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Feels like PDF. Only 30% know how to write English. :D

Also, what's the meaning behind you sig?
Aunty Asma ne samjhaya bhi tha Usay wo samjhi nahi. :p
I hope you know the story :p
Please enlighten me, I am all ears.Kudos

It was stupid to caption this 'Forest aboriginals flouting their clout'; forest aboriginals are extremely balanced and rational human beings, and do not attack others without warning them. They do get violent on their totems being disturbed, or their taboos being violated, using both terms in the anthropological sense, but there, too, there is sufficient notice.

These are that extremely dangerous sub-species, the lumpenproletariat, acting under the influence of the opiate of the masses. They go out of their way to find vulnerable targets; the females of the parent species and younger ones are favourite targets, but a lone, isolated and vulnerable male will also do, provided that they themselves are in mob strength.

They are to be found in pockets, in Jammu, in Haryana (not in the Punjab), in Rajasthan (a lot), in Maharashtra and in the UP. They have been spotted and hunted down in other locations.

This came to me this morning, courtesy a KM friend, and I have already messaged him my utter disgust and rejection of the creeps who did this.

If I had my way, I would insist that Kashmiris only come to Hyderabad, in Telangana, to AP, to Tamil Nadu, to Karnataka (except Mangalore and pockets in the north) and anywhere in Kerala to study. Also West Bengal. It is possible that soon, I may be in a position where my counselling in these matters might decide a student in favour of one direction or the other, and it is clear how I will offer counselling.
Hope I am excused Joe ;)....Good to see you back you old rogue, how is life???.Kudos Joe

Mere hi lahu par guzar auqaat karo ho
Mujh se hi amiron ki tarah baat karo ho
Din ek sitam, ek sitam raat karo ho
Wo dost ho dushman ko bi maat karo ho
Hum khaak'nashin, tum sukhan'aaray sar-e-baam
Paas aakay milo, door se kyaa baat karo ho
Hum ko jo milaa hai wo tumhin se to mila hai
Hum aur bhula den tumhen, kyaa baat karo ho
Yun to kabhi mun phair k dekho bhi nahin ho
Jab waqt paray hai to madaaraat karo ho
Daaman pe koi chheent na khanjar pe koi daagh
Tum qatl karo ho, k karaamaat karo ho?
Baknay do tum “Aajiz” ko jo bole hai bakay hai
Diwaanaa hai diwaanay se kyaa baat karo ho

@django @fitpOsitive @Mentee @Moonlight
Wa Ustad Wa.:cheers:

Cats don't deserve to be burned to death. :angry:

RIP. :cry:
Nothing does bhai, not even the vilest of beings.Kudos bhai
This is not a religious discussion. I'm sure you, me and @MilSpec going back and forth would have been enough to see what kind of discussion we're having.

If anyone lost sight of what's being discussed then let me reiterate. Present day India is hiding behind the cover of being a democratic & secular nation while in reality it fits the bill of being a Hindutva one.

Now that we're deeply discussing this matter. @MilSpec you can read what me & @Joe Shearer are writing too

Onto the topic, not only were 700 Muslims killed (the number is debatable depending on source), a lot of Hindus were killed, along with other minorities. Independent & International sources say that around 2000 were killed (of all ethnicities & religions).

Mass rapes & mutilations occured & whatnot. On top of all of this (@MilSpec take note of what I'm about to say), Modi has been accused of inciting & initiating the riots. Studies of the Gujarat riots indicate that it was a state sponsored form of ethnic cleansing. All evidence found in the book below. And I can link much more evidence too.

Simply told, India has a long way to go before it becomes "democratic & secular". Hopefully they don't teach different meanings of these words in India. ;)...:tup:

Source: Contemporary State Terrorism: Theory and Practice (pg. 86-90)

Taken from my personal copy of the book. @Arsalan (you might find this interesting too)

View attachment 525939
Did not stand in Supreme Court (during a M. Singh Government at helm), that's about it.
Did not stand in Supreme Court (during a M. Singh Government at helm), that's about it.

Why would he when BJP & RSS are controlling the strings behind the back? :rolleyes:

Hitler didn't stand in court, neither did Stalin or Mao. Does that make them less of a butcher?

You really need to counter my points instead of posting one liners but then again, you can't...since everyone knows about the truth.

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