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Can you please elaborate on that point

Here are the numbers though...

View attachment 659373

Pakistan 64.4 tons

Frankly, the numbers for the US doesn't matter regardless the share of gold to forex... since, it is all in dollars so the US doest need anyother currencies.

To a degree it is also true for Eurozone... since, Euro is also has share of Reserve Currency... to smaller degree JP... China has the lowest % of all major economies desptie being second in GDP.. but that is PRC policy...

I am not sure about the net physical gold in China... however, EU/ECB policy has been to have 10% gold to gdp for each EU central bank.. hence, the NL sold some gold... France did too.

Now coming to your question of Futures.. its is just paper-trade..sepculations... mostly no physical gold changes hands but currencies do... unless someone calls in... and asks for physical gold... depends on the Contract.

This happens in all commodities... as you have seen US shale was given free...when the contract of futures trading expired...

Recent surge in Oil is the same...

50% of the physical gold is in consumers/private hands... rest spread all over from central banks to investment/private banks to traders/hoarders...

All this gold going up $2000 and then falling back was this paper-trade..where some took profit and the gold came back to $1900+ same for Silver.

Just for example.. dig up Apple's revenue and profits for past 5 years and its Valuation in the market or MarketCap... does it make sense to you?
I am not sure about the net physical gold in China... however, EU/ECB policy has been to have 10% gold to gdp for each EU central bank.. hence, the NL sold some gold... France did too.
Just a quick one china had plans to increase its reserves from sub 1000 tons to 1600 tons by 2020 (report is dated 5 years back) and change, but then i read another report that china intends to increase its reserves to 8,500 tons. Imagine that sh*t
Just a quick one china had plans to increase its reserves from sub 1000 tons to 1600 tons by 2020 (report is dated 5 years back) and change, but then i read another report that china intends to increase its reserves to 8,500 tons. Imagine that sh*t

Chinese gold is a mystery... I mean within PBoC... but Shanghai GoldMarket has been booming since the public was encouraged to own gold...

My only concern is OurGold... hopefully, instead of selling it abroad we will do 60/40... first part for SPB and rest for Paks to own value.

On a serious note... China would require more gold than EU/Europe ...which the biggest gold holder... not the US!
Yes, yes...we all think we're Clint Eastwood - that is until we hit something called: The Wall

Good Luck to you. And looking forward to your suffering. Don't take it personally, but its a kinda like, "Welcome to the Club" - "Your days of happiness are numbered".
I have learnt the story of “Fall of Berlin wall” by heart.
Unless I encounter Great wall of china, I am well :enjoy:
Clearly the US economy is headed for a huge crash as multiple bubbles burst. Why not invest in areas of the world with more secure fundamentals?

Sir jee of course the US economy is heading for a crash and the writing is pretty much on the wall for a decade and so may be more, but crash is the time to buy and hold not the other way round.

Majority of the investors sell in a panic, but people with my kind of background find times like this as opportunity for long term positions. I would still prefer the US because I know the laws, the corners, the opportunities. It doesn't mean that I have not invested else where. I do off an on, depending on time equities, metals at times options (rarely), farming, but I do consider myself somewhat better in metals. Made 11% in less than a month dollar terms from Pakistan equity market very recently, more than 20% in the last qtr in US equities. Not gloating but stating few facts, it can be done. As I mentioned elsewhere risk management is not to eliminate the risk, its there to manage the risk. I have a different risk appetite.
Sir jee of course the US economy is heading for a crash and the writing is pretty much on the wall for a decade and so may be more, but crash is the time to buy and hold not the other way round.

Majority of the investors sell in a panic, but people with my kind of background find times like this as opportunity for long term positions. I would still prefer the US because I know the laws, the corners, the opportunities. It doesn't mean that I have not invested else where. I do off an on, depending on time equities, metals at times options (rarely), farming, but I do consider myself somewhat better in metals. Made 11% in less than a month dollar terms from Pakistan equity market very recently, more than 20% in the last qtr in US equities. Not gloating but stating few facts, it can be done. As I mentioned elsewhere risk management is not to eliminate the risk, its there to manage the risk. I have a different risk appetite.

O yaar... looks like you are coming back in form! I am happy to see this... May Allah bless you with health and vigour of the mind!

Now as we were discussing the BaseEcosystem of the FinancialisedCapitalism is under massive stress.. look at the infographic below... Shale went belly up due extreme leverage and roll-over tactics... is it also with the BigFarma?

Whats with trend today on twitter? SindhNotAColonyIK ?? @Zibago @Areesh @AgNoStiC MuSliM @Moonlight @Arsalan


A discussion underway in some power corridors that Karachi to become federal territory separated from Sind and Hyderabad to become capital of sind.

What would happen to those who have been looting Karachi for over a decade, its the damn cash cow hence media cells have been activated.;)

Knowing the precarious legal position of some parties, the only safe way to express frustration is either social media or to activate terrorist cells and of course the villain is "Punjabi" not Pee Pee

Although other may have their own views.
Most probably, PPP social media team grabbed their keyboards because the intervention in cleaning Karachi. Also, Karachi businessmen have requested to let army control this city for next 5 years.
Well they are doing a shit job at that too. Just a bunch of incoherent gibberish. Same pics and tweets word to word keeps coming up under different names.
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