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Only if one has killed a believer by mistake. One must set free a believing slave and pay the blood-money to the family of the slain. Otherwise Quran talks about slaves in this way;

"Righteousness is not that you turn your faces toward the east or the west,
BUT [TRUE] RIGHTEOUSNESS IS [IN] ONE WHO BELIEVES IN ALLAH, the Last Day, the angels, the Book, and the prophets and gives wealth, in spite of love for it, to relatives, orphans, the needy, the traveler, THOSE WHO ASK [FOR HELP], AND FOR FREEING SLAVES; ................” Quran 2:177

True righteousness ...........

There are countless examples of slaves who were set free and are renowned companions of Messenger Peace be upon him.

24:31 "And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and be modest, and to display of their adornment only that which is apparent, and to draw their veils over their bosoms, and not to reveal their adornment save to their own husbands or fathers or husbands' fathers, or their sons or their husbands' sons, or their brothers or their brothers' sons or sisters' sons, or their women, or their slaves." and

33:55 "It is no sin for them (thy wives) to converse freely) with their fathers, or their sons, or their brothers, or their brothers' sons, or the sons of their sisters or of their own women, or their slaves."

Salik there is difference between a salve and house aid. Plus the verses convey a very different message and purpose as compared to someone's interpretation trying to make these verses a confirmation for slavery being okay in Islam.

Don't blame traditions for reporting these disgusting otherwise normal things.

I will keep blaming traditions as long as these narratives include insults thrown at Messenger, his wives and his companions. If you wish to believe that women slaves were paraded naked during times of companions your choice ........ but all the characteristics mentioned in Quran of these companions are proof that these narrators invented and created these insulting events.
"Righteousness is not that you turn your faces toward the east or the west, BUT [TRUE] RIGHTEOUSNESS IS [IN] ONE WHO BELIEVES IN ALLAH, the Last Day, the angels, the Book, and the prophets and gives wealth, in spite of love for it, to relatives, orphans, the needy, the traveler, THOSE WHO ASK [FOR HELP], AND FOR FREEING SLAVES; ................” Quran 2:177

True righteousness ...........

There are countless examples of slaves who were set free and are renowned companions of Messenger Peace be upon him.

Salik there is difference between a salve and house aid. Plus the verses convey a very different message and purpose as compared to someone's interpretation trying to make these verses a confirmation for slavery being okay in Islam.

I will keep blaming traditions as long as these narratives include insults thrown at Messenger, his wives and his companions. If you wish to believe that women slaves were paraded naked during times of companions your choice ........ but all the characteristics mentioned in Quran of these companions are proof that these narrators invented and created these insulting events.

You see sir contention has no end. If you feel contention in others beliefs, they will have the same in yours. Let's leave it here.
You see sir contention has no end. If you feel contention in others beliefs, they will have the same in yours. Let's leave it here.

Sir I have no contention with anyone's beliefs, I said it very clearly in my opening statement "People can believe whatever they want" ..... but this doesn't mean that I should be willing to accept the lies peddled in guise of Islam, to distort the image and message of Islam. It is in fact duty of every Muslim to separate the Batil from Haq. Thank you for your time and patience, was nice to talk to you after a long time.
@JF-17ThunderBlock3 , I have been thread-banned from that thread and all my posts there have been deleted. Plus I have been warned by a mod. Please ask me that question in an appropriate thread and I will answer.
@JF-17ThunderBlock3 , I have been thread-banned from that thread and all my posts there have been deleted. Plus I have been warned by a mod. Please ask me that question in an appropriate thread and I will answer.
Ok What's story of Akhand Bharat and naturalisation of minorities
I have heard BJP and RSS working on law reforms to specify citizen rights and forcing minorities to become Hindu. Please explain
Ok What's story of Akhand Bharat and naturalisation of minorities
I have heard BJP and RSS working on law reforms to specify citizen rights and forcing minorities to become Hindu. Please explain

I don't know about this. I will try to find out and will tag you in this thread.
@JF-17ThunderBlock3 , I have been thread-banned from that thread and all my posts there have been deleted. Plus I have been warned by a mod. Please ask me that question in an appropriate thread and I will answer.
Ok What's story of Akhand Bharat and naturalisation of minorities
I have heard BJP and RSS working on law reforms to specify citizen rights and forcing minorities to
I don't know about this. I will try to find out and will tag you in this thread.
Ok thanks
The irony is when the lose the dabate they bring in Islamic culture,, which otherwise they call a tool to expand Arab imperialsim.

To you too bro and all other Muslims :yahoo:
They are the most confused and weird group of people I have come across. In my honest opinion the next war is going to be with Iran, and we will see, for the first time after WW2, a whole country be occupied. By that I mean the occupation of Iran and Afganistan. Without these steps Pakistan wont be able to have space to breathe.
They are the most confused and weird group of people I have come across. In my honest opinion the next war is going to be with Iran, and we will see, for the first time after WW2, a whole country be occupied. By that I mean the occupation of Iran and Afganistan. Without these steps Pakistan wont be able to have space to breathe.

Or We could simply help others to do a regime change and sit quite

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