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Next time ; ' Une patrouille Sentinelle arrête un prêtre cambrioleur ! ' :enjoy:

Dans un bar gay, oeuf corse!

(I have heard that 70% of the trainings in the CENZUB have been canceled..)

More seriously, that is why the Army requested 11,000 more personnel as to give back
the interior deployment to the normal format and thus equipment, training, deployment loop.


to this


and this

"Dans le communiqué publié à l'issue d'un Conseil de Défense qui s'est tenu ce mercredi matin, l'Elysée précise que les effectifs du ministère de la Défense seront renforcés de 10.000 postes au total au cours des années 2017 à 2019"

""In a dispatch issued after a Defense Council this Wednesday morning, the Élysée ( Presidential Palace ) announced that
10,000 job suppressions were annulled and so 800 posts will open in each of the 3 years, i.e. 2,400 more bodies.""
Warning : Very special Tay transl., not Google exactly.
Now of course, it only works if the jobs retained are not accountants
but still there's an interesting trend there, wouldn't you say? :azn:

Of course, a French national might also want to notice the vagaries
of this government's politics towards defense spending. For 2017?

Flamby was literally saved by the performance of the military of France.
Without it,
-13% in the polls would not even surprise me ... :dirol:

And good evening, gonna watch my favorite super-hero grow up, Tay.

@Pukhtoon Ref. Baby Dance Very Funny

That's not a baby, mate! o_O It's a kid or at least a toddler.

He is however quite the belly dancer! ;)

Darn, what a paunch! :D

Have a great day, Tay.

@Vauban I'm thinking back to your last post and thinking a thread
on what it means to deploy the military for Sentinelle through all aspects.

France was used to seeing soldiers move around and waddle in the forests
but Sentinelle on the footsteps of Vigipirate perennializes the new paradigm.
How a kid from 2010 vs one from 1990 vs one from before 1970 differ maybe?
Many countries need their military on the street but we don't ... then again, are
there not good sides post-compulsory service to showcase a fit and trim Army?

As an example, Tay.
I didn't title the video nor am I the uploader; someone had shared it on their fb. Yeah he's got the moves. :lol:

Of course this government is so much better if we compare them to the 'Je te supprime 54.000 postes' one.
Since the end of the cold war we are seeing a new trend,where cuts are now part of the past,we can probably criticize Sentinelle,but without this operation,maybe we would be still cutting the size and could only dream about recruiting 11.000 more soldiers.
At least this government created 9.000 jobs in the internal security forces while the GN and PN lost ~13.000 under the former one.... :angel:
'Thanks' to the recent events,internal security and defence are among the top subjects the candidates would have to deal with for 2017 and the PA2 is on my wishlist,svp. 8-)
Dreaming isn't forbidden right ?

Have a great day (night?) !


@Nilgiri that thread is closed so I'm posting my reply here. :/
Her economics
I'm sure she had a finance minister. Why not blame him? 8-)
the massive nationalisation spree she did
The motive was theoretically noble: to help poor Indians access modern banking services.
Did you know Mrs. Gandhi also implemented a policy that made corporate donations to political parties illegal? I wish Kejriwal knew about it.
She was the first politician to introduce liberal economic policies or so I heard. Back in early 1980's, she encouraged foreign investment in automobile and consumer electronics.
making any lasting small enterprise that survived through Nehruvian system...seek refuge in informal economy and black markets
Not completely true. Her govt had taken the landmark decision to deregulate the cement industry and the the black market in cement vanished over night.The production zoomed and actual market prices dropped.
These are just few of the good things about her (govt) which doesn't get discussed often.

verall I would rate her 4/10 (Modi so far is at about 6/10 for me...a little higher if we are talking about Guj CMship only)
Not fair. She atleast deserves a 5.

ranjeet said:
If am not wrong it was her able leadership which politicized our bureaucracy
Now,let's stop painting her legacy as pitch black. :tsk:

FYI- @WAJsal and @Slav Defence
Now we have a new member who has the same ID as the admin. :P


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@Nilgiri that thread is closed so I'm posting my reply here. :/

I'm sure she had a finance minister. Why not blame him? 8-)

The motive was theoretically noble: to help poor Indians access modern banking services.
Did you know Mrs. Gandhi also implemented a policy that made corporate donations to political parties illegal? I wish Kejriwal knew about it.
She was the first politician to introduce liberal economic policies or so I heard. Back in early 1980's, she encouraged foreign investment in automobile and consumer electronics.

