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Former Russian Prime Minister Yevgeny Primakov’s book “Years in Big Politics” (original Russian title: Gody v Bolshoi Politike) published in 1999. Since the Soviet collapse Academician Primakov was chief of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) till his appointment as Foreign Minister in January 1996 by President Boris Yeltsin.
He writes that in early 1990s Pakistan had requested for Sukhoi Su-27 fighters from Russia, which were the best warplane at that time. According to Primakov, the Russian Foreign Ministry (then headed by Andrei Kozyrev) had cleared the deal. However, the Kremlin referred it to SVR.
“We asked the Pakistani side, do they have funds to buy the planes? They replied, yes, they have agreement with Saudi Arabia. We cross-checked through our channels and found it was not true. SVR established that it was a grand foreign plot to scuttle Russia’s military-technical cooperation with India,” former Russian Prime Minister Primakov wrote in his book.

How serious is the offer? Ryabkov is a junior minister in Russian cabinet. But making an offer to a financially insolvent client . Making it stick is a different ball game. Approval for the sale will have to go through several rungs of the Russian parliament Duma and the military, plus there are higher powers in Vladimir Putin’s inner circle who can overrule Ryabkov. So there’s every possibility that the Su-35 for Pakistan will end up...

source .. RBTH ..

Bro i received negative rating for the above post( which is copied and pasted without editing from RBTH& i clarified it).. some mod edited removed a line.. later HRK give me negative rating..
Contact HRK and the rest can be taken up in GHQ. Not the place to complain. Good friend danger...

Former Russian Prime Minister Yevgeny Primakov’s book “Years in Big Politics” (original Russian title: Gody v Bolshoi Politike) published in 1999. Since the Soviet collapse Academician Primakov was chief of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) till his appointment as Foreign Minister in January 1996 by President Boris Yeltsin.
He writes that in early 1990s Pakistan had requested for Sukhoi Su-27 fighters from Russia, which were the best warplane at that time. According to Primakov, the Russian Foreign Ministry (then headed by Andrei Kozyrev) had cleared the deal. However, the Kremlin referred it to SVR.
“We asked the Pakistani side, do they have funds to buy the planes? They replied, yes, they have agreement with Saudi Arabia. We cross-checked through our channels and found it was not true. SVR established that it was a grand foreign plot to scuttle Russia’s military-technical cooperation with India,” former Russian Prime Minister Primakov wrote in his book.

How serious is the offer? Ryabkov is a junior minister in Russian cabinet. But making an offer to a financially insolvent client . Making it stick is a different ball game. Approval for the sale will have to go through several rungs of the Russian parliament Duma and the military, plus there are higher powers in Vladimir Putin’s inner circle who can overrule Ryabkov. So there’s every possibility that the Su-35 for Pakistan will end up...

source .. RBTH ..

Bro i received negative rating for the above post( which is copied and pasted without editing from RBTH& i clarified it).. some mod edited removed a line.. later HRK give me negative rating..

PAF got screwed during 90s when it comes to purchase of fighter jets.

@HRK if he is correct and have not violated forum rules & regulation then do consider his request.
PAF got screwed during 90s when it comes to purchase of fighter jets.

@HRK if he is correct and have not violated forum rules & regulation then do consider his request.

plz visit that thread & see who smartly he has shown his bigotry & prejudice towards Pakistan .....


I have all the right to excise my power & if there is someone who have any issue with this can adopt a proper channel to get his case registered .... I also expect admin to have my reason for this action before any decision

plz visit that thread & see who smartly he has shown his bigotry & prejudice towards Pakistan .....


I have all the right to excise my power & if there is someone who have any issue with this can adopt a proper channel to get his case registered .... I also expect admin to have my reason for this action before any decision


What is your prob... where did i showed bigotry.. i asked you point out..Isn't my post related su-27 deal in 90s.. i just wanted to mentioned how the deal disposed... @Basel I pointed out the supposed deal of su 27 not mig 29.... May be he got something... I don't get what is wrong in it??

PAF got screwed during 90s when it comes to purchase of fighter jets.

@HRK if he is correct and have not violated forum rules & regulation then do consider his request.

I pointed out it was Su 27 not mig 29 which was scrapped and didn't not materialised. i haven't edited anything. just copied part related to thread posted.. may be he hot some issues to understand..
Enjoy the read in the link----

One scorching summer day in Selma, 8-year-old Leticia Corona Gómez asked her mother why their family had to toil in the fields all summer – work that began before dawn and lasted all day, all week, and often, all weekend – for a mere 17 cents per bucket of grapes.

The answer that followed would stay with her and her sisters.

“She said, ‘That’s why you have to get an education,” recalls Leticia’s older sister, Luz Corona Gómez, “so you don’t work in the dirt like us.’ ”

The sisters’ accomplishments are even more remarkable when you take into account that their father never went to school, and their mother has a first-grade education. Rafael and Liduvina grew up working in farm labor in a rural Mexican village where they had little to eat and there was no running water, electricity or paved roads.

They came to the Valley after they were married to give their future children opportunities they never had. It was a grueling journey. Rafael came first and got lost in the desert while walking the long miles north.

Read more here: http://www.fresnobee.com/living/liv-columns-blogs/carmen-george/article86280977.html#storylink=cpy

Read more here: http://www.fresnobee.com/living/liv-columns-blogs/carmen-george/article86280977.html#storylink=cpy


What tears me up is there were some in the homeland---who when got educated enough---would not acknowledge their poor parents---siblings and relatives.
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