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What's up with some Afghanis hate against Pakistan and ISI?

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I don't have a problem for taking the blame for the mess in Afghanistan. I do have a problem however with an effort to keep making Afghanistan destroy themselves, because we fear to let a part of our country surrender to the Pashtuns. If that is so, we are moving towards conditions, which created Bangladesh - i.e. internal division based on race.
we? So you Afghani?

Check this out...The Afghans don't recognize the Durand Line too. And then the ordinary Afghan asks what Pakistan has done for bettering their lives in terms of development, aid and so on?

good for us! So we are not to be associated with their attacks...however you showed a wrong video or is that the kind of stuff you watch? :unsure:

So an ordinary talib is what Afghanistan is made of? Why for 9/11 they were evil and need to be eliminated but for this survey awww poor Talibans!

Also why isnt Afghanistanis going rabid at America?
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Check this out...The Afghans don't recognize the Durand Line too. And then the ordinary Afghan asks what Pakistan has done for bettering their lives in terms of development, aid and so on?

Hum nay afghanistan ka theeka uthaya howa hai kay hum wahan development karai gay. :P ::P Thats US problem and frankly we help alot in terms of Aid. That country is on fire and its best to stay away from that fire. We already got burnt so lets just walk away.
Well it seems nobody cared to answer your questions, so i will.

1. Afghanistan claims that the Durand line is illegitimate, and Afghanistan claim Baluchistan, and Pashtun dominated areas in Pakistan.

2. No Afghans do not hate Pakistanis, but their leadership (Which actually Pakistanis also hate) and their military establishment.

3. Yes Afghanistan blames the Pakistani government and military for the chaos, and that's fair enough.

4. Yes popularity for the "Free Baluchistan" concept is on the rise, as well as "Loy Pashtunistan".
Dear all,

I am new to the forum and one of things, which have bothered me lately is the fact, that many of my great Afghan friends are very much against Pakistan, its military and intelligence activities in particular. Their claims are more specifically:
- ISI and the rest of the Pakistan military are main contributors to the war and problems in Afghanistan, because a stabile Afghanistan would enable Afghanis/Pashtuns to reclaim a part of Pakistan as their own - through international court or something. This part is supposedly something which they say was taken away from them through British rule in an unlegitimate way - and given to Pakistan. They also say, that the population of this area strongly opposes the Pakistani rule and would like independency from Pakistan.

My questions are:
- Which part of Pakistan exactly is it, that Afghanis/Pashtuns claim to be rightfully theirs? And are their historical facts true (that it was taken away from them unlegitimately)?
- Is it true that an unstabile Afghanistan is in the best interest of Pakistan?

This is my first thread, so please bear over with me if there is a lack of quality or if I do not follow some of your standards.
Its a case of negligence and propaganda, ever since that stupid dumb retard Karzai became PM, Afghans feel that Pakistan is a cause all their problems but these ungrateful Afghans forget how we saved their @ss from the Soviet Union and now we are saving their behinds from Taliban. But on the other hand Pathans in PK accept PK as their home so no worries about them.

3. Yes Afghanistan blames the Pakistani government and military for the chaos, and that's fair enough.
Perhaps we shouldn't have saved you from the Soviets!!!
Dear all,

I am new to the forum and one of things, which have bothered me lately is the fact, that many of my great Afghan friends are very much against Pakistan, its military and intelligence activities in particular. Their claims are more specifically:
- ISI and the rest of the Pakistan military are main contributors to the war and problems in Afghanistan, because a stabile Afghanistan would enable Afghanis/Pashtuns to reclaim a part of Pakistan as their own - through international court or something. This part is supposedly something which they say was taken away from them through British rule in an unlegitimate way - and given to Pakistan. They also say, that the population of this area strongly opposes the Pakistani rule and would like independency from Pakistan.

My questions are:
- Which part of Pakistan exactly is it, that Afghanis/Pashtuns claim to be rightfully theirs? And are their historical facts true (that it was taken away from them unlegitimately)?
- Is it true that an unstabile Afghanistan is in the best interest of Pakistan?

This is my first thread, so please bear over with me if there is a lack of quality or if I do not follow some of your standards.

:) welcome to the forum.

This is old redundant phrases we have seen already and read.

and NO part of Pakistan is rightfully theirs :)

They are fearing losing their own land to Northern Afghanistanis
Another thing. I believe that there is no substance in the afghan claims over the durand line.

If they didn't agree with the durand line, they should have talked to the british when they were in control. We fought for our independence, and also together with the hindus and sikhs, we got rid of the british. We made many efforts and sacrifices for that. Remember the armies from the subcontinent who served in the british army during the world war. We all paid with our lives and our sweat. What did the afghans do? Nothing! We earned this place, and we won't give it up for free.

Remember the khilafat movement. The exodus of muslims to afghanistan. The refusal of afghans to accomodate them. And an eventual retuern to the subcontinent only to have lost all possessions and properties. The afghans had no sentiments for muslims in subcontinent. And no concern for their plight.
I don't have a problem for taking the blame for the mess in Afghanistan. I do have a problem however with an effort to keep making Afghanistan destroy themselves, because we fear to let a part of our country surrender to the Pashtuns. If that is so, we are moving towards conditions, which created Bangladesh - i.e. internal division based on race.

and who are you exactly ?
a flase flagger troll?

I am gonna go with the first and third on this one. They see as a threat as afghanis think that the only thing stopping them from becoming a superpower is pakistan not allowing the creation of super power state made of all pashtuns. The moment the durand line goes is the moment china,usa and russia give the throne to pashtuns who will rule the world.

Third is afghanistan is a warring,broken,scarred state with little development. They see the developed cities of KPK and the new creation of gwader and want that. Somebody should tell them that even in the era of 2009/10 when bombs were exploding everyday we were still a better place to live at than afghanistan so why the hell would the happy people of KPK want to levae it all to join a war infested area. These are the dreams of afghanistan and that is what it will always be a dream.

The issue is not even in in UN list.
Well it seems nobody cared to answer your questions, so i will.

1. Afghanistan claims that the Durand line is illegitimate, and Afghanistan claim Baluchistan, and Pashtun dominated areas in Pakistan.

2. No Afghans do not hate Pakistanis, but their leadership (Which actually Pakistanis also hate) and their military establishment.

3. Yes Afghanistan blames the Pakistani government and military for the chaos, and that's fair enough.

4. Yes popularity for the "Free Baluchistan" concept is on the rise, as well as "Loy Pashtunistan".

Hey dude,

Have you ever read the Durand-line pact?

It has no mention of expiring after 100 years, so why do Afghans claim Pakistani land?

Tell me...
They are bunch of unthankfull people.. we are hosting more then 7 million afghans since 3 decades ..they destroyed our economy, they destroyed law and order .. when ever they are being attacked or invaded we are dragged in the war,... we help them get out of russian slavery, our locals ( not the government) is still helping them fight Americans
Hey dude,

Have you ever read the Durand-line pact?

It has no mention of expiring after 100 years, so why do Afghans claim Pakistani land?

Tell me...

I have read it, but what was the deal?

1. None of the players shall cross each others border

2. England will assist Afghanistan with modern weapons - "for that time"

So, afterwards england attacked Afghanistan twice, and Afghanistan attacked England once, hence there is no deal.

as well the promised weapons never came = invalid deal
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