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Whenever there's mention of Hadith, the sayings of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, you ask about authority and authenticity of Hadiths.

Same question was asked from Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, himself.

Please remember the first sermon of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, to the people. When he ascended to As-Safa mountain and called the people. They asked that why would they believe him. His response wasn't that "here's the authority of the holy Quran, it authenticates whatever I am saying." Rather his reply was;

If I inform you that cavalrymen are proceeding up the side of this mountain, will you believe me?” They said, “We have never heard you telling a lie.”

We would know if a Hadith is authentic or not, we will see the person reporting it. The focus is not what is being said but who is saying it. From there the branch of knowledge 'Ilm al-Rijal' originated.

Whenever there's mention of Hadith, the sayings of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, you ask about authority and authenticity of Hadiths.

Same question was asked from Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, himself.

Please remember the first sermon of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, to the people. When he ascended to As-Safa mountain and called the people. They asked that why would they believe him. His response wasn't that "here's the authority of the holy Quran, it authenticates whatever I am saying." Rather his reply was;

We would know if a Hadith is authentic or not, we will see the person reporting it. The focus is not what is being said but who is saying it. From there the branch of knowledge 'Ilm al-Rijal' originated.

Salik bai with profound respect, I am content with finding my answers in Quran. It all depends on what we are looking for ......... for an example the other day I was just listening to Verses and translation of those Verses related to Hazrat Suleman and the queen ..... it could have remained similar to any other day where I would have missed the greater message that applies in our world today ..... but with ALLAH's blessings the verses somehow got me thinking ........

  • A supernatural being was shown weaker to a human ....... when Suleman asked who can bring the queen's throne to me. A human can only excel in inventions and scientific discoveries.
  • There is a woman ruling a state or a country or populace ......... and a messenger greets her without having any objections on her role. Those people had more broader vision and their women had more participation
  • There is that architectural marvelous that bewilders a queen
  • And the most important there was mentioning of old civilizations and their remains .... the interesting part was "There are signs in these remains for people with knowledge" ..... now I don't have that knowledge but an archaeologist possesses that knowledge. Proven that alim is not what we have a limited understanding of but people of different trades and fields with expert knowledge.

People can believe in whatever they want, all I believe and try to deepen this belief further .... is that ALLAH's word is flawless and without any contradictions ... and Hazrat Muhammad Peace be upon him is one of ALLAH's messengers, a human with a role and assigned duty.

My contention has always remained that nobody from any and all sects has ever come forward and denied many fairy tales, insults, and contradictions included in books of traditions, they only come forward to defend their sect based on these traditions ... and these fake fairy tales are not only repugnant but against the spirit of Quran's message.
Are you daring enough to do or even watch this?

Not only did we have to get ourselves and our gear across we needed to be very careful not to knock the bamboo off the edge. It barely spanned the gap. Munna is holding the boo so if it slips off our bridge doesn’t wash away into the moulin that is just downstream out of the frame. Delicate.
Broad Peak Base camp water crossing.

Salik bai with profound respect, I am content with finding my answers in Quran. It all depends on what we are looking for ......... for an example the other day I was just listening to Verses and translation of those Verses related to Hazrat Suleman and the queen ..... it could have remained similar to any other day where I would have missed the greater message that applies in our world today ..... but with ALLAH's blessings the verses somehow got me thinking ........

  • A supernatural being was shown weaker to a human ....... when Suleman asked who can bring the queen's throne to me. A human can only excel in inventions and scientific discoveries.
  • There is a woman ruling a state or a country or populace ......... and a messenger greets her without having any objections on her role. Those people had more broader vision and their women had more participation
  • There is that architectural marvelous that bewilders a queen
  • And the most important there was mentioning of old civilizations and their remains .... the interesting part was "There are signs in these remains for people with knowledge" ..... now I don't have that knowledge but an archaeologist possesses that knowledge. Proven that alim is not what we have a limited understanding of but people of different trades and fields with expert knowledge.

People can believe in whatever they want, all I believe and try to deepen this belief further .... is that ALLAH's word is flawless and without any contradictions ... and Hazrat Muhammad Peace be upon him is one of ALLAH's messengers, a human with a role and assigned duty.

My contention has always remained that nobody from any and all sects has ever come forward and denied many fairy tales, insults, and contradictions included in books of traditions, they only come forward to defend their sect based on these traditions ... and these fake fairy tales are not only repugnant but against the spirit of Quran's message.

Ok, what's the spirit of Quran's message?
Ok, what's the spirit of Quran's message?

In nutshell ......... success for every human in all spheres and all dimensions.

Or if I expand on my limited understanding .....

From the beginning to the end ...... Everything that is truth, Everything that is wisdom, Everything that is knowledge, Everything that is equity, Everything that is Just, Everything that is unity, Everything that is humane, Everything that is peace, Everything that is mercy, Everything that is full of kindness, Everything that is forgiveness, Everything that is blessing, Everything that is patience, Everything that is flawless, Everything that is fighting against oppression, slavery and exploitation, Everything that is positive and healthy, Everything that is free will within immutable guidance and countless many .... for the human beings.

It all starts with when concerns and questions were raised on creation of humans "They will spill blood and spread destruction, they will create fitna and fasad ......." the CREATOR had replied "You don't know what I know....." was HE required to defend me in HIS own court in front of HIS other creations? HE is ALL MIGHTY ..... all knowing .... if HE has shared some knowledge with me for my own success .... why shouldn't I listen, read and understand that.
In nutshell ......... success for every human in all spheres and all dimensions.

Or if I expand on my limited understanding .....

From the beginning to the end ...... Everything that is truth, Everything that is wisdom, Everything that is knowledge, Everything that is equity, Everything that is Just, Everything that is unity, Everything that is humane, Everything that is peace, Everything that is mercy, Everything that is full of kindness, Everything that is forgiveness, Everything that is blessing, Everything that is patience, Everything that is flawless, Everything that is fighting against oppression, slavery and exploitation, Everything that is positive and healthy, Everything that is free will within immutable guidance and countless many .... for the human beings.

It all starts with when concerns and questions were raised on creation of humans "They will spill blood and spread destruction, they will create fitna and fasad ......." the CREATOR had replied "You don't know what I know....." was HE required to defend me in HIS own court in front of HIS other creations? HE is ALL MIGHTY ..... all knowing .... if HE has shared some knowledge with me for my own success .... why shouldn't I listen, read and understand that.

You are referring to this conversation between Almighty God and angels as mentioned in the holy Quran;

And [mention, O Muhammad], when your Lord said to the angels, "Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority." They said, "Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we declare Your praise and sanctify You?" Allah said, "Indeed, I know that which you do not know." 2:30

How will you prove that this conversation actually happened and is not a fairy tale?
How will you prove that this conversation actually happened and is not a fairy tale?

The question salik bai is not seeking evidence, proof and confirmation for a conversation ...... but existence of everyone involved in that conversation. Its the matter of belief and this particular question cannot be asked nor answered in isolation as a totally separate happening, without taking into account many other clear signs pointing to existence ...... as I already said .... People can believe whatever they want. By the way Slaik bai the answer to this question may already be in the same book where this conversation is mentioned, possible?

I am not tasked to prove it true........ I am asked to believe it.

Let me now ask you one question ...... based purely on what we Muslims believe and understand.

Can anyone denying Quran's words be a Muslim? and

Can anyone denying traditions be a Muslim? Before you answer this one, please keep in mind every sect has its own set of books and their interpretation ......... but none of the sect can openly and publicly claim their Quran being different from others'.

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