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What's up with some Afghanis hate against Pakistan and ISI?

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Well it seems nobody cared to answer your questions, so i will.

1. Afghanistan claims that the Durand line is illegitimate, and Afghanistan claim Baluchistan, and Pashtun dominated areas in Pakistan.

2. No Afghans do not hate Pakistanis, but their leadership (Which actually Pakistanis also hate) and their military establishment.

3. Yes Afghanistan blames the Pakistani government and military for the chaos, and that's fair enough.

4. Yes popularity for the "Free Baluchistan" concept is on the rise, as well as "Loy Pashtunistan".

Well if you read page 1 at least you would know someone did answer :

We stopped caring a long long time ago and as for you questions,

Afghani pashtuns claim the part of kpk as their own as they believe the durand line is illegal and the kpk and fata belong to them. . The provinces want to stay with pakistan and its just a wet dream of afghanis living in caves in afghanistan.

As for your second. No a destabilized afghanistan is not good for Pakistan as it will bring warring elements like the taliban into us and not to mention the drug and weapon smuggling that has been hurting us for a long time. A stablized afghanistan is good for the region and they can become stronger then pakistan and india combined and they still wont get KPK as there is just no case available for it.

They claim the durand line had a life of a 100 years when it was sold to the british but the fact is that the british held elections all over the subcontinent and the kpk province chose pakistan. They made their choice back then and are now an integral part of our culture and our country. Those cavemen just want the developments over there. :P

I have read it, but what was the deal?

1. None of the players shall cross each others border

2. England will assist Afghanistan with modern weapons - "for that time"

So, afterwards england attacked Afghanistan twice, and Afghanistan attacked England once, hence there is no deal.

as well the promised weapons never came = illegitimate deal
so no deal with England but Pakistan was/ is an established nation...so your fight with England take it to London....and fight your battle there in their court to reclaim a part which voted for Pakistan....
so no deal with England but Pakistan was/ is an established nation...so your fight with England take it to London....and fight your battle there in their court to reclaim a part which voted for Pakistan....

No deal with England = No deal with the state that came afterwards, according to international law.

The vote itself was a joke, Afghanistan was not included as a option.
I have read it, but what was the deal?

1. None of the players shall cross each others border

2. England will assist Afghanistan with modern weapons - "for that time"

So, afterwards england attacked Afghanistan twice, and Afghanistan attacked England once, hence there is no deal.

as well the promised weapons never came = illegitimate deal

No deal with England = No deal with the state that came afterwards, according to international law.

The vote itself was a joke, Afghanistan was not included as a option.
Afghanistan was not under the crown or was it?
I have read it, but what was the deal?

1. None of the players shall cross each others border

2. England will assist Afghanistan with modern weapons - "for that time"

So, afterwards england attacked Afghanistan twice, and Afghanistan attacked England once, hence there is no deal.

as well the promised weapons never came = illegitimate deal

So you agree that Afghans who say "Oh that pact was only for 100 years" are wrong?

Listen kid, I am an expert in International Relations currently pursuing my degree in the field from one of the top 1% universities of the world (one of the top ten in the United States).

I will tear you apart on this issue.

Bottom line is: Durand-line IS the international border. Afghanistan's claim to Pakistani areas is totally unfounded.

Can you show me where exactly Afghanistan officially rebuked the Durand-line pact? Read British-Afghan treaty of 1919. It clearly states that Afghanistan still abides by ALL the previous treaties made with Britain.

The vote itself was a joke, Afghanistan was not included as a option.

How about we include Afghanistan as an option today?

Majority of Pakistani Pashtuns will vote in favor of Pakistan, right? So again, even here, KPK belongs to us!
Listen kid, I am an expert in International Relations currently pursuing my degree in the field from one of the top 1% universities of the world (one of the top ten in the United States).

Kid you are not an expert if you haven't finished your degree yet, and which university are we talking about?
No deal with England = No deal with the state that came afterwards, according to international law.

The vote itself was a joke, Afghanistan was not included as a option.

Yes the division of subcontinent and afghanistan was supposed to be an option. Another thing tell me NWFP named at that time could have easily said that they would be neutral or go with afghanistan like the raja of kashmir did. Did you know that Kashmir and hyderabad voted to be free colonies away from india and pakistan. It means the option was available to be free themseleves yet the pathans of NWFP votes for pakistan rather then going for a free pashtun state which means they are not even close to being interested in a pashtun united state.
Yes the division of subcontinent and afghanistan was supposed to be an option. Another thing tell me NWFP named at that time could have easily said that they would be neutral or go with afghanistan like the raja of kashmir did. Did you know that Kashmir and hyderabad voted to be free colonies away from india and pakistan. It means the option was available to be free themseleves yet the pathans of NWFP votes for pakistan rather then going for a free pashtun state which means they are not even close to being interested in a pashtun united state.

