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Zippo, South Vietnam [emoji1264]
God, I'm so sick and tired of this forum. It's gone from a place where a majority would have honest and frank discussions to a place where a few people spam the forum with propaganda.

I'm so tired of it. I'm taking a break. I'll be back eventually, but this might be longer than the last time I took a break, which was about 4ish months.
Yeah, I think I'm done for a while. Came back on, just in case I changed my mind. Nope. Dealing with dumbasses anti-Muslim Chinese members who use coded words to insult Islam, and the gullible pro-China Pakistanis who can't recognize they're being made fun of. I think I'm done for a long while.


Good luck, dude. You're on your own for a while.

Yeah, I think I'm done for a while. Came back on, just in case I changed my mind. Nope. Dealing with dumbasses anti-Muslim Chinese members who use coded words to insult Islam, and the gullible pro-China Pakistanis who can't recognize they're being made fun of. I think I'm done for a long while.


Good luck, dude. You're on your own for a while.

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:lol: bye
Yeah, I think I'm done for a while. Came back on, just in case I changed my mind. Nope. Dealing with dumbasses anti-Muslim Chinese members who use coded words to insult Islam, and the gullible pro-China Pakistanis who can't recognize they're being made fun of. I think I'm done for a long while.


Good luck, dude. You're on your own for a while.

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don’t worry brother I am enough for these anti Islamic trolls

stay Safe and speak to you soon
I never said you drink but I’ve read your replies regarding burka in past threads so know what you promote .

Leaving my comment in the 'Whatever' thread.

So it's a binary to you ? Either the burqa or the mini skirt ? Not a salwar kameez or a jeans and top ?

This is going off topic the thread but you can google where afghan women are active in the Taliban
It’s all on google . Here’s an extract from the times of London :

The Kalashnikov hangs on the wall, hidden beneath a winter coat. Mahmuda, 32, takes it down, pulls up her flowing blue burka and sits cross- legged on the floor. She lays the weapon across her lap, strips it down and begins cleaning the parts. “Be careful,” whispers her sister-in-law Jawida, who sits nearby cradling a baby.
“It’s no problem,” Mahmuda replies. “I know how to do this. My husband taught me so that I can shoot when the enemies come.”

Mahmuda and Jawida are married to Taleban fighters in the restive Ghazni province of Afghanistan, a few hours south of Kabul. They are known as “mujahedda”, the female version of Mujahidin, or holy warriors as the Taleban call themselves.

Then we should wonder how that Afghan policewoman Khatera will react to this Talib woman Mahmuda.

Even in the Syria war there have been a few women fighters on the side of the so-called Syrian rebels and whose exploits were celebrated by Western mainstream media but should these women be celebrated by us ?
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