Not completely true. Her govt had taken the landmark decision to deregulate the cement industry and the the black market in cement vanished over night.The production zoomed and actual market prices dropped.
These are just few of the good things about her (govt) which doesn't get discussed often.

Not fair. She atleast deserves a 5.

Now,let's stop painting her legacy as pitch black. :tsk:

FYI- @WAJsal and @Slav Defence
Now we have a new member who has the same ID as the admin. :P

View attachment 313429
I'm sure she had a finance minister. Why not blame him? 8-)

I am not saying everything lands on her shoulders solely and squarely. By Indira Gandhi I mean her administration by extension. She is the Head of govt, ultimately she is responsible for the policies implemented since she can veto them....and definitely had a large hand in the overall direction of the more instrumental/large scale ones.

The motive was theoretically noble: to help poor Indians access modern banking services

I'm not talking about the banks actually....but many of the medium scale industrial companies in manufacturing, textiles and so on that existed outside both the PSUs and the few private giants that had the right political connections. I'm talking things like minerals, metals, coal, cotton mills, textiles etc. She did this a few years after the banks iirc....thinking its a one solution fits all solution for every sphere of economic activity.

Nationalising the banks was an ok move overall. It had its pros and cons which are quite complicated....and a lot of it is from hindsight only. I don't blame her for that decision, though I wish she didnt do it so full scale but just picked a certain selection of them instead. Like you said the goals were noble in this regard and some very valid achievements in savings and credit access to the rural areas was achieved that helped the green revolution. The main problems were the lethargy that eventually ensued and lack of banking diversity and inability to adapt with changing conditions after the objectives were largely met. Things like microcredit could have easily been pushed through in India to counter the loansharking that was and is still prevalent in many rural areas.

I'm also ok with her nationalising the oil companies somewhat since they were snooty about providing oil to indian military in 1971. Though again just 1 or 2 and leaving some private would have been ideal in hindsight.

Did you know Mrs. Gandhi also implemented a policy that made corporate donations to political parties illegal? I wish Kejriwal knew about it.

Yah but how much of that was to simply keep the top dawg status for INC as long as possible? Cutting off all sources of corporate funding to every political party means the biggest one carries its power/popularity momentum for a good long time. Not so noble imho. It would have been noble after a truly pluralistic political environment was first created...not when one party has monopolised all political discourse pretty much.

Its sort of the reason I really wish that both Gandhi and Nehru, although instrumental persona in the INC, should not have endorsed themselves as direct members of any specific party esp when Nehru became first PM....something to the effect of how George Washington did so for the US.

She was the first politician to introduce liberal economic policies or so I heard. Back in early 1980's, she encouraged foreign investment in automobile and consumer electronics.

She started a few things. Maruti UDYOG started under her tenure as well I believe under official stewardship of Sanjay. Problem is these industries need SME clusters to operate efficiently. That culture can only be spawned by massive deregulation...and no govt interference in day to day activity. I mean the parts to make just one car would fill up probably the entire shop floor with govt paperwork in just a few hours I would think under the old system (I am not kidding!).

Not completely true. Her govt had taken the landmark decision to deregulate the cement industry and the the black market in cement vanished over night.The production zoomed and actual market prices dropped.
These are just few of the good things about her (govt) which doesn't get discussed often.

It was a good move. But it could have been done much earlier....and been followed up a lot earlier with other crucial industries. No reason to wait till 1991 when the situation became forced.

Not fair. She atleast deserves a 5.

I am a harsh scorer. You can calibrate to your needs :D. You hear me praise Modi generally and I only give him a 6. Someone getting 2/3rds of his score is pretty high praise overall....because I value her strong decisive leadership w.r.t Pakistan, cold war in general and internal security matters.

Most politicians and leaders in world history on average score between 0 - 2 for me. Just keep it in mind for reference :P

One more fun fact. I appreciate how she handled the train locomotive driver strike that occured some time during her tenure. I wonder if @anant_s knows that story :D
@Pukhtoon Ref. Baby Dance Very Funny

That's not a baby, mate! o_O It's a kid or at least a toddler.

