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@Retired Troll @Valar.

Sachi Tharak...
It is not a valid argument as you are basing it on a false premise that Islam spread only due to Umayyad strategies/policies.

well it did lol; you can already see the results by looking at Islamic History. Hazrat Muawiya R.A. helped build the first fleets for the new conquerors, without him the ships needed to attack Constantinople & control E. Mediterranean would have taken a long time to be built.

On the other hand, the Umayyad made a lasting dynasty in Spain. Who else could have, if not them?

The Abbasids didn't push the boundaries of Islam like the Umayyads, they didn't even push North into Russia, or East into India/China. Islam only spread in Indo-China because of merchants & also in Southern India.

Muhammad bin Qasim helped with the conquest of Sindh under the Umayyads.

Look at the map below, so many ways could the Abbasids have push.


Now look at the Umayyad Caliphate:


Clearly the Abbasids lost a lot of territory & could have also pushed south, deeper into Africa. I blame the Umayyads & the Abbasids for not pushing Islam further into Africa. Nowadays, we have most of Southern Africa under Christian majority. How it could have been averted if Muslims were united...

Just for lol's:


Forum rules were broken

No, they were not.
It's 'whatever' thread and we were just casually discussing a few things here,

I believe you are the first one to tag the entire moderation team in 'whatever' thread.
Whining about a perceived violation of rules.
Get a life, troll
its called devotion to cause

assume much.

i say it was Love

First comes tharak...
then comes mutual tharak...
then come mutual understanding of each others' tharak...
which then after sometime becomes love...
No, they were not.
It's 'whatever' thread and we were just casually discussing a few things here,

I believe you are the first one to tag the entire moderation team in 'whatever' thread.
Whining about a perceived violation of rules.
Get a life, troll

this thread is not beyond moderation
this thread is not beyond moderation

Get a life, troll
you are mentally sick

well it did lol; you can already see the results by looking at Islamic History. Hazrat Muawiya R.A. helped build the first fleets for the new conquerors, without him the ships needed to attack Constantinople & control E. Mediterranean would have taken a long time to be built.

On the other hand, the Umayyad made a lasting dynasty in Spain. Who else could have, if not them?

The Abbasids didn't push the boundaries of Islam like the Umayyads, they didn't even push North into Russia, or East into India/China. Islam only spread in Indo-China because of merchants & also in Southern India.

Muhammad bin Qasim helped with the conquest of Sindh under the Umayyads.

Look at the map below, so many ways could the Abbasids have push.


Now look at the Umayyad Caliphate:


Clearly the Abbasids lost a lot of territory & could have also pushed south, deeper into Africa. I blame the Umayyads & the Abbasids for not pushing Islam further into Africa. Nowadays, we have most of Southern Africa under Christian majority. How it could have been averted if Muslims were united...

Just for lol's:



Invalid argument,
but later
No, they were not.
It's 'whatever' thread and we were just casually discussing a few things here,

I believe you are the first one to tag the entire moderation team in 'whatever' thread.
Whining about a perceived violation of rules.
Get a life, troll

@Retired Troll he has an excellent point. This is whatever. Whatever goes here goes. :D

You can simply ignore what's written here if you don't like it. :tup:
First comes tharak...
then comes mutual tharak...
then come mutual understanding of each others' tharak...
which then after sometime becomes love...


i was only gonna say only Love can be so cruel to wait for death to uncock cockblock.

for an agnostic your acceptance of Love is surprising.
Get a life, troll
you are mentally sick

says a guy obsessed about discussing Religion

@Retired Troll he has an excellent point. This is whatever. Whatever goes here goes. :D

You can simply ignore what's written here if you don't like it. :tup:

the thread is not beyond Moderation.

the thread is about just random discussions or offshoot topics.

Forum rules apply here like any other thread
Not only plastic bags, we even reuse gift wrappers.
And ofcourse old t shirt becomes saafi and old towel becomes pocha :D

I do the same. :D and I’m not even ashamed accepting it

i disagree.

example: Karachi

most of the World actually sell their waste to Africa which is a humanitarian crisis which keeps getting ignored.

however asians horde everything from salt, sugar, rubber bands and fancy plastic bags

it wasnt me - shaggy

You are a well known troll :D
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