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I have tried to stop such arguments for years, and have failed every time. Yes, I know it is stupid of me to continue and try nonetheless.

Would also appreciate if you stop saying bad abt Pakistan on a different platform...After all no matter which platform, Allah is still watching ;)
You are mistaken. My honest and fair criticisms of what is happening in Pakistan and who is doing it has nothing to do with my love for Pakistan. Confusing the two is a time honored tactic used by dishonest people trying to stamp out dissent.
I read your posts on the other platform ;)
You seem to think this forum trying to portray Pakistan in a positive light is deemed as an "agenda"

For example, any argument that says "the Army should follow the law" is immediately attacked as being "anti-Army". Or advocating the separation of religion and state is immediately attacked as being anti-Islam.
It is because MOST of us do think Army is following the law...disentangling the two as separate shows you dont think so...And that is a threat - such thinking has caused the rise of militia and other rebels!

How can any sane person counter-act such deeply ingrained knee-jerk Pavlovian conditioning of an entire nation with nuclear weapons?
Who does that?

But crying this notion to an indian on a platform run by an indian - Well that is a whole new level of "love for Pakistan"
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