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Already there are places worth visiting in Africa.

Currently the best place of the continent is the Kilimanjaro Mountain and it's vicinity.

There is the Atlas mountain range. And there are the grass lands / bush of Southern Africa.

A shitty Indian movie was shot in Afghanistan.

The one with John Abraham ?

Later on, a shitty Indian movie was shot in Africa too.

Which one ?
I don't know much about CPEC. You will have to explain your post.
It's strange that you claim such knowledge and deep understanding of Indian economic, social and political system but feign ignorance about CPEC.

@Blacklight are you of the opinion that there is a difference between anti-Pakistan terror group TLP and their namesakes across the Durand line?

if so what is the difference (as relating to Pakistan)? please elaborate

thanks, shall await eagerly!
Dear Sir,

Thank you for inquiring as to what my opinion is. I'm curious, why me?

Nonetheless Sir, on various occasion I have found you to be right on target, hence a sense of respect already exists. I hope that me disagreeing with your analysis of Afg Taliban vs TTP will be taken with the right spirit.

My understanding is that Afgh Taliban, despite the friction at the moment, are Pakistan friendly. In the Afghanistan context Pakistan's best bet. As you might be well aware that they grew from Pakistan, but today a more educated leadership is in place, and they are much more dynamic, and savy. Hence why the current friction.

On the other hand, TTP is a foreign funded anti-state terrorist organization. whose terror links have been well established, with NDS and RAW. Their only goal is to destabilize Pakistan.

With Afgh Taliban, gaining control over Afg, thier days are numbered. PA should use this as opportunity to go into overdrive and weed them out and neutralize this threat forever.

A more important issue that should be addressed is how these groups operate, and the weaknesses they exploit.

@PanzerKiel Pls feel free to add / comment on the above.

Kind Regards
I go further.. Even if Afghan taliban consider TTP friend, we shouldn't make AT an enemy, Why?
Because we made friends with the US and AT never attacked Pak, but TTP did. So, as a goodwill gesture we mustn't make AT an enemy.

So, even Afghan Taliban gives shelter to TTP due to religious/ethnic/tradition ground, we must respect the decision of AT, but make them clear that they will be wiped out in Pakistan soil, and they would not cross the borers.
I go further.. Even if Afghan taliban consider TTP friend, we shouldn't make AT an enemy, Why?
Because we made friends with the US and AT never attacked Pak, but TTP did. So, as a goodwill gesture we mustn't make AT an enemy.

So, even Afghan Taliban gives shelter to TTP due to religious/ethnic/tradition ground, we must respect the decision of AT, but make them clear that they will be wiped out in Pakistan soil, and they would not cross the borers.
Letting TTP exist, means sooner or later they will be indulging in nefarious activities, which Afg Taliban wont tolerate either.

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