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High five back at ya! Just last week, a customer literally threw an item at my fellow coworker because the customer thought the item was on sale when in reality it wasn't. :lol:

I have had angry customers in the past but no one had ever thrown something at me. It was a great scene to watch plus the coworker was just 3 weeks old into her job too :rofl:

When are you serving the main course? I'm hungry here dude. :D

Yes, it's in the Sahih Al-Bukhari, why wouldn't it be a hadith?

Also, for Number 298, I got a different hadith. Not the one you wrote down. 295 was also not fully written down, you wrote part of it for whatever reason.

I'll provide the sources since I don't want to write down the material here.

HAHAHHA I only had one experience with an angry stupid lowlife individual. He didn’t throw anything. He shouted and used very uncivil language that even other customers got pissed off.
But it’s fun sometimes to deal with customers.

Just about couple of hrs back this customer asked me if I can make this order and she read my face expression lmooo she laughed and told me make whatever is easy for you. HAHAHHA what a cute woman :D
There, I bolded the part that made the whole sentence fall apart for you :)

I would rather take an actual M.E or Asian historians word before I believe any "Orientalists". Just like I would not take any Asian/outside historians word above a European's if I was reading about Roman history....simple logical argument....since the people of the land know more about themselves than outsiders, especially those outsiders that are writing history many many centuries later...

Didn't you discard the authenticity/authority of the Hadiths because they were written 200-300 years after the death of the Prophet Muhammad SAW? So how come you're supporting the Orientalists now? :D

This seems like a paradox.

lol I have read Islamic history from every pov. From Indian, Pakistani, Arab & European, I'm sure you have done so too & out of them all, I find the native pov the most correct. Again, we can agree to disagree on that.

Says who? you? the orientalists? The "rationalists"? Please provide evidence to backup your arguments. Links to websites, sources etc

What are "facts"? How do we describe anything as a "fact"? Whose the authority that says that a fact is a fact while another is not?

Facts are not "pious assumptions" or wishful/imaginary thinking if everyone agrees on them along with a detailed set of proofs, evidence & a list of narrators.

I have taken history classes in college and been bored in them. Can you provide me some "education" by providing links? :D

I already have, please point me to where I haven't.

Yes, it was nice talking with you too. Good day. :tup:

On the topic of Muawiyah R.A. & his friction with Ali R.A.:

^^ Just completely vacuous :blah::blah:

Discuss something else, bro
History is clearly not your forte :D
High five back at ya! Just last week, a customer literally threw an item at my fellow coworker because the customer thought the item was on sale when in reality it wasn't. :lol:

I have had angry customers in the past but no one had ever thrown something at me. It was a great scene to watch plus the coworker was just 3 weeks old into her job too :rofl:

Dayum lol. Where in the US roughly are you?
HAHAHHA I only had one experience with an angry stupid lowlife individual. He didn’t throw anything. He shouted and used very uncivil language that even other customers got pissed off.
But it’s fun sometimes to deal with customers.

Just about couple of hrs back this customer asked me if I can make this order and she read my face expression lmooo she laughed and told me make whatever is easy for you. HAHAHHA what a cute woman :D

lol wait, you work in the retail or the food industry? That's nice.

Dayum lol. Where in the US roughly are you?

It literally says NJ on my profile...:D
^^ Just completely vacuous :blah::blah:

If you say so :enjoy:

Discuss something else, bro
History is clearly not your forte :D

Right....you should have talked to my last semester's history professor. He thought I knew more about world history than him at this age. Now who should I believe :D...

Didnt check lol. Joisey!

Central Jersey. Where all the cool people live. :D

Rednecks in Southern Jersey & elitists in the North. Central is for...well you know...people with divided loyalties & backgrounds. :)
If you say so :enjoy:

Right....you should have talked to my last semester's history professor. He thought I knew more about world history than him at this age. Now who should I believe :D...

Good for you. I took a religions class once in Undergrad, and literally taught the class because my teacher didn't know the difference between Imam/Iman.

She spent the whole class talking about Nation of Islam, Moorish Science, Ahmadiyyas, and other wackos.

I had to correct her several times because of the disinformation they are fed, especially when it comes to the Sunni/Shia nonsense. They think Sunnis are all Ibn Yazid, and Shias are all Ibn Hussain.
Right....you should have talked to my last semester's history professor. He thought I knew more about world history than him at this age. Now who should I believe :D...

That professor would have surely disowned you had he read your posts on PDF :D
Gone for you. I took a religions class once in Undergrad, and literally taught the class because my teacher didn't know the difference between Imam/Iman.

She spent the whole class talking about Nation of Islam, Moorish Science, Ahmadiyyas, and other wackos.

I had to correct her several times because of the disinformation they are fed, especially when it comes to the Sunni/Shia nonsense. They think Sunnis are all Ibn Yazid, and Shias are all Ibn Hussain.

Yankee and Koshers Professors man arogrant pricks
Gone for you. I took a religions class once in Undergrad, and literally taught the class because my teacher didn't know the difference between Imam/Iman.

She spent the whole class talking about Nation of Islam, Moorish Science, Ahmadiyyas, and other wackos.

I had to correct her several times because of the disinformation they are fed, especially when it comes to the Sunni/Shia nonsense. They think Sunnis are all Ibn Yazid, and Shias are all Ibn Hussain.

Right! The way I see it, most of these professors don't even read their books or research their topics that much. Just make a bunch of slides, put some quizzes & tests & that's it. And make that easy $$.

