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And can be painful as well :D
I think the honey bee is sacrificial in nature.

Firstly, the bee dedicates its life collecting honey for humans. Secondly, the bee dies after stinging humans.
It gets death penalty for giving pain to a human being.
Bro, Orthodox Sunnis are not going to be 'the Judge' on the judgment day, so, whatever they believe in (or consider to be true) is absolutely irrelevant. You guys better prepare yourself for answering the question that why did you choose to blindly follow the "official" religion of the sworn enemies (i.e. Banu Umayya and later Abbasids) of Muhammad (PBUH) and his progeny...

And this kind of attitude will definitely not get you Jannah :D:

View attachment 537571

That ASWJ group in Pakistan are not actually mainstream, they are the same kind of nonsense as LeJ.

When I say Ahlus-Sunnah, I mean mainstream Muslims from Morocco to Indonesia, Albania to Nigeria.

Sunnis accept Salafis, Wahabbis, Shias, Ismailis, Sufis as Muslims. We are probably the most accepting of all Muslim groups, and also the most populous.

We also don’t make distinction between Sahabah or Prophets, and hence love Ahlul Bayt as much as anyone else.

Most traditional scholars also have no qualms of sending Lanat on Yazid, Shimr, and his ilk for what they did to Hussain RA.

You are right though, we don’t make takfir on any one common person but on the beliefs which are heterodox.

May Allah swt have mercy on us all.
That ASWJ group in Pakistan are not actually mainstream, they are the same kind of nonsense as LeJ.

When I say Ahlus-Sunnah, I mean mainstream Muslims from Morocco to Indonesia, Albania to Nigeria.

Ahl e Sunnat Wa Jamat is the same Barelvi group which claims to have followers from all over the world
This mosque does not belong to the Deoband ASWJ.

Most traditional scholars also have no qualms of sending Lanat on Yazid, Shimr, and his ilk for what they did to Hussain RA.

Cursing Yazeed while simultaneously following the official religion of his successors (and other enemies of Ahl e Bait) doesn't make you a 'lover' of Ahl e Bait, in my opinion... The persecution of the progeny of Muhammad PBUH did not end with the martyrdom of Imam Hussain A.S and most of his family members in Kerbala, it continued for centuries that followed. Read up on it

You are right though, we don’t make takfir on any one common person but on the beliefs which are heterodox.

You want me to post Fatwas of Ala Hazrat declaring others Kafir? .. Be honest ... All sects of Muslims, including Sunnis, indulge in Takfir... Even in this post of yours, you have implicitly declared that all heterodox Muslims are Kafirs...
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High five :D dealing with customer actually help you a lot on growing.

High five back at ya! Just last week, a customer literally threw an item at my fellow coworker because the customer thought the item was on sale when in reality it wasn't. :lol:

I have had angry customers in the past but no one had ever thrown something at me. It was a great scene to watch plus the coworker was just 3 weeks old into her job too :rofl:

Challenge accepted

When are you serving the main course? I'm hungry here dude. :D

Is this Hadees?

Yes, it's in the Sahih Al-Bukhari, why wouldn't it be a hadith?

Also, for Number 298, I got a different hadith. Not the one you wrote down. 295 was also not fully written down, you wrote part of it for whatever reason.

I'll provide the sources since I don't want to write down the material here.

Thanks for the reply. I am awaiting a response from webmaster and currently stuck with the same issue described in my original email. After your email I checked and the bandwith settings seems alright to me.
Its a real problem as i usually follow / read threads via mobile which now does not differentiates between read vs unread and new vs old content.
anyways thanks for the help mate. much appreciate it.

Did it work fine on mobile before? Or did you change mobile....or there was a forum update etc that started this issue?
Banu Umayya and later Abbasids

Neither Banu Umayya or the Abbasids were "sworn enemies" of the Prophets. Hazrat Muawiya R.A. was a respected Companion as was Hazrat Abbas R.A., I don't know where you get these ideas lol

On the other hand, later descendants of Banu Umayya & the Abbasids did do great harm to the progeny of the Prophet but they were just some bad apples. Don't forget who made the House of Wisdom in Baghdad, accelerated Islamic thought & physical sciences & made Spain the US/China of their time (Hint: The Umayyads & the Abbasids).

Without the patronage of the later Caliphs or Caliphates...Greek, Hindu, Chinese & Persian advances wouldn't have been translated into Arabic...just like American work is translated into Chinese today to accelerate their growth ;)
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