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hahahaha it came from nowhere. But i like Sheikh Imran Hossein. Great man
hahahaha it came from nowhere. But i like Sheikh Imran Hossein. Great man

I knew him brother, very closely. Learned from him directly, read all his books, then he broke off with my teacher Dr. Israr Ahmad, who told him to do Hifz, study basics, and get ijazah.

Since then he has been making very bold and offensive statements. I don't have time to go over every single point, it has been discussed many times here and even admin don't allow his stuff to be posted here,, but suffice to say, avoid this man at all costs.


When I correlate above chart with this one, I could simply scratch my head and say well somebody/some nation is being really really stupid. This industry cannot survive without China's mammoth consumption appetite. One of the reason's Qualcom is lobbying in USA to restart supply of its SoC to Huawei.

Global semiconductor market share by region 2003-2019.png
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Great to have you back bro. Hope you had a wonderful trip. :pakistan:
I went to almost every town/city north of Multan. I even had to go to Karachi for [12 hours] business reasons. ISB 2 Karachi Jinnah and back in one day. My views have not drastically changed but merely slightly modified and with some reinforced. I stand better in making comments now with this "refresh" on matters relating to PK.
I went to almost every town/city north of Multan. I even had to go to Karachi for [12 hours] business reasons. ISB 2 Karachi Jinnah and back in one day. My views have not drastically changed but merely slightly modified and with some reinforced. I stand better in making comments now with this "refresh" on matters relating to PK.

I haven't been to Pakistan in close to 6 years and with relations with family sorta strained now your input on the situation there would be great how is the progress with CPEC and the general mood of the public post covid
I went to almost every town/city north of Multan. I even had to go to Karachi for [12 hours] business reasons. ISB 2 Karachi Jinnah and back in one day. My views have not drastically changed but merely slightly modified and with some reinforced. I stand better in making comments now with this "refresh" on matters relating to PK.

How was Karachi? Did you see any CPEC projects going on?
I knew him brother, very closely. Learned from him directly, read all his books, then he broke off with my teacher Dr. Israr Ahmad, who told him to do Hifz, study basics, and get ijazah.

Since then he has been making very bold and offensive statements. I don't have time to go over every single point, it has been discussed many times here and even admin don't allow his stuff to be posted here,, but suffice to say, avoid this man at all costs.

Wow, that sounds interesting. I really wanna know more about what happened there between them.

You know how I started off on my path was quite interesting. I started off as a radical. when i was a kid, i was only into playing nd having fun. No prayers or anything. It seemed to difficult for sum reason. But I remember as a kid, looking onto the telly watching Saddam Hussein Firing his shot gun in the air. That fascinated me. He was a muslim leader and from Iraq so I was fascinated. And at that time there was a lot of tension going on with America, so I watched on. I knew nothing about America or Bush or wat they were doing but sumthing told me that there was a huge conspiracy against ppl with whom I had a common origin in terms of faith, watever faith was for an 8 yrs old. All I knew was that them ppl followed the same God that my family followed, nd that they were in danger.

So yeah, I watched on with intrigue, looked straight into the Iraqi tough guy propaganda with big open eyes with full faith that the Americans wud be routed by these tough badass arabs. And then the whole thing started, still being an 8 yrs old I wanted the Americans to be defeated , sumthing told me this was gunna be hugely significant in the history of the Muslim world. I didnt kno why I felt it since I cud only name perhaps two Arab countries at the time (Iraq, nd ofcourse Saudi Arabia, even mentioning this traitorous country is difficult) . But anyways, I felt that was a historic event that cud change all of our future in a way, so I eagerly followed the action on TV. Soon my hope and optimism went up in flames as I saw the first day of action with heavy bombing of Baghdad. And we all know wat happened after.

It was kinda surprising even to me why I gave a damn about wat happened to those ppl. Since growing up there were not many signs to suggest that I was in any way, shape or form gifted with any special affiliation with God or his community. Growing up as kid, while watching the National TV news broadcast during dinner with my family, I only looked at the Middle East report, While holding a newspaper, only read the news with the photo that had the picture of a Palestinian resistance fighter, and obviously the news of an Israeli attack along with it. There were no other signs of the transformation that was to come down the lines.

