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Sir @django watch this
Sir the negligence of these swines who were our supposed rulers and benefactors is truly "criminal", patriots have been saying for years that heads must roll and our situation has to be reversed if at all possible, ultimately it may come down to our nuclear deterrent to resolve this paramount issue for I see no other way as the Gangadeshis have well organised and entrenched lobbies in every global institution of note whereas we have zilch, truly an appalling situation, glad to see new team is at least attempting to make progress.Kudos bhai

@war&peace @Inception-06 @Zibago @PakSword @BHarwana

You know, despite it being a rag against Arabs in this particular instance, you can't blame these people for feeling that way. I always put myself in the other person's shoes and see how I would react and, if I saw a slew of refugees and undeserving migrants who are trying to beat the system for a free ride, and that same group showing filthy, despicable and ungrateful behavior, I would be pissed off to no end, just the same. It doesn't really take a genius to figure that out. It's just a shame that Arabs just happen to be the subject matter in this case. Either way, whomever they were, they most likely brought it upon themselves.
You know, despite it being a rag against Arabs in this particular instance, you can't blame these people for feeling that way. I always put myself in the other person's shoes and see how I would react and, if I saw a slew of refugees and undeserving migrants who are trying to beat the system for a free ride, and that same group showing filthy, despicable and ungrateful behavior, I would be pissed off to no end, just the same. It doesn't really take a genius to figure that out. It's just a shame that Arabs just happen to be the subject matter in this case. Either way, whomever they were, they most likely brought it upon themselves.
Usually westerners cant tell the difference between the different migrant groups, just as for example a non east asian cant tell the difference between Japanese, Chinese or Koreans. But it doesnt help either that the media in an attempt to avoid acknowledging that most of the "refugees" are not Syrian but rather economic migrants from countries other than Syria but yet still calls them "Syrian refugees". You have "Syrian" refugees fleeing the civil war in Bangladesh. That being said the behavior of these "refugees" is incentivized by the system which refuses to penalize the criminals and punishes those who voice their discontent, labeling them "Nazis", "hooligans" and "far right extremists" when in fact great majority of them are average law abiding taxpayer citizens as the video i posted shows.
This Syrian "refugee" bastards, one of them showed my wife and another woman a condom sex gel/item in the train, he thought that's the way to get legal free sex! Now my wife never travel alone again, but law and order was a big achievement here in Germany, now it is not better than in Syria or Iraq! The people everywhere look now on us "normal" foreigners as we are from planet of apes, thx to this young refugee youngsters, its strange that 80% of the refugees are men, why left wife and children behind for cannon futter while the mens are drinking here daily alcohol, visiting nudes and try to bring the digital sex world on the street, while they think that every woman is just meat ! Now my wife and me doing extra more sport and I did start with martial arts, just for self-defence from both sides, we are in the middle of a street war between refuge bastards and racist German!
This Syrian "refugee" bastards, one of them showed my wife and another woman a condom sex gel/item in the train, he thought that's the way to get legal free sex! Now my wife never travel alone again, but law and order was a big achievement here in Germany, now it is not better than in Syria or Iraq! The people everywhere look now on us "normal" foreigners as we are from planet of apes, thx to this young refugee youngsters, its strange that 80% of the refugees are men, why left wife and children behind for cannon futter while the mens are drinking here daily alcohol, visiting nudes and try to bring the digital sex world on the street, while they think that every woman is just meat ! Now my wife and me doing extra more sport and I did start with martial arts, just for self-defence from both sides, we are in the middle of a street war between refuge bastards and racist German!
Damn, sorry to hear about that. Hope your wife is alright.

But this really is something to ponder about: why the overwhelming majority of these "refugees" are physically fit fighting age males with raging harmones?

Also this is why it isn't safe in the West anymore for decent people of immigrant/Muslim background. Things are escalating fast and its a powder keg waiting to burst. You have groups very different from each other (and competing for the same resources) in the same living space, this is bound tk go wrong eventually.
Damn, sorry to hear about that. Hope your wife is alright.

But this really is something to ponder about: why the overwhelming majority of these "refugees" are physically fit fighting age males with raging harmones?

Also, this is why it isn't safe in the West anymore for decent people of immigrant/Muslim background. Things are escalating fast and its a powder keg waiting to burst. You have groups very different from each other (and competing for the same resources) in the same living space, this is bound tk go wrong eventually.

my friend, long story to tell, I will make it short, when you have no chance for a long stay Visa, and now working papers, the will to criminal act like knifing or killing someone is greater than of those who have the regular life with a family, its not about physical fitness, just economical calculation ! There is a reason in Germany and in Europe why the right wings are getting stronger!
Usually westerners cant tell the difference between the different migrant groups, just as for example a non east asian cant tell the difference between Japanese, Chinese or Koreans. But it doesnt help either that the media in an attempt to avoid acknowledging that most of the "refugees" are not Syrian but rather economic migrants from countries other than Syria but yet still calls them "Syrian refugees". You have "Syrian" refugees fleeing the civil war in Bangladesh. That being said the behavior of these "refugees" is incentivized by the system which refuses to penalize the criminals and punishes those who voice their discontent, labeling them "Nazis", "hooligans" and "far right extremists" when in fact great majority of them are average law abiding taxpayer citizens as the video i posted shows.

So it's some kind of stereotyping out of a legitimate but biased anger? They're not really Arabs (or particularly Syrian refugees) that they're talking about? Who was that one guy referring to when he said "Arabs?"
So it's some kind of stereotyping out of a legitimate but biased anger? They're not really Arabs (or particularly Syrian refugees) that they're talking about? Who was that one guy referring to when he said "Arabs?"
Well i dont know if in that guys particular case the men were actually arabs or not. I was speaking in general terms. Maybe they were arabs, whatever the case that particular detail is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. The people are angry at foreigners who hace come to their homeland ostensibly to flee a war but are wreaking havoc.
You know, despite it being a rag against Arabs in this particular instance, you can't blame these people for feeling that way. I always put myself in the other person's shoes and see how I would react and, if I saw a slew of refugees and undeserving migrants who are trying to beat the system for a free ride, and that same group showing filthy, despicable and ungrateful behavior, I would be pissed off to no end, just the same. It doesn't really take a genius to figure that out. It's just a shame that Arabs just happen to be the subject matter in this case. Either way, whomever they were, they most likely brought it upon themselves.

I believe there was also an Afghan teenage guy involved (in murder of his german girlfriend after she broke up with him) that happened around the same time too (I believe the syrian arab refugees involved in the recent violence were physical assault based).

This is the problem when politicians control levers at such delta impulse for the larger society...and they operate those levers on emotions/perceived political expediency...rather than to first give (and try out pilot projects etc with actual willingness to accept the results) of a rational, critical and structured policy. IMHO, the vetting/refugee camps should have been constructed (and any western aid/help on top directed there) in the oil rich gulf states and from there a dynamic long term policy formulated. Instead there was emotional virtue signalling and the emotional counters....and this just sustains the polarisation. This is going to be very messy and crippling...politicians gain, society loses.
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