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First past the vote electoral system.
Hi Sir how are u and welcome back , I hope to see u more active on other world as well.:-)

Why would he when BJP & RSS are controlling the strings behind the back? :rolleyes:

Hitler didn't stand in court, neither did Stalin or Mao. Does that make them less of a butcher?

You really need to counter my points instead of posting one liners but then again, you can't...since everyone knows about the truth.
So when Congress is in power RSS and BJP are pulling the strings in background.

Hitler, Stalin, Mao, (Yahya Khan) all are leaders of trademark theocracies, thus did not stand in court, Modi did that tells you the stark difference.

Such conjecture and hearsay evidences did not stand in Supreme Court (during a M. Singh Government at helm), that's about it. Again it goes to freedom of speech, you can accuse an Indian CM, a PM or even a "General" of anything under the sun at go to the highest court, and if found guilty the individual will pay the price (under a democracy). Example Lalu Yadav, a Two times CM, Ex Cabinet Minister and a president of a major regional political party, convicted and barred from office.

One simple thing that you forget is Indian Constitution is sacrosanct, its not a 10 page booklet that anyone can change by their whims and fancies and allows the chain of democratic principles follow um-impeded (with the exception of emergency which has been regretted even by the congress in hindsight)

I go back to the same simple questions which you will shy away from,

Explain how Indian Democracy is sham:
Were there any irregularities in the electoral processes?
Was there any subversion of the mandate?
Was there any usurpation of democratically elected government?
Was the electoral outcome rejected by the opposition political parties?
Were the democratic rights of the citizens denied or any other voter suppression conducted to facilitate the current dispensation?
Was the constitution of the nation changed to facilitate a certain ideology or affiliated political organization?
Such conjecture and hearsay evidences did not stand in Supreme Court

:lol: You can say whatever you want to. I have provided you "evidence" from within your country & from international sources. We can agree to disagree but reality is reality. Your words won't change it. :rolleyes:

One simple thing that you forget is Indian Constitution is sacrosanct, its not a 10 page booklet that anyone can change by their whims and fancies and allows the chain of democratic principles follow um-impeded (with the exception of emergency which has been regretted even by the congress in hindsight)


That looks to be on point. You guys can't even change your constitution because then it would end all of the Hindutva uprisings & governments that come into your country like seasonal floods. :D

Like I said before, I think they teach a different interpretation of "democracy" in India. One in which it's ok to appoint a butcher as their head of state, even after convincing evidence against said person from within the country & abroad.

I go back to the same simple questions which you will shy away from,

Explain how Indian Democracy is sham:
Were there any irregularities in the electoral processes?
Was there any subversion of the mandate?
Was there any usurpation of democratically elected government?
Was the electoral outcome rejected by the opposition political parties?
Were the democratic rights of the citizens denied or any other voter suppression conducted to facilitate the current dispensation?
Was the constitution of the nation changed to facilitate a certain ideology or affiliated political organization?

This has already been answered by me. Looks like you can't read :lol:

Check Posts 49 and below.


Instead of reiterating already countered statements. Ponder on my statements. :enjoy:

Once your house is repaired, only then can you call it a house, not before the repairs have even finished. ;)
:lol: You can say whatever you want to. I have provided you "evidence" from within your country & from international sources. We can agree to disagree but reality is reality. Your words won't change it. :rolleyes:

View attachment 525958
Evidence? Maybe you need to look up what that means, a book or an article is not a piece of evidence which stands in court.

That looks to be on point. You guys can't even change your constitution because then it would end all of the Hindutva uprisings & governments that come into your country like seasonal floods. :D
Do you even know anything about Indian constitution?

Like I said before, I think they teach a different interpretation of "democracy" in India. One in which it's ok to appoint a butcher as their head of state, even after convincing evidence against said person from within the country & abroad.
Absolutely they do, we don't hang political opponents on vendetta, we don't let off convicted politicians and Generals scott free, Our generals do not dismiss Supreme court justices at will, and we actually understand the meaning of the word "evidence" which should be able to stand in court. You can keep barking your butcher tourrettes, won't make it true.

This has already been answered by me. Looks like you can't read
By What, your video and your disdain for "words"?

Ponder on my statements. :enjoy:
I would , if there was any statement, just empty grandstanding like your is dime a dozen on the forum and have been dealing with same for years.

now that attempted ignominy campaign is repeatedly backfiring on your self, it is getting less entertaining, I would retire to reading something more entertaining.

thanks though :)
Evidence? Maybe you need to look up what that means, a book or an article is not a piece of evidence which stands in court.

Do you even know anything about Indian constitution?

Absolutely they do, we don't hang political opponents on vendetta, we don't let off convicted politicians and Generals scott free, Our generals do not dismiss Supreme court justices at will, and we actually understand the meaning of the word "evidence" which should be able to stand in court. You can keep barking your butcher tourrettes, won't make it true.

By What, your video and your disdain for "words"?

I would , if there was any statement, just empty grandstanding like your is dime a dozen on the forum and have been dealing with same for years.

now that attempted ignominy campaign is repeatedly backfiring on your self, it is getting less entertaining, I would retire to reading something more entertaining.

thanks though :)

1. Evidence I provided was in the shape of the book, video, personal anecdotes and opinions of some (if not most) of your countrymen. I can post more. I don't care if the evidence I provide stands in court or not. We all know Modi or his government won't go to court, at least in a Indian court. Why would they? You guys seem to love him

2. I know enough about your constitution (and as explained by you) to know that you guys won't change (untouchable heh?) it even if it means that your country swims in the blood of thousands, if not hundred of thousands.

3. You have moved onto personal attacks (as evident in your other posts) & finger pointing towards Pakistan (in almost all of your posts). You see us as a example of democracy? Childish. We never claimed to be one & those that did were just riding on the wave of popularity or trying to save their little empires/wealth.

You should read the Pakistani Constitution so that your misconception is gone. Again, you should pay a visit to every state in India, come back & lets see if you still see it as a example of "democracy & secularism" or hordes of Hindutva oppressing the minorities.

Since our conversation started with the DG ISPR's response to Bipin thread, I'll only respond to anything within the boundaries of that thread. You're welcome to sway left or right since you can't counter my statements other than issuing one liners. :D
اللہ تعالی’ نے انسان کے بے صبرا اور نا شُکرا ہونے کا خود تذکرہ فرمایا ہے۔اور اسے بار بار صبر اور شُکر کی تلقین بھی کی ہے۔

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