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You are strawmanning me, I didn't said what you are putting in my mouth.
On another note, atrocities on lower castes happen in Pakistan too.
And how is a rape and murder case associated with caste?
And that boy looks more "higher castes" than your so called brahmins.

Great a bleeding evangelican website..

A Syed repeatedly slapping a murshid

@jamahir @Cliftonite Stop strawmanning me, I didn't said caste system doesn't exist, lol. I am biggest exposer and opponent of that on this forum and primarily calls it out when other Indian "liberal members" refuse to believe my claims but caste exists in Pakstan too, that too in a very bad shape but it's not documented as much as in India.

@jamahir Read these articles too,
A peer slapping a mureed is casteism at work? Too retarded to know there have been several non syed peers? Even Bullah Shahs peer was an Arian.. several shrines of non syed peers exist in Pak..

Sufi Barkat Ali Sb


Even he was an arian.
You are strawmanning me, I didn't said what you are putting in my mouth.
On another note, atrocities on lower castes happen in Pakistan too.

And gem comment on the PDF.

A Syed repeatedly slapping a murshid

The first is the rape and murder of a minor which you crassly tried to use as a caste issue. Btw, I haven't been able to find the details of this case anywhere else. Then is a case of religious intolerance. The last is a feudal lord using his feudal and political power to assault another man. What does any of that have to do with a caste system?

ps: Don't post insensitive material here. I've removed it from your post.
Okay guys I am leaving for Pakistan today evening. It;s going to be London, Paris, Istanbul and Islamabad flights. Spending few days in Paris. So with COVID-19 pandemic and everything I have been warned about the dangers. However what needs to be done in Pakistan needs doing and I have to bite the bullet. PDF is a strange place. It's like you know many people but you don't know them at the same time. But we human being are funny creatures. We even build up social bonds in a abstract world of internet. A virtual reality I guess. So to all here. Including those who I have abused I ask for forgiveness. That particularly includes my Muhajir brothers. It includes Indians, Turks, Chinese and all other nationalties. Most of all it includes that young man @Yankee-stani

All you guys be safe and see you when I get back. Although this is a business trip but I will be taking pictures and will upload them here along with my thoughts. I actually look forward to seeing the new Islamabad airport.

@PAKISTANFOREVER @Mangus Ortus Novem @Joe Shearer @Nilgiri @KediKesenFare @PakSword @waz @Vergennes and all the others
Okay guys I am leaving for Pakistan today evening. It;s going to be London, Paris, Istanbul and Islamabad flights. Spending few days in Paris. So with COVID-19 pandemic and everything I have been warned about the dangers. However what needs to be done in Pakistan needs doing and I have to bite the bullet. PDF is a strange place. It's like you know many people but you don't know them at the same time. But we human being are funny creatures. We even build up social bonds in a abstract world of internet. A virtual reality I guess. So to all here. Including those who I have abused I ask for forgiveness. That particularly includes my Muhajir brothers. It includes Indians, Turks, Chinese and all other nationalties. Most of all it includes that young man @Yankee-stani

All you guys be safe and see you when I get back. Although this is a business trip but I will be taking pictures and will upload them here along with my thoughts. I actually look forward to seeing the new Islamabad airport.

@PAKISTANFOREVER @Mangus Ortus Novem @Joe Shearer @Nilgiri @KediKesenFare @PakSword @waz @Vergennes and all the others

Much love bro. Enjoy your trip and stay safe Inshallah. Will be making dua for you.....:pakistan:

Look forward to your return Inshallah.
Okay guys I am leaving for Pakistan today evening. It;s going to be London, Paris, Istanbul and Islamabad flights. Spending few days in Paris. So with COVID-19 pandemic and everything I have been warned about the dangers. However what needs to be done in Pakistan needs doing and I have to bite the bullet. PDF is a strange place. It's like you know many people but you don't know them at the same time. But we human being are funny creatures. We even build up social bonds in a abstract world of internet. A virtual reality I guess. So to all here. Including those who I have abused I ask for forgiveness. That particularly includes my Muhajir brothers. It includes Indians, Turks, Chinese and all other nationalties. Most of all it includes that young man @Yankee-stani

All you guys be safe and see you when I get back. Although this is a business trip but I will be taking pictures and will upload them here along with my thoughts. I actually look forward to seeing the new Islamabad airport.

@PAKISTANFOREVER @Mangus Ortus Novem @Joe Shearer @Nilgiri @KediKesenFare @PakSword @waz @Vergennes and all the others
Have a safe trip man..
Okay guys I am leaving for Pakistan today evening. It;s going to be London, Paris, Istanbul and Islamabad flights. Spending few days in Paris. So with COVID-19 pandemic and everything I have been warned about the dangers. However what needs to be done in Pakistan needs doing and I have to bite the bullet. PDF is a strange place. It's like you know many people but you don't know them at the same time. But we human being are funny creatures. We even build up social bonds in a abstract world of internet. A virtual reality I guess. So to all here. Including those who I have abused I ask for forgiveness. That particularly includes my Muhajir brothers. It includes Indians, Turks, Chinese and all other nationalties. Most of all it includes that young man @Yankee-stani

All you guys be safe and see you when I get back. Although this is a business trip but I will be taking pictures and will upload them here along with my thoughts. I actually look forward to seeing the new Islamabad airport.

