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I did not want to derail their blasphemy thread. Seriously such threads reaffirms my love for India and Indians. All Indians.

So I thought I would reply to your post here.

India is polarized now. Maybe permanently. You may not see it in Germany. But it is.

Regardless of whether the BJP comes back to power or not, there are now basically two groups of Indians.

Hindus who want a Hindu India.

And the rest.

MANY of the rest voted for the BJP in the last elections. Because they believed what they were going to get was a proven leader, a clean leader, a guy good with money and development, someone different to the hugely corrupt Congress, and someone who led a movement of cultural Hindutva. Something they had waxed eloquent about on their manifestos and official websites and social media and mainstream news for years leading up to 2014.

Now today as we draw to the close of 2018 and move towards election year again, there is no doubt left in anyone's mind about what the Sangh and the BJP and all like-minded factions and organizations want.

And the rest in terms of the performance and results and what we got versus what we hoped for is also pretty clear to everyone else.

Now "the rest" are not a homogeneous group either. No politically, nor ideologically. Not in terms of faith or caste or language or food habits or color or ethnicity or region or state. They are a hugely disparate bunch of Indians.

They are only going to be united in 2019 by one thing, and one thing only.

Not BJP. Not the Sangh. Not Hindutva.

There will be no shades of grey.

You will either be for or against.

You are for. I am the rest.

The choices are now clear. Crystallized pretty nicely. Which is why I believe the past 5 years was not a total waste for India. It was a huge jump in our learning curve.

Hope that explains.

Cheers, Doc

Do not be fooled by the sickular media and the hype they create.

Hindutva is not like other religions. There is a clear difference between Religious fundamentalism and Sangh politics.

I say Future is bright for India. There is internal democracy in Sangh and it has muslim and other religious shakas.

More than anything this country needs good policies and administration, which is only possible if BJP comes to power. This country also do not deserve dynastic politics.
Man I do not know if you are ignorant. Dumb. Or just a kid.

When did Parsis come to India Einstein?


WTF are you smoking dood?

Cheers, Doc

Gramps, I do not know if old age is causing your senility Or you are just Dumb.

Parsis came to India btw 8-10 century. Sorry, I have to check my calendar for exact date though.
More importantly, WHY did Parsis come to India? Why you keep skirting around this question?

Yes Mughals Gramps dood, WTF did u think Parsis ran away from your homeland to beg for shelter from Hindus?

Start smoking some weed, it helps with memory issues, I swear.

Just a suggestion, don't jump from one conversation to another. Just makes u look like an escapist.
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