He is however quite the belly dancer! ;)

Darn, what a paunch! :D

Have a great day, Tay.

@Vauban I'm thinking back to your last post and thinking a thread
on what it means to deploy the military for Sentinelle through all aspects.

France was used to seeing soldiers move around and waddle in the forests
but Sentinelle on the footsteps of Vigipirate perennializes the new paradigm.
How a kid from 2010 vs one from 1990 vs one from before 1970 differ maybe?
Many countries need their military on the street but we don't ... then again, are
there not good sides post-compulsory service to showcase a fit and trim Army?

As an example, Tay.
Tagging people????
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Have Eid come early this year :lol:


Thanks for the share. Loved it sir!
That's a bit of an exaggeration my friend, if earned!
I merely got all excited at iftar time ... it won't happen again, promise! ;)

Have a great meal with your community, Tay.
may be :P

But thanks for your well wishes sir. As the day have gone today, i loved the ones regarding meal :lol:
3 hours till Iftar!!
I am not saying everything lands on her shoulders solely and squarely. By Indira Gandhi I mean her administration by extension. She is the Head of govt, ultimately she is responsible for the policies implemented since she can veto them....and definitely had a large hand in the overall direction of the more instrumental/large scale ones.

I'm not talking about the banks actually....but many of the medium scale industrial companies in manufacturing, textiles and so on that existed outside both the PSUs and the few private giants that had the right political connections. I'm talking things like minerals, metals, coal, cotton mills, textiles etc. She did this a few years after the banks iirc....thinking its a one solution fits all solution for every sphere of economic activity.

Nationalising the banks was an ok move overall. It had its pros and cons which are quite complicated....and a lot of it is from hindsight only. I don't blame her for that decision, though I wish she didnt do it so full scale but just picked a certain selection of them instead. Like you said the goals were noble in this regard and some very valid achievements in savings and credit access to the rural areas was achieved that helped the green revolution. The main problems were the lethargy that eventually ensued and lack of banking diversity and inability to adapt with changing conditions after the objectives were largely met. Things like microcredit could have easily been pushed through in India to counter the loansharking that was and is still prevalent in many rural areas.

I'm also ok with her nationalising the oil companies somewhat since they were snooty about providing oil to indian military in 1971. Though again just 1 or 2 and leaving some private would have been ideal in hindsight.

Yah but how much of that was to simply keep the top dawg status for INC as long as possible? Cutting off all sources of corporate funding to every political party means the biggest one carries its power/popularity momentum for a good long time. Not so noble imho. It would have been noble after a truly pluralistic political environment was first created...not when one party has monopolised all political discourse pretty much.

Its sort of the reason I really wish that both Gandhi and Nehru, although instrumental persona in the INC, should not have endorsed themselves as direct members of any specific party esp when Nehru became first PM....something to the effect of how George Washington did so for the US.

She started a few things. Maruti UDYOG started under her tenure as well I believe under official stewardship of Sanjay. Problem is these industries need SME clusters to operate efficiently. That culture can only be spawned by massive deregulation...and no govt interference in day to day activity. I mean the parts to make just one car would fill up probably the entire shop floor with govt paperwork in just a few hours I would think under the old system (I am not kidding!).

It was a good move. But it could have been done much earlier....and been followed up a lot earlier with other crucial industries. No reason to wait till 1991 when the situation became forced.

I am a harsh scorer. You can calibrate to your needs :D. You hear me praise Modi generally and I only give him a 6. Someone getting 2/3rds of his score is pretty high praise overall....because I value her strong decisive leadership w.r.t Pakistan, cold war in general and internal security matters.

Most politicians and leaders in world history on average score between 0 - 2 for me. Just keep it in mind for reference :P

One more fun fact. I appreciate how she handled the train locomotive driver strike that occured some time during her tenure. I wonder if @anant_s knows that story :D
I agree.
The only thing that I object to is to painting Indira Gandhi's era black.
I've heard that Mrs.Gandhi would have turned more right had she not been assassinated in 1984.

How the hell do you earn bans? You sound so sane most of the time.

Tagging people????
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I guess nagging does help at times. :lol:
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