghanistan is rising in KPK, I visited the area some weeks ago and they hate Pakistan more and more.

Personal opinions/experiences are irrelevant under International Law.
well even i believe that if Abdullah wins,He will solve the durrandline dispute

NO one will ever solve this issue, and especially not Abdullah.

If he is elected he will increase the support to Anti-Pakistan groups, destroying both your and my country.
But mostly since the time you tried to hijack their country using the Taliban.

Here we go again. Uninformed Indians.

Do you know how many times we've had this conversation with various different members? I can't even count that high.
Pak, US, SA all were involved. But only we're blamed just coz we're right across the border. Poor us. :(

This is great injustice on the part of Afghans because in the US, Canada, and UK, Pakistanis are the main customers of their food businesses.

If Afghans fear Allah, they should do justice.
But mostly since the time you tried to hijack their country using the Taliban.

A little correction needed.

those who hate us are

1. The ones who's dream to impose Northern rule over Afghanistan shattered when we helped Pashtuns there.

2. Those Pashtuns (mostly are bhagoras who ran to west when Afghanistan needs and needed them) and who are more communists then being Pashtuns
NO one will ever solve this issue, and especially not Abdullah.

If he is elected he will increase the support to Anti-Pakistan groups, destroying both your and my country.
my advise to you is plz join peshawar FB page and if u know pushtoo and understand pushtoo see what kind of word they are using for ur afghan qaoum ... and yes afghanistan is popular in KPK just visit their FB page plz hahhahahahaha
NO one will ever solve this issue, and especially not Abdullah.

If he is elected he will increase the support to Anti-Pakistan groups, destroying both your and my country.

it is not easy to destroy countries.
Oooh, and he doesn't know it's "revoked", not "rebuked".

Take an "F" and go to the back of the class.

Uncle ji, its 4:45am here in U.S...do you think anybody gives a shit about spelling, grammar, typos, or correct terms?

Better take a shot at my arguments if you can. Or don't quote me again
A little correction needed.

those who hate us are

1. The ones who's dream to impose Northern rule over Afghanistan shattered when we helped Pashtuns there.

2. Those Pashtuns (mostly are bhagoras who ran to west when Afghanistan needs and needed them) and who are more communists then being Pashtuns

A huge correction, not a little.

Unfortunately, the average Indian poster thinks they know enough, truth is, their exposure to facts from our part of the subcontinent are too few for them to make a credibly judgement.

Only one or two members from India, I've ever engaged in debate with who knew their way around the Af-Pak issues.
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