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This is not a religious discussion. I'm sure you, me and @MilSpec going back and forth would have been enough to see what kind of discussion we're having.

If anyone lost sight of what's being discussed then let me reiterate. Present day India is hiding behind the cover of being a democratic & secular nation while in reality it fits the bill of being a Hindutva one.

That's what I replied; there is no distinction between a Hindutva state, and a religious state.

The Hindutva gang want the country to be run on the lines suggested by inference in religious tracts and holy books. They reject the rule of law. They reject the Constitution.

India is far from being a place run by the precepts of religion. If and when it commences that transition, I will let you know.

Now that we're deeply discussing this matter. @MilSpec you can read what me & @Joe Shearer are writing too

Onto the topic, not only were 700 Muslims killed (the number is debatable depending on source), a lot of Hindus were killed, along with other minorities. Independent & International sources say that around 2000 were killed (of all ethnicities & religions).

The figure of 752 is the most reliable figure for casualties among the minority, that is, among Muslims. There may have been, at worst, another 300 from among the mobs. A total casualty figure of over 1000 is totally unreliable.

Mass rapes & mutilations occured & whatnot. On top of all of this (@MilSpec take note of what I'm about to say), Modi has been accused of inciting & initiating the riots. Studies of the Gujarat riots indicate that it was a state sponsored form of ethnic cleansing. All evidence found in the book below. And I can link much more evidence too.

Don't even bother. Those lugubrious appeals to researched authenticity are to the wrong address. My own s-i-l did his PhD on the subject (I am deliberately not being too precise, to protect his privacy), and he, and the rest of us, were very clear what we were looking at. We weren't on the sidelines of this subject, as a family; I am perhaps the most backward in this respect, the two kids have been right in the thick of things.

After thorough-going enquiries, including by a Supreme Court appointed Special Investigation Team, we were all disappointed to find that there was insufficient evidence to charge-sheet Modi. But that's not all.

There is simply no evidence to prove that there was state sponsored ethnic cleansing;considering the present demographics of Gujarat, decribing the riots as anything more than riots is fatuous. None of these private enquiries had access to anything like the data that is required by our investigating teams.

Simply told, India has a long way to go before it becomes "democratic & secular". Hopefully they don't teach different meanings of these words in India. ;)...:tup:

No, they don't. And that enables us to see that we are living in a democratic and secular state. Ironically enough, on the 11th, we received confirmation that the democratic process was alive and well, and that those who had injected mob rule and a complicity in breaches of the law were shown the door; two of the states doing this were among the worst ruled of the lot.

Simply told, the Internet Pakistani has been in too much of a hurry to write finis to India and would not pause for the facts or for the responses of the people themselves.

Contemporary State Terrorism: Theory and Practice (pg. 86-90)

Taken from my personal copy of the book. @Arsalan (you might find this interesting too)

View attachment 525939

Feels like PDF. Only 30% know how to write English. :D

Doesn't matter. Lage raho, Ita-bhai.

Also, what's the meaning behind you sig?

Did not stand in Supreme Court (during a M. Singh Government at helm), that's about it.

Unfortunate, but true. And that was after a special investigation team appointed by the Supreme Court went through things on their own.

Hi Sir how are u and welcome back , I hope to see u more active on other world as well.:-)

Thank you for the welcome. I got two reprieves, and felt much better immediately. On the other world, even after trying to log in, I realised I would have to pick up various loose threads. Soon, soon.....

Badshahi Mosque, Lahore
So when Congress is in power RSS and BJP are pulling the strings in background.

Hitler, Stalin, Mao, (Yahya Khan) all are leaders of trademark theocracies, thus did not stand in court, Modi did that tells you the stark difference.

Such conjecture and hearsay evidences did not stand in Supreme Court (during a M. Singh Government at helm), that's about it. Again it goes to freedom of speech, you can accuse an Indian CM, a PM or even a "General" of anything under the sun at go to the highest court, and if found guilty the individual will pay the price (under a democracy). Example Lalu Yadav, a Two times CM, Ex Cabinet Minister and a president of a major regional political party, convicted and barred from office.

One simple thing that you forget is Indian Constitution is sacrosanct, its not a 10 page booklet that anyone can change by their whims and fancies and allows the chain of democratic principles follow um-impeded (with the exception of emergency which has been regretted even by the congress in hindsight)

I go back to the same simple questions which you will shy away from,

Explain how Indian Democracy is sham:
Were there any irregularities in the electoral processes?
Was there any subversion of the mandate?
Was there any usurpation of democratically elected government?
Was the electoral outcome rejected by the opposition political parties?
Were the democratic rights of the citizens denied or any other voter suppression conducted to facilitate the current dispensation?
Was the constitution of the nation changed to facilitate a certain ideology or affiliated political organization?

And, just to make the point even more clear, the questions above in the context of today's morning news, the startling overthrow of the BJP in MP, their decimation in Chhatisgarh and Rajasthan. If that does not show that democracy and secularism are alive and well, nothing will.
That's what I replied; there is no distinction between a Hindutva state, and a religious state.

The Hindutva gang want the country to be run on the lines suggested by inference in religious tracts and holy books. They reject the rule of law. They reject the Constitution.

India is far from being a place run by the precepts of religion. If and when it commences that transition, I will let you know.

The ground reality hasn't changed yet. You saw that video of the Kashmiri college student being forced to chant mantras right?

As long as the mentality of the common folk doesn't change. It won't matter what India & its people say it is. Reality will keep rearing its ugly head all the time.

Side note, what's the 700k troops in Kashmir about? Is that also part of a healthy democracy?

India is far from being a place run by the precepts of religion. If and when it commences that transition, I will let you know.

Obviously but it's run by a extremist leader, party & followers. We all know that. No need to beat around the bush about it.

Don't even bother. Those lugubrious appeals to researched authenticity are to the wrong address. My own s-i-l did his PhD on the subject (I am deliberately not being too precise, to protect his privacy), and he, and the rest of us, were very clear what we were looking at. We weren't on the sidelines of this subject, as a family; I am perhaps the most backward in this respect, the two kids have been right in the thick of things.

After thorough-going enquiries, including by a Supreme Court appointed Special Investigation Team, we were all disappointed to find that there was insufficient evidence to charge-sheet Modi. But that's not all.

There is simply no evidence to prove that there was state sponsored ethnic cleansing;considering the present demographics of Gujarat, decribing the riots as anything more than riots is fatuous. None of these private enquiries had access to anything like the data that is required by our investigating teams.

No, they don't. And that enables us to see that we are living in a democratic and secular state. Ironically enough, on the 11th, we received confirmation that the democratic process was alive and well, and that those who had injected mob rule and a complicity in breaches of the law were shown the door; two of the states doing this were among the worst ruled of the lot.

Simply told, the Internet Pakistani has been in too much of a hurry to write finis to India and would not pause for the facts or for the responses of the people themselves.

So your saying that International sources don't count? Ludicrous.

All of international (& Pakistani) media was/has been raging against the 2002 Gujarat riots. If your courts & "investigation" teams didn't convict anyone then that's the simple matter of someone pulling the strings behind the back to save their assets (Hint: BJP & RSS saving Modi from conviction). Why would Indian courts convict their future PM? (then minister of Gujarat).

Believe me, I'm no "internet Pakistani", I have travelled around the world (not to India yet) & spoken to a lot of Indians. Some, if not most, agree on my sentiments about Hindutva India & Modi India. I don't write words without backing them up first. :)

I'm in no hurry here. More evidence will represent itself in the future against Modi India & I'll be sure to tag you & @MilSpec :D

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