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Sir Jee: Just for my information. What is this VPN and IP address?

VPN or proxy browser helps you to hide your correct location flag. For example, if you are in Pakistan but wanted to see members your location in any other country; VPN or proxy browser can help to change a different flag and mask it. We try our best to let member share correct location for transparency. It further helps into filtering the propaganda or whether disinfo is being spread on the forum.
VPN or proxy browser helps you to hide your correct location flag. For example, if you are in Pakistan but wanted to see members your location in any other country; VPN or proxy browser can help to change a different flag and mask it. We try our best to let member share correct location for transparency. It further helps into filtering the propaganda or whether disinfo is being spread on the forum.
Eagle r u chasing VPNs? That must be tiring as the address space keeps changing. Also IP forwarding will bypass any VPN netting. I am sure u are aware!!!
@The Eagle you changed my flag, that means you know where I am located. Then how can you say that I am trying to hide behind VPN. That's the mentality I hate actually. People of Pakistan are not sheep. And neither slave to anyone.
VPN or proxy browser helps you to hide your correct location flag. For example, if you are in Pakistan but wanted to see members your location in any other country; VPN or proxy browser can help to change a different flag and mask it. We try our best to let member share correct location for transparency. It further helps into filtering the propaganda or whether disinfo is being spread on the forum.

Eagle r u chasing VPNs? That must be tiring as the address space keeps changing. Also IP forwarding will bypass any VPN netting. I am sure u are aware!!!

Actually we have a good system in place to track down on Multiple ID users & habitual trolls creating IDs one after another. To keep it simplified & to help with original members; we do have a procedure to keep an eye on multiple ID trolls. To avoid unjust perma ban, we try our best to keep with correct original flags.

Then how can you say that I am trying to hide behind VPN.

Your location flag was showing Salvador so I had to correct. So instead of getting angry and judging mentality; as the right thing is done, it is about time to get to usual business and not to resort with personal attacks and emotional blackmailing.

Comrade ! You can do better.

Comrade, this is a whatever thread. So whatever.
I honestly do not understand your objection.

If you mean how she comes across aspect, then please explain how are my observations wrong in any way?
Please explain.
When you do, don't forget to remember how she twists things and spreads naked lies. If she is allowed to have opinions, so am I, in a public forum, in a whatever thread. I have not opened a thread to target anyone, this is whatever, general discussion.

I you meant my attraction towards her, then you are being a bit presumptuous. I am a man, I am allowed to have feelings, and express them, as long as I am not being rude, which I was not.
Please explain your objections?

You need to answer my queries to clarify because you have put an unfair assumed blame on me without reason. That's not right.
Comrade, this is a whatever thread. So whatever.
I honestly do not understand your objection.

If you mean how she comes across aspect, then please explain how are my observations wrong in any way?
Please explain.
When you do, don't forget to remember how she twists things and spreads naked lies. If she is allowed to have opinions, so am I, in a public forum, in a whatever thread. I have not opened a thread to target anyone, this is whatever, general discussion.

I you meant my attraction towards her, then you are being a bit presumptuous. I am a man, I am allowed to have feelings, and express them, as long as I am not being rude, which I was not.
Please explain your objections?

You need to answer my queries to clarify because you have put an unfair assumed blame on me without reason. That's not right.

You have misunderstood me. Though yes she is a right-winger hence her tilt to Western government opinion I will ask you to look again at my previous post where I had underlined your statement about you finding her sexy. I wanted you to cast your feelings to better female specimens than her, for example Shikha Thakur, a newsreader and films program presenter at the Indian news channel ABP ( which is though mostly Modi-aligned ) but this girl is quite the doll :
Shikha 1.jpeg

Shikha 2.jpg
You have misunderstood me. Though yes she is a right-winger hence her tilt to Western government opinion I will ask you to look again at my previous post where I had underlined your statement about you finding her sexy. I wanted you to cast your feelings to better female specimens than her, for example Shikha Thakur, a newsreader and films program presenter at the Indian news channel ABP ( which is though mostly Modi-aligned ) but this girl is quite the doll :
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I don't remember a previous post where you mentioned any such things. Perhaps the last time I was on this thread, that's almost year ago. And, these are trivial things.

Yaar, you know with attraction, there are two types, something you find attractive, and something you just want to devour, because it reaches the parts of you that are hard to explain. In her case, its the second part. And, I usually enjoy the second interactions more then the first lol

Let's leave this topic before it enters the realm of being distrustful, which I deliberately try not to do, regarding the opposite sex.

But, thanks for clarifying.
You have misunderstood me. Though yes she is a right-winger hence her tilt to Western government opinion I will ask you to look again at my previous post where I had underlined your statement about you finding her sexy. I wanted you to cast your feelings to better female specimens than her, for example Shikha Thakur, a newsreader and films program presenter at the Indian news channel ABP ( which is though mostly Modi-aligned ) but this girl is quite the doll :
View attachment 818830
View attachment 818839

@jamahir: Now, you are going for sari-clad ladies instead of that "leather-jacket" and "jean" stuff. You have changed you ideology, or rather "poondhiology", it seems. :lol: :lol: :lol:
@jamahir: Now, you are going for sari-clad ladies instead of that "leather-jacket" and "jean" stuff. You have changed you ideology, or rather "poondhiology", it seems. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I am a moderate Communist so there is allowance for variations. :enjoy:
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