Either way, most of the class was in that class because of the "easy A" and whatnot, not to learn actual history. I wasn't lol so I frisked with the professor a lot. And the professor was ok with that too since he got someone that was actually interested in the class, not there just for a easy A.

That professor would have surely disowned you had he read your posts on PDF :D

Nah man, he would have given me a gold medal. I know you want to too but you just can't admit it over that big ego of yours. :tongue:
Good for you. I took a religions class once in Undergrad, and literally taught the class because my teacher didn't know the difference between Imam/Iman.

She spent the whole class talking about Nation of Islam, Moorish Science, Ahmadiyyas, and other wackos.

I had to correct her several times because of the disinformation they are fed, especially when it comes to the Sunni/Shia nonsense. They think Sunnis are all Ibn Yazid, and Shias are all Ibn Hussain.

I wonder why every one of you is a genius and a scholar only outside PDF :D

Nah man, he would have given me a gold medal. I know you want to too but you just can't admit it over that big ego of yours. :tongue:

Nah, bro ... I don't take anonymous kids on the internet seriously :D
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I wonder why every one of you is a genius and a scholar outside PDF :D

Because there's no one in the real world, at least in close proximity, that can challenge us mentally. That's why we come here, to test our abilities against others & to gain further knowledge (at least that's my goal).

Tell us about your college/uni days? Maybe you were like us too? or not? who knows until you tell us. :D

Nah, bro ... I don't take anonymous kids on the internet seriously :D

Well we have been talking for the past 5 or so threads. I'm sure I have captivated your attention enough to be considered "a serious anonymous internet kid" :lol:
Yankee and Koshers Professors man arogrant pricks

When I was in high school, my history teacher claimed that Muslims started the Bubonic plague in the West by tossing diseased bodies over the 'walls of Europe' (whatever that is.)

This kind of BS is so common. The brainwashed their whole generation against Muslims, and I'm talking about the 1990's.

I wonder why every one of you is a genius and a scholar only outside PDF :D

Being a Muslim gives you more of an insight about Islam. Non-Muslims are genuinely ill-informed and want real answers.

Because there's no one in the real world, at least in close proximity, that can challenge us mentally. That's why we come here, to test our abilities against others & to gain further knowledge (at least that's my goal).

We all came here to get under @M. Sarmad 's skin.
Because there's no one in the real world, at least in close proximity, that can challenge us mentally. That's why we come here.

Or maybe because those in your close proximity already know you well and they won't listen to your nonsense, so you come here to vent out? :D

Well we have been talking for the past 5 or so threads. I'm sure I have captivated your attention enough to be considered "a serious anonymous internet kid" :lol:

You mean 5 'pages'? :D
I was just hoping/waiting for you to bring out your best ... And now I know the best you have got :lol:

Being a Muslim gives you more of an insight about Islam.
No, it does not, as long as you choose to remain a blind follower

We all came here to get under @M. Sarmad 's skin.

I was expecting valid arguments, but you guys have seriously disappointed me ;)
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When I was in high school, my history teacher claimed that Muslims started the Bubonic plague in the West by tossing diseased bodies over the 'walls of Europe' (whatever that is.)

This kind of BS is so common. The brainwashed their whole generation against Muslims, and I'm talking about the 1990's.

lol in my 12th grade world history, the teacher dismissed a similar notion that the Jews had started the bubonic plague. Now the official consensus is that it came from China. No one's pointing fingers at the filth in which Europeans used to live in back in the day...like they were the India of the medieval age, if not worse.

Being a Muslim gives you more of an insight about Islam.

Alas, some people would rather take the word of a white man than a brown man....and I'm not pointing fingers here...I have seen this weird phenomenon across Asia, in Pakistan, India, China, Japan & even in the colonized minds of the Arabs.

Non-Muslims are genuinely ill-informed and want real answers.

Yes, no matter how ignorant or arrogant they are, they do care about the truth & that's why many here in the States & back in Europe are converting to Islam while those "born Muslim" doubt Islam. Wallahi, this is a insane phenomenon.

We all came here to get under @M. Sarmad 's skin.

Shhhh, don't tell him that. I just came for the misinformation against the return of Isa R.A. & Dajjal....stayed for a lot more...:D

Or maybe because those in your close proximity already know you well and they won't listen to your nonsense, so you come here to vent out? :D

Einstein's words were considered "nonsense" too, so were Tesla's. Now I'm not claiming to be either but you know...;)

And I don't need a anonymous guy on PDF to validate what I am or am I not. We're going into the realm of personal sentiments. Let's stray away from that, shall we? :tup:

You mean 5 'pages'? :D

Pages....threads....you understood it and that's all that matters.

No, it does not, as long as you choose to remain a blind follower

No ones claiming anyone of anything. Especially not a "blind follower", how do you know someone's a "blind follower"?

Again, this counts as a personal attack & I will not continue with the discussion if that's all there is left to say.

I was just hoping/waiting for you to bring out your best ... And now I know the best you have got :lol:

As I have said before, provide sources & evidence and I'll continue. Otherwise, you can type & I can type, we can both waste each others time. Nothing will come out of it.

So I'll just bow out and continue on with PDF like we have never had this conversation. I have provided many links & even 4 youtube videos. You haven't watched them, I'm sure and have continued on as if they're not even there.

On the other hand, you provided a thread from 2016 as support which I'm still reading but then...you have also quoted @haviZsultan who I remember to be a Islamic history basher. He always spoke against anything good said about Islam or it's people, as far as I can remember with my conversations with him. So I'll read that thread with a bit of salt since you guys were clearly buddy buddy back then. :)
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