There was a very dark phase in my teenage which lasted for about 5 yrs. It was very very dark. But even in that dark phase there were moments that kinda surprised me about my own emotions towards things. Specifically about the muslim community and the world and their future in the world. Those thoughts and emotions were not supposed to manifest as they did cuz I was going through an extremely lawless phase that was induced by sum issues caused by others, nd those extreme emotions or affiliation towards god and his community did surprise me cuz i was extremely lawless. And those thought and emotions were out of place for the lifestyle I had.

And then there was a phase of trouble, in which I got to learn about everything, about the nature of all things, philosophy and metaphysics and also Kabbalah. But that phase started initially with a radical ideology and then it took off.
Wow, that sounds interesting. I really wanna know more about what happened there between them.

You know how I started off on my path was quite interesting. I started off as a radical. when i was a kid, i was only into playing nd having fun. No prayers or anything. It seemed to difficult for sum reason. But I remember as a kid, looking onto the telly watching Saddam Hussein Firing his shot gun in the air. That fascinated me. He was a muslim leader and from Iraq so I was fascinated. And at that time there was a lot of tension going on with America, so I watched on. I knew nothing about America or Bush or wat they were doing but sumthing told me that there was a huge conspiracy against ppl with whom I had a common origin in terms of faith, watever faith was for an 8 yrs old. All I knew was that them ppl followed the same God that my family followed, nd that they were in danger.

So yeah, I watched on with intrigue, looked straight into the Iraqi tough guy propaganda with big open eyes with full faith that the Americans wud be routed by these tough badass arabs. And then the whole thing started, still being an 8 yrs old I wanted the Americans to be defeated , sumthing told me this was gunna be hugely significant in the history of the Muslim world. I didnt kno why I felt it since I cud only name perhaps two Arab countries at the time (Iraq, nd ofcourse Saudi Arabia, even mentioning this traitorous country is difficult) . But anyways, I felt that was a historic event that cud change all of our future in a way, so I eagerly followed the action on TV. Soon my hope and optimism went up in flames as I saw the first day of action with heavy bombing of Baghdad. And we all know wat happened after.

It was kinda surprising even to me why I gave a damn about wat happened to those ppl. Since growing up there were not many signs to suggest that I was in any way, shape or form gifted with any special affiliation with God or his community. Growing up as kid, while watching the National TV news broadcast during dinner with my family, I only looked at the Middle East report, While holding a newspaper, only read the news with the photo that had the picture of a Palestinian resistance fighter, and obviously the news of an Israeli attack along with it. There were no other signs of the transformation that was to come down the lines.

There was a very dark phase in my teenage which lasted for about 5 yrs. It was very very dark. But even in that dark phase there were moments that kinda surprised me about my own emotions towards things. Specifically about the muslim community and the world and their future in the world. Those thoughts and emotions were not supposed to manifest as they did cuz I was going through an extremely lawless phase that was induced by sum issues caused by others, nd those extreme emotions or affiliation towards god and his community did surprise me cuz i was extremely lawless. And those thought and emotions were out of place for the lifestyle I had.

And then there was a phase of trouble, in which I got to learn about everything, about the nature of all things, philosophy and metaphysics and also Kabbalah. But that phase started initially with a radical ideology and then it took off.

Thanks for sharing brother. I feel like your experiences mimick much of the Muslim diaspora in the West.

We had a long period of dormancy, until we were forced out of our slumber to make sense of an increasingly hostile world around us. This hostility seemed to come from no where, but then when you study Western history, you can see it has been a part of their civilization from the beginning.

As for me, 2001 say the exodus of many Pakistanis from our community. Witchhunts by the government against Pakistani immigrants became common place as NYC became inhospitable and forced Pakistani Americans to leave the city. Half of our people left the US altogether due to not being about to politically and spiritually accept invasion of our cousins in Afghanistan.

That is probably the biggest event of my childhood (the portion I spent in the US,) because other than that I grew up in Faisalabad, Lahore, and my lovely village not too far Away.
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