@PAKISTANFOREVER @Mangus Ortus Novem @Joe Shearer @Nilgiri @KediKesenFare @PakSword @waz @Vergennes and all the others

My prayers are with you my dear brother. Hope all goes well, I look forward to your safe return.
Okay guys I am leaving for Pakistan today evening. It;s going to be London, Paris, Istanbul and Islamabad flights. Spending few days in Paris. So with COVID-19 pandemic and everything I have been warned about the dangers. However what needs to be done in Pakistan needs doing and I have to bite the bullet. PDF is a strange place. It's like you know many people but you don't know them at the same time. But we human being are funny creatures. We even build up social bonds in a abstract world of internet. A virtual reality I guess. So to all here. Including those who I have abused I ask for forgiveness. That particularly includes my Muhajir brothers. It includes Indians, Turks, Chinese and all other nationalties. Most of all it includes that young man @Yankee-stani

All you guys be safe and see you when I get back. Although this is a business trip but I will be taking pictures and will upload them here along with my thoughts. I actually look forward to seeing the new Islamabad airport.

@PAKISTANFOREVER @Mangus Ortus Novem @Joe Shearer @Nilgiri @KediKesenFare @PakSword @waz @Vergennes and all the others

Have a safe trip and take care of yourself. Please use masks, gloves and a lot of disinfectant to protect yourself from the virus.

Try staying in a hotel in Pakistan otherwise the family is going to swamp you.

Plus, use sunglasses to shield your eyes.
Okay guys I am leaving for Pakistan today evening. It;s going to be London, Paris, Istanbul and Islamabad flights. Spending few days in Paris. So with COVID-19 pandemic and everything I have been warned about the dangers. However what needs to be done in Pakistan needs doing and I have to bite the bullet. PDF is a strange place. It's like you know many people but you don't know them at the same time. But we human being are funny creatures. We even build up social bonds in a abstract world of internet. A virtual reality I guess. So to all here. Including those who I have abused I ask for forgiveness. That particularly includes my Muhajir brothers. It includes Indians, Turks, Chinese and all other nationalties. Most of all it includes that young man @Yankee-stani

All you guys be safe and see you when I get back. Although this is a business trip but I will be taking pictures and will upload them here along with my thoughts. I actually look forward to seeing the new Islamabad airport.

@PAKISTANFOREVER @Mangus Ortus Novem @Joe Shearer @Nilgiri @KediKesenFare @PakSword @waz @Vergennes and all the others

  1. Have a GREAT flight. Outward and inward.
  2. Enjoy Stamboul.When you sit sipping your coffee staring at the Bosporus, think of the poor unfortunates who sit staring at the Musi.
  3. Stay safe. When told Pakistan was created as a homeland for the <insert special group>, nod amiably and agree.
  4. Stay away from PDF. It will cause suspicion and possible police intervention when total strangers find you bursting out in laughter while staring at an online forum.
  5. Stay away from the police.Generally, in South Asia, they are the human personification of a covid-19 virus.
  6. Stay away from the virus. Generally, in South Asia, they are the viral personification of a policeman.
  7. Get home as quick as you can.
All the best, you have the backing of the cosmic effects of the good wishes you have got and will get.
Really look forward to this great city. My rig for the sunny Mediteranean. Should work in Pakistan as well.

Linen, I see, and you're going with the line, rather than the cut. Yes, with casual pale yellow slip-ons (Cordoba, please, not burgundy), an off-white linen shirt, perhaps a Hermes scarf, the customary celebrity shades, and you're up and running, you babe-magnet, you.
Fairly obviously, the gear on the right with the faintly martial air is for the mild climes of Pakistan, with a subtle change of footwear to double-strapped Monks, to ensure that people don't think you can't afford what is familiar to them as posh footwear, the other for the rest of the less dusty world.
Thanks for reminding me of this one. Or I would be coming back in a body bag. And that would be not because of the Chinus Virus. But the bearded virus which is far more lethal.

I am okay with cops. My family and wider clan have a attraction toward careers in military [army actually], police and the legal profession. That even applies in UK. Got brother in police. Before 1940s it was 100% army and as simple soldiers. But as education permeated thinks took off. Now I have middle rank officers, senior police officers and people in the lower judsiciary. So should be fine.

I was brought up by them. My father was one of the last of the Imperial Police. Remind me some time to tell you how the British cops tested him when he was sent to Scotland Yard for a three month orientation programme.
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