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Whats PAF thinking ?

so this is what your brain tells you
1. no economics/ finance involved in cricket?
2. managing a nation is totally different to managing a national side.
3. every match india wins is pure luck and fluke?

in conclusion you have just said that actually Indian cricket team is total crap and they only win through pure luck no cricket talent.

who is laughing now? :sniper::sniper::sniper::sniper::sniper: 180

I am sad that you as my neighbour have no education or understanding. have a good day

excellent find bro. ty
well your nation your priorties run is as the way you like im more than happy if you thing that way and want to run it like that makes our job that much easier :tup:
good luck.jpg
yes enjoy Bollywood and be a good neighbour.
well its the paistanies who think life is cricket and bollywood only or whatever is left is what media potrawys but no thats not even 1%

we indians take life very very diffrently and on merit and unlike pakistanies neither live in a parellel dream world made on denayl and conspiracy theories neither we take out a gun and start abusing when things do not go owr way and thats why world over world praises and wants to hire indians and respects indians and wants to inveest with us and you very well know how they treat pakistan and pakistanies yourself ? :sarcastic:
well its the paistanies who think life is cricket and bollywood only or whatever is left is what media potrawys but no thats not even 1%

we indians take life very very diffrently and on merit and unlike pakistanies neither live in a parellel dream world made on denayl and conspiracy theories neither we take out a gun and start abusing when things do not go owr way and thats why world over world praises and wants to hire indians and respects indians and wants to inveest with us and you very well know how they treat pakistan and pakistanies yourself ? :sarcastic:

you know I have been very polite to you and you have been nothing but disrespectful. you really don't want me to start. because you will go running to the mods that I have abused you. now please go and have a good day however you choose. Remember you lost by 180 runs. I bet you are still burning
still pakistan cant make world call even so called indian spy a terrorists what a shame :haha:
We have your monkey and it's dancing to our tune....forget the world, what can India do about it.
no wasisa nahi hai sirji agar hota to to kal ke arbi & amrican dost aaj pakistan ke saath wo sulukh na kerte jaisa wo aaj ker rahe hain its all about money so if you wandt EFT or F35 or Su35 you need to have money for it mere day dreaming about that wont help when you cant even purchase 8 older genration F16 at market value :haha:
The best thing that happened to us and while you are importing even the PC-7 which first flew in 1966, we are exporting the Mashaq, K-8 and JF-17....but since you have money then no wonder even after some 30 years you can still afford to drag Tejas on a trailer. :laugh:
When India was going for Super Sukhoi PAF was thinking to get F-SOLA
When India was going for Rafales PAF was thinking to get 2nd hand F-SOLA
When India Signed deal With Lockhead Martin for F-16's Block 70 Is PAF still trying to get F-SOLA???
When India was going for Super Sukhoi PAF was thinking to get F-SOLA
When India was going for Rafales PAF was thinking to get 2nd hand F-SOLA
When India Signed deal With Lockhead Martin for F-16's Block 70 Is PAF still trying to get F-SOLA???

Funny but so true
PAF thinking is self reliance and for any platform to be inducted you have to realize it is 25-30 years of commitment .local manufacturing will lean way for 5th Gen platform induction . Already current Pace of JF17 and capabilities are more than surprising for enemies and most importantly JF17 flight cost is something we can afford . Force will look like this in my view by 2025

JF17 - 150 (50 Block 3 , 100 Block 2)
F16 - 76 + If any more 2nd hand (forget new ones)
J31 - local production 50

So decent force of 300 fighter jets (WHICH WE CAN AFFORD)
As for F16 replacement IMO there are already talks on single seat stealth concept envisioned in line of thunder program . so 2030

JF17 - 150 Block 3 AESA (All upgraded)
F16 - 36 Odd
J31 - 76
TFX - Start to induction
JF-X - Development work completed

Of Course these are all assessment
When India was going for Super Sukhoi PAF was thinking to get F-SOLA
When India was going for Rafales PAF was thinking to get 2nd hand F-SOLA
When India Signed deal With Lockhead Martin for F-16's Block 70 Is PAF still trying to get F-SOLA???

bro.....lets be negative shall we
Rafale - Europe (medium category)
F16 - US (Light category)
FGFA+MKI - Russia... (Heavy category)

India going for all 3...
india isnt going for F-16

When India was going for Super Sukhoi PAF was thinking to get F-SOLA
When India was going for Rafales PAF was thinking to get 2nd hand F-SOLA
When India Signed deal With Lockhead Martin for F-16's Block 70 Is PAF still trying to get F-SOLA???
Yo, India is not getting F-16s. They already got the rafales and Lockheed martin moved they're facility to south Carolina. the deal is over. India is not getting any american fighters soon because they will need to learn how to maintain them. That can be expensive
india isnt going for F-16

Yo, India is not getting F-16s. They already got the rafales and Lockheed martin moved they're facility to south Carolina. the deal is over. India is not getting any american fighters soon because they will need to learn how to maintain them. That can be expensive

Are you serious TATA signed deal with Lockhead Martin for F-16's which will be build in India ... still in denial mode??

Are you serious TATA signed deal with Lockhead Martin for F-16's which will be build in India ... still in denial mode??


It was only a preliminary MOU which Lockheed has concluded with Tata and which they publicized so as to entice/pressurize the Indian government to favor the F-16. The decision is still far off and will require a much detailed analysis. We must remember that the Rafale deal took about 15 years to finalize, and this new tender was floated only last year.
It was only a preliminary MOU which Lockheed has concluded with Tate and which they publicized so as to entice/pressurize the Indian government to favor the F-16. The decision is still far off and will require a much detailed analysis. We must remember that the Rafale deal took about 15 years to finalize, and this new tender was floated only last year.

M telling you IAF will get F-16's by 2022
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