NO neutrality was not an option.

it was called the two state solution, not the vote for independence.
The only thing Afghanistan will get from Pakistan if they will demand our land is...... 1 Big Nuke up their A_ _. Let me make it very clear the hate or dislike if you want to say it is very mutual, we don't really like afghans because they are the most thankless leeches on this planet.

We have been feeding them, their children and women and this is how they repay us. Enough they can go to their stone age country if not we will kick their *** out now. Lol and who will give them their land ? ahahha :omghaha::omghaha:
Kid you are not an expert if you haven't finished your degree yet, and which university are we talking about?

I won't tell you my university. If you don't believe me, PM the administer of this board and tell him to check my ID.

Having said that, you did not respond to my points. So you already gave up?

Tell me, pal.

1- When did Afghanistan officially revoked the Durand-line pact? (If Afghanistan didn't revoke it, then KPK belongs to Pakistan under the uti possidetis juris principle of International Law).

2- Since majority of the native population of KPK wants to and chooses to live with the Pakistani state, what legal argument does Afghanistan has in order to dispute the will of the people under International Law?

Little champ, I told you, I study these things day and night. You can't hold your little Afghan candle infront of law.

So, kindly, respond to my questions if you can. You can get help from your Godfathers, indians, too.

Afghans have hated us since our creation.

What's new?
I won't tell you my university. If you don't believe me, PM the administer of this board and tell him to check my ID.

Having said that, you did not respond to my points. So you already gave up?

Tell me, pal.

1- When did Afghanistan officially revoked the Durand-line pact? (If Afghanistan didn't revoke it, then KPK belongs to Pakistan under the uti possidetis juris principle of International Law).

2- Since majority of the native population of KPK wants to and chooses to live with the Pakistani state, what legal argument does Afghanistan has in order to dispute the will of the people under International Law?

Little champ, I told you, I study these things day and night. You can't hold your little Afghan candle infront of law.

So, kindly, respond to my questions if you can. You can get help from your Godfathers, indians, too.


1. So you are just a wannabe who threatens people with a university enrollments? I assume that your stunt was a lie.

2. As a wrote previously, the concept of same borders is not valid, if the deal with your English master was invalid, as it clearly was.

3. KPK could not choose Afghanistan in the beginning, and therefore the concept of that they choosed Pakistan is wrong

4. popularity for Afghanistan is rising in KPK, I visited the area some weeks ago and they hate Pakistan more and more.
@Aeronaut @Afghan-India

Something really interesting.

*The Red line is the official Durrand line
*The White line is the present Pak-Afghan border

A couple of months back watching s Akbar khan interview related to the Pak-Afghan issue,When he was asked that it is strongly believed within the Pakistani establishment that a non pashtun leader out of Afghanistan such as Abdullah x2 if makes it to president will sign the durrandline agreement into international border,But he said if Afghanistan agree with durrand line than strategic Afghanistan provinces like Khost,Kunar and parts of patkia will fall under Pakistan.

Well it seems nobody cared to answer your questions, so i will.

1. Afghanistan claims that the Durand line is illegitimate, and Afghanistan claim Baluchistan, and Pashtun dominated areas in Pakistan.

2. No Afghans do not hate Pakistanis, but their leadership (Which actually Pakistanis also hate) and their military establishment.

3. Yes Afghanistan blames the Pakistani government and military for the chaos, and that's fair enough.

4. Yes popularity for the "Free Baluchistan" concept is on the rise, as well as "Loy Pashtunistan".

1. Over our dead bodies.

2. I disagree, from the Afghans I've met, some of them have a sickening hate. Not all, but some.

3. Not really, our methods were questionable at times, but so were those of EVERY single party involved.

4. Again over our dead bodies.
@Aeronaut @Afghan-India

Something really interesting.

*The Red line is the official Durrand line
*The White line is the present Pak-Afghan border

A couple of months back watching s Akbar khan interview related to the Pak-Afghan issue,When he was asked that it is strongly believed within the Pakistani establishment that a non pashtun leader out of Afghanistan such as Abdullah x2 if makes it to president will sign the durrandline agreement into international border,But he said if Afghanistan agree with durrand line than strategic Afghanistan provinces like Khost,Kunar and parts of patkia will fall under Pakistan.


There are many versions of the Durand line, all made to serve their political interest. Some Maps includes Peshawar , Chamnan and other areas.
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