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@Georg I was on the phone with my sister who is in Berlin at convention on higher education at Humboldt University. This is her first time to Germany. There are lots of higher education delegates from the world. She has noted the German as the nicest people she has ever met and Berlin the most cleanest major city she has even been to. She is entirely blown by German hospitality although they keep mistaking her for Turkish. She has good things to say about Swedes, Turks, Canadians but nothing positive even indeed negative views about Americans. She is not political and all her conclusions are based on subjective factors like being friendly and open.

Hope she enjoy here stay in Berlin....
but Berlin clean?....
it is one of the most dirty citys in Germany... and the only capital in Europe with a negative effect on the nations economy numbers... Berlin is ruled by incompent politicans from left SPD and former commies Linke... best example of their incompetence is the never get finished Berlin airport. If she wants to see a realy clean major city she should visit Munic.
Okay guys - I told you guys my kid brother has been accepted by the police. Well he has began his service today. Including being rigged out with uniform, armoured vest etc My brother is a law graduate from a Russel group university and is assured of fast track promotion. Please pray for his safety [my elderly mum is very worried] and hope him promotion to senior ranks of the force. This is second police officer in our family. I have cousin, a SP in Karachi who was in the army but left as captain back in early 2000s and joined the Police.

Mod Edit: Images removed.

@Joe Shearer @django @KediKesenFare @xenon54 @T-123456 @mike2000 is back @Hamartia Antidote @gambit @Penguin @Vergennes @waz @Chinese-Dragon @beijingwalker @AUSTERLITZ @war&peace @Horus @ValerioAurelius @KAL-EL others

My congrats to your brother on his acceptance.

May he take good care and stay safe.
It is surprisingly intelligent and socially improved than cattle.

If that is the rule than ........ It would be equally or more applicable in case of birds, amphibians, reptiles and sea life. I have seen experiments proving crows and some other birds to be very intelligent. I kept mentioning that pork is omnivore like crows and humans so being an omnivore is related to being an intelligent? Plus pardon my ignorance but share some examples / data on pig's intelligence ...... its an interesting conclusion. And why intelligent mammals still are in the food chain list of carnivores?

Is it time for us to completely renounce Islam and reject it as a religion compatible to the modern age?

On what basis? Before outright pointing out Islam to be the problem, why not study our own attitude and how much influence the real Islam plays in forming those attitudes?
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