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Wow a religious discussion on current PDF where the two sides didn't declare the other kaffir or wajib ul qatl. I am impressed :)

Kudos to both for partaking in a sensible discussion that was kept clean and informative.

It highlights that the problem is not with the topic but with the posters who partake in the topic.. Perhaps an invitation only section for religious discussion where only posters with qualified knowledge and history of discussion capability should be invited.
I feel like I'm jumping into a well laid trap....ok then, the answer is yes. :D

What's the worse that can happen? ;)

Nothing worse ..... separating truth from lies.

So anything that is attributed to be saying of any other person shouldn't be hadees and should not be part of Traditions books. Right?
Are you saying that I can't be young and mature?

I am not saying that one can not be young and mature ... I am just saying you are not ... yet ... :lol:

Last question, so do you believe in the return of Isa R.A. & the coming of Dajjal? I won't bother you after this. :enjoy:

I believe that Only Allah has the knowledge of the unseen and future events,

No one can say with certainty what will (or won't) happen in the future except for what Allah himself has told us in the Holy Qur'an.
t highlights that the problem is not with the topic but with the posters who partake in the topic.

Yes, therein lies the root cause of all matter on PDF...

So anything that is attributed to be saying of any other person shouldn't be hadees and should not be part of Traditions books. Right?

Yea. What are you getting at?

I am not saying that one can not be young and mature ... I am just saying you are not ... yet ... :lol:

Hey man, I have been called immature many times by now....but I have been called mature a teensy bit more :D

I believe that Only Allah has the knowledge of the unseen and future events,

No one can say with certainty what will (or won't) happen in the future except for what Allah himself has told us in the Holy Qur'an.

Huh, ok. I can respect that. AssallamuAlaikum. :tup:
Yea. What are you getting at?

Is this Hadees?

"Narrated by 'Aisha
While in menses, I used to comb the hair of Allah's Apostle."
Volume 1, Book 6, Number 295 :

Narrated by Um Salama

"While I was laying with the Prophet under a single woolen sheet, I got the menses. I slipped away and put on the clothes for menses. He said, "Have you got "Nifas" (menses)?" I replied, "Yes." He then called me and made me lie with him under the same sheet."
Volume 1, Book 6, Number 298 :

I have no intent of offending anyone ...... but I have one question only, can anyone of us petty ordinary Muslims allow their women to make these matters public?
اسلام علىكم
For those who hold the belief of The return of Jesus I would suggest you read the book Jerusalem in Quran. It'll really open new depths in the understanding of Jesus , Dajjal , Gog Magog in relation to the End times.
The author is Sheikh Imran Hosein, the student of Maulana Fazlul Rahman Ansari, one of the students of the Blessed Iqbal.

Jazak Allah
MOJO JOJO! muhahahahahaha. I caught power-puff girls cartoon just as it started...before I grew up and didn't watch much cartoons (save Samurai jack and cpl others) anymore :P
There’s power puff girls reborn but I don’t like them as they aren’t original :mad:
This should end the discussion @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan :D

They are not orthodox Sunni Muslims, so we cannot expect them to share our beliefs.

Debating might be useless if we have different standards and sources to go by.

This is why I don’t want to get heavily involved in a back to forth.

I’ll leave the theological discussions to the scholars of Islam.
Dunno if mods addressed this yet...but have you checked your bandwidth settings and if the webpage fully loads rather than stop at say 99% etc? Because I have noticed certain features here in the website (even on PC) do not load till the very end and thus will not be available if the page isnt 100% loaded.
Thanks for the reply. I am awaiting a response from webmaster and currently stuck with the same issue described in my original email. After your email I checked and the bandwith settings seems alright to me.
Its a real problem as i usually follow / read threads via mobile which now does not differentiates between read vs unread and new vs old content.
anyways thanks for the help mate. much appreciate it.
This is nothing dude. I'm a pretty chill dude. After being a cashier for the past 2 years, ain't nothing going to heat me up anymore. I seen it all :cry:

High five :D dealing with customer actually help you a lot on growing.
Artwork by: Hussain Chandio

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas

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