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Your management is on records manifestly stating this as the purpose of this forum.
so being Pak positive is wrong? Interesting...

My views are well known and I have no reason to hide them since I stand by them.
True but bitching abt it is kinda a new low

Such one sided portrayals are never believable.
Well, they are not for you and maybe even the forum, then why hang around for years?

Giving hope is the 1st stand a citizen can take for their nation at a time of war...For Pakistan has been at war forever.....and sadly it isnt democracy that came to save us...Sure not everyone makes right decisions but neither do democratic elected leaders ...no one is always right! But constantly bashing 1 point repeatedly hoping to gain a different outcome isnt really the sign of sanity!

Secondly, this is abt a nation you claim to love! IF you love it...you will also respect the choice we in Pakistan made for OUR people and nation! We are living here, we know ground realities and we know what we want...You are outside, ran away from the torture and pain we all have to suffer, we have no escape so we will decide what is best for us! Coz we are here to stay!

As for your honest criticism...if they are from the dark levels of hell, spare us we already live in hell! :enjoy:
is that in lbs?
Here is in both lbs and kg

Then may be for the time being you should be watchful of your eating habits only, later when you get a balanced routine you may introduce some sorts of physical training.

Galay milo phir bai ho apnay. Yeh Super Asia ka water cooler bai ka hua.

Exercise or dieting?
True enough
Why must love for Pakistan automatically imply hatred for Indians? We need to communicate with everyone with mutual respect.
No it doesnt imply that...but what you do with the indians is what matters :enjoy:

I have plenty of indian friends ...Have even helped a fellow indian with financial issues he had - and he was very grateful but I didnt ask him for anything coz that is how I am- human first!
But every time he talked abt Pakistan/ our armies/ people / situation (he was passionate abt his army) I wouldnt allow him to cross the line and he soon learnt that was a line not to cross...

You dont have to cross lines to show your friendship for an indian!

You may think that as your opinion. I only go by the facts.

The Army continues to act in an illegal manner to the detriment of Pakistan, no doubt about it, and it is their actions that have given rise to the militias as the inevitable reaction.

Suppressing my, or anyone else's views, will never remove this threat, mark my words.
We as a nation really have no problems! I am not sure why Americans and West has a problem--

I can only guess coz when their armies took over - it was pure dictatorship and mass murders! Genocidal level!

From ancient history coup d'e'tat were for religious and political powers! And I guess that has left bad taste or traumatized them into equating all coups to be the same?!


If you read history, ALL coups have been disasterous! Hence they prob equate ours in the same microscopic narrow tunnel vision?! Not one coup have led to the country flourishing with NO mass murder like in Pakistan (ours never hit mass murder let alone genocidal tendencies!) I dont see any Western power acting similarly to say Thailand or Cambodia or Myanmar as it does with Pakistan

I have always supported that Pakistan must be what a majority of its people want it to be, whatever that might be.
the heavens have spoken:

Majority of us love pak army

Dr. Therepy keeping @VCheng occupied. Join you guys soon ...
Would you like some tea and join us? :coffee:
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