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A Jewish architect who built Karachi!

Moses Somake (1875-1947) was a prominent architect in undivided India born to a Jewish family in Lahore. His family had earlier lived in Spain and Iraq. Moses spent most of his life in Karachi and designed some of the most beautiful heritage buildings our city boasts of today.

Flagstaff House, BVS Parsi School, Goan Association Hall, Edward House, Mules Mansion are just some of the buildings he designed. Not only that, his portfolio also included a mosque, a Christian club and a school for Zoroastrians. Can we imagine a Jewish architect designing a mosque in present times?

Moses Somake left his practice after he moved out of Karachi. A couple of years ago The Dawood Foundation celebrated him and his contributions towards building Karachi in an exclusive exhibition at TDF Ghar. Few years ago, Rumana Husain included him in her brilliant write-up on Karachi's lost Jews published in Newsline. Moses Somake's grandchildren who live in different parts of the globe were traced and contacted and they were thrilled to hear from people in Karachi who remembered their grandfather and informed them that some of the buildings designed by their grandfather are still intact.

The exhibition on Moses Somake by Dawood Foundation featured reminiscences of his granddaughter Doreen,

"“Papa was a kind and caring person and loved to play games with his grandchildren. His house in London was bombed during World War II. Luckily, he was safe because he had already moved away during the Blitz. Most of his belongings (including many of his papers and designs) were destroyed or badly damaged. He stayed with us in Norwich (where we had evacuated during the war) for some time. After the war, he moved back to London and lived in a hotel. When we returned to London, he came to live with us. He died peacefully on April 6, 1947 in London, from a stroke at our home.”

I do not agree with that. In India high-scoring-in-exams economics graduates have been responsible for farmer suicides and also in China where some months ago a steel factory worker jumped into a steel furnace because he lost the money he had gambled in the stock market.

In India most of the 160,000+ computer science graduates would have diligently prepared for exams, without "cheating", and this would have occurred for more than two decades ( hence about three million of them ), yet none of them were able to devise a single Indian variety of the two fundamental elements in a compute : the microprocessor and the operating system.

Also let's think of the college dropouts in America ( and perhaps other places ) who created wonderful technologies.
Just when you realise that someone has deposited 25 billion Rs in your account.
This time you wronged CIA, they don't even report such obvious lie which can be debunked right away, no media channels are this dumb, not even western media.
There was some ethnic Chinese tweet on the first page. So, i thought some think tank, if not direct CIA, is involved.
@Muhammed45 @jamahir @Indos since the Indonesian thread got deleted i thought to save my post for future references

Indos said:
I think being busted in a room by some one is enough and then after being questioned they admit the wrongdoing, despite they could rejected the idea they do the real zinah (penetration).

For real Zinah, they could get stoning

My friend Indonesian authorities should get theirselves familiar with both the letter and spirit of the Law and not follow their patriarchal instincts / local culture to find scapegoats. To everyone's surprise the basic aim of this law is to primarily protect women from being subjected to patriarchal tyranny and to protect their honor . Moreover to keep the social fabric pure and healthy by discouraging certain bad deeds to be discussed in the public domain hencewhy the requirement of 4 credible witnesses if someone accuses a woman of being ------.


Man who accused wife of adultery gets 80 lashes
Saudi court faults husband for failing to produce four witnesses to support his claim

Indos said:
For real Zinah, they could get stoning

Thats for already married guys engaging in consensual sex with other than their legal spouse , but we still need 4 credible testimonies to the extent that the witnesses have actually seen the penetration with their own eyes.

Besides the qazi/judge shall appoint a committee etc under the doctrine of tazkia tushahood to investigate about the moral credentials of the witnesses in their own locality and if any single one of them got an adverse report about their charcater and the judge found such report compelling to not to accept his testimony every single one of them is going to get 80 lashes and will be barred from giving testimony in any matter for the rest of their lives --------- There's also another aspect to it which is the supremacy of rule of law, if a man or woman gets proven guilty after all the procedural intricacies have been exhausted then it becomes a matter between The Lord Almighty and the people . No matter what the punishment has to be carried on, any attempt to save the convict based on his/her status or influence gonna draw Allah swt wrath upon that nation.

Other than that even if the couple lying naked on each other stoning or whipping couldn't be awarded. However they could be prosecuted under the penal law of the land ------- and Allah swt knows best

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