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Another lovely voice from British desi (Pakistani I think):

Singing in Urdu
If I had my way, I would insist that Kashmiris only come to Hyderabad, in Telangana, to AP, to Tamil Nadu, to Karnataka (except Mangalore and pockets in the north)

Mangalore has regressives from all sides - Hindu, Muslim and Christian.
I love Zain bhikha coz I learn alot even short doa from his songs like I did from Raihan:

Is "Allah enough for me" taken from Quran ?

Yup, the message is strong, this is famous Indonesian religious song but using Javanese language in the first part (I dont understand) but on the second part he uses Indonesian/Malay language.

Is "Allah enough for me" taken from Quran ?


حَسْبُنَا اللَّهُ وَنِعْمَ الْوَكِيلُ
Allah (Alone) is Sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of affairs (for us).”

–Surah Al ‘Imran (3:173)

Javanese language
I find this interesting...They have their own script too, right?

I had a colleague from Indonesia he had this really weird script!

حَسْبُنَا اللَّهُ وَنِعْمَ الْوَكِيلُ
Allah (Alone) is Sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of affairs (for us).”

–Surah Al ‘Imran (3:173)

Thank you, a beautiful verse from ALLAH

I find this interesting...They have their own script too, right?

I had a colleague from Indonesia he had this really weird script!

Yup, they do have weird script but not many Javanese who can understand Javanese writing any more. On the other hand me as Minang ethnic along with other Malay tribe in Indonesia use Arabic script instead in the old days. Dutch then introduce us with latin script that we uses Today.

Javanese and Sundanese are very different with Malay language. The people are also a bit different. Sumatran people usually are speaking with louder voice while Javanese and Sundanese are softer. Their region is also the most populated. My best friend are comprise of Javanese, Sundanese, and Minangnese (Malay tribe).
Javanese and Sundanese are very different with Malay language. The people are also a bit different. Sumatran people usually are speaking with louder voice while Javanese and Sundanese are softer. Their region is also the most populated. My best friend are comprise of Javanese, Sundanese, and Minangnese (Malay tribe).
If we do go full retard, and turn into a fully religious state like some others did, I'll personally send you a postcard letting you know

This is not a religious discussion. I'm sure you, me and @MilSpec going back and forth would have been enough to see what kind of discussion we're having.

If anyone lost sight of what's being discussed then let me reiterate. Present day India is hiding behind the cover of being a democratic & secular nation while in reality it fits the bill of being a Hindutva one.

Ironically, this is the same situation that allowed Modi to ward off central intervention and prevent action being taken against him by the centre, when he was the Chief Minister, and allowed over 700 Muslims to be killed by mobs.

Now that we're deeply discussing this matter. @MilSpec you can read what me & @Joe Shearer are writing too

Onto the topic, not only were 700 Muslims killed (the number is debatable depending on source), a lot of Hindus were killed, along with other minorities. Independent & International sources say that around 2000 were killed (of all ethnicities & religions).

Mass rapes & mutilations occured & whatnot. On top of all of this (@MilSpec take note of what I'm about to say), Modi has been accused of inciting & initiating the riots. Studies of the Gujarat riots indicate that it was a state sponsored form of ethnic cleansing. All evidence found in the book below. And I can link much more evidence too.

Simply told, India has a long way to go before it becomes "democratic & secular". Hopefully they don't teach different meanings of these words in India. ;)...:tup:

Source: Contemporary State Terrorism: Theory and Practice (pg. 86-90)

Taken from my personal copy of the book. @Arsalan (you might find this interesting too)

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