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In return, I must ask you if you have ever read Tariq Ali's "Islam Quintet" which is a series of five books that use part-fiction to describe Muslim history over the centuries.


Not yet bro, but I do have read short story of Islam written by Karen Armstrong. I also recommend this book to you. Have you read those five books bro ?

I have not read the fifth - Night of the Golden Butterfly.

The first four I read some years ago.

Fifth series of book seems to much for me :(, the book that have long series that I can actually finish reading until forth or five series is Harry Potter :D
Fifth series of book seems to much for me :(, the book that have long series that I can actually finish reading until forth or five series is Harry Potter :D

Well, the first four that I read had large font size so it wasn't a strain on the brain and eyes.

I recommend the series. :-)
I don't happen to have a diet plan for myself ............ :(

I just try avoiding eating from outside as much as I can, and have quit taking most of the oily, sugary items. Gym plus correcting the eating habits has worked so far for me.
Dammit there is no shortcut

Hi, just want to know if thats you that has joined my discord server (someone calling themself dubious joined).

Also if its not you, would you be interested to debate/discuss certain things with Indus Pak there...he has been asking me if you are interested as he wants a 3rd party neutral setting etc.

If you are interested, I can give you a join link.
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