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So by which year the Pakistan [emoji1191] armed forces will be 100% Chinese equipped if not already?

Serious replies please. Thanks [emoji108]
We should be optimistic bro.....@Zarvan

Ahmad Albar with his new wife after quite long being alone since his first wife, Rini S Bono married rich guy

So by which year the Pakistan [emoji1191] armed forces will be 100% Chinese equipped if not already?

Serious replies please. Thanks [emoji108]

It depends on two factors:

A) the funds available for replacement and new acquisitions as B) the non-Chinese equipment reaches the end of service life.

Assuming no new Western equipment is available, that would suggest a 2030-40 timeframe.
I am done as well.

Moderators fail or tacticly support these chinese msg laced rabid posts. their insults and anti-muslim posts. These kafir posting and insulting left right center. They are abetting and supporting these maoist dickheads through and throu.

I am done with these kaffir communist mao dick suckers for a lifetime. THis forum clearly supports their work and lets them go.I dont have time to deal with these chinese msg trash. I will handle them in person in with a fucking stick and a rod. We are preparing to march on the chinese consulate here once this covid issues dies.

Anyway, thanks for the time, no longer participating in the rubbish this forum has choosen to become that is a kafir Xi Pooh's dung china worshipping temple.

3 more buried in past 7 days - I am now sworn to fight these Covid spreaders with all my being. Total tally buried by myself now standing at over 17 people. These m.f need to be held accountable.

All we see on this forum is just spam laced bullshit from these paid bots. Hell man, PDFs - get your act together. What can i say - when IK even supports these dogs' attrocities against muslim.

I am leaving with a message for my muslim bros - wake up; sieze the rein - stop blaming east or west - they are both dogs; chart your own course; you were great once and will be again but on your own feet. Stop being slaves to the west or kafir communist chinese.

salams and shaloms and prayers to all muslim for their safety. In same god we believe, in the name of same god we fight.
Salams to all.
one despicable pajeet you are (and always have been), take that guy and aziqbal with you to pooperpower2012 and leave us "kafirs" and "kafir collaborators" in peace.

I bet you were expecting them mods to plead with you not to leave but sometimes bluffing can backfire as can be seen by you being made to wear injun bridal color
salams and shaloms and prayers to all muslim for their safety. In same god we believe, in the name of same god we fight.
Salams to all.
OMG! a fake Jew spotted, anyone cares to guess how he gave himself away? if anybody wants to know PM me
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@Blacklight are you of the opinion that there is a difference between anti-Pakistan terror group TLP and their namesakes across the Durand line?

if so what is the difference (as relating to Pakistan)? please elaborate
@jamahir @aryadravida @kris

Let's build Africa like we are building Afghanistan

Let's build Africa like we are building Afghanistan.

Already there are places worth visiting in Africa.

Currently the best place of the continent is the Kilimanjaro Mountain and it's vicinity.

A shitty Indian movie was shot in Afghanistan. The location symbolized that Indians are building Afghanistan. Later on, a shitty Indian movie was shot in Africa too. That means we will be building Africa too in future.


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