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Aman Ki Asha will only happen once Kashmir is handed back to Pakistan and all the descendants of the d*gras are publicly executed, cities in UP and Bihar with a significant number of Muslims are turned into free cities, Holy Roman Empire style, Nagpur is razed, and every RSS member from volunteer to the chief is hanged. Other Pakistanis will likely be much more demanding than me.

In other words, it will NEVER happen.
See this Halfmoon chutiya's history pretending to be a ISIS-type-Muslim,
Here he calls Muslims terrorists and threatens to kill all Muslims
Here he thinks Pakistan is running terror camps :
Here he wants Kashi and other controversial mosques to be broken like Babri Masjid :

This deranged Sanghi chutiya took a break then came to troll like a Kuffar-hating Shari'a-loving Muslim "traitor".. His old history is very different than what he claims now!
@xeuss @jamahir @Joe Shearer @padamchen @Nilu Pule, tag others too...

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