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Much appreciated.

Here are a few more of the revamped and working battle report thread links.

(Commander highlighted - Cyrus the great)
(commander highlighted - Epaminondas against the spartans)
(Commander highlighted -Subutai and jebe)
(Commander highlight - Czar Peter the great)

Will revamp more as soon as i can get time.Eventually i think i will create a new index thread with links to all the individual threads.The older ones are broken due to imageshack.
Much appreciated.

Here are a few more of the revamped and working battle report thread links.

(Commander highlighted - Cyrus the great)
(commander highlighted - Epaminondas against the spartans)
(Commander highlighted -Subutai and jebe)
Done, will need time to read them all.
Yarmuk (commander highlight - Khalid ibn al waleed),Nicopolis(Commander- Bayezid),Alexander's persian campaign,Alexander's indian campaign,Ipsus(commander -Seleucus),Pharsalus(Caesar),Rossbach and Leuthen (frederick the great).I had posted these ones too.But are broken now,so i will get to work to make them readable again.
@Mentee Dude, I didn't want to continue on the other thread and derail needlessly. You don't like my new avatar? :o: But why not brother? I think it looks really good. Another one of your country men told me he doesn't like it and made me cry. :fie:

About the other point, please check my history, I am no where even remotely having any kind of extreme viewpoint. This particular guy irritates me for several reasons like for example when he says "NATO should nuke India" ....how would you like if someone said that about Pak? There is a limit to everything and a decent way to say things, you cannot cross all limits of decency and expect others to keep quiet. Anyways I am not going to discuss this further, I will say nothing more, so case closed. :stop:

BTW would you mind if I asked you where in Pakistan you come from? No need to answer if it is not something you can share publicly. I only ask because your style of writing and your outlook ( you are very comfortable with and friendly to outsiders) makes me think you were brought up in gulf? Am I wrong?
@Mentee Dude, I didn't want to continue on the other thread and derail needlessly. You don't like my new avatar? :o: But why not brother? I think it looks really good. Another one of your country men told me he doesn't like it and made me cry. :fie:

i have no feud with your avatar,its something else----saray log aik bandy (not @jamahir ) k peechay pary hoy ho----one of the darlings of P.D.F---oftentimes remind me of son pari:angel:----- koe sharam hoti hain koe haya hoti hain--its just pathetic yar:sick:

when he says "NATO should nuke India"

dont worry he would only let you know,when its coming-------:D

There is a limit to everything and a decent way to say things, you cannot cross all limits of decency and expect others to keep quiet
like many other sane persons of our society, he is also a victim of trendy-herd mentality----when it comes to his turn sb ko ragra lga dayty hain:butcher:

BTW would you mind if I asked you where in Pakistan you come from? No need to answer if it is not something you can share publicly. I only ask because your style of writing and your outlook ( you are very comfortable with and friendly to outsiders) makes me think you were brought up in gulf? Am I wrong?

a Sunni cum Wahabi from Punjab:woot:----and no,neither i was brought up in gulf nor i want to go their,for obvious reasons:angry:---i just dont prejudge people ---that he/she must be a daish drohi if he/she belongs to an opposite creed,cast and ethnicity:)
P.S jamahir is one of the reasons i joined this forum----he was the first person who did a thorough surgery on deoband hind,the reason for almost every terror activity across the globe in the name of sunni Islam----enough said,dont want to get a ban---oh how can i miss to share ---- the skyline of my city today is just presenting a scene from heavens:pakistan:
This particular guy irritates me for several reasons like for example when he says "NATO should nuke India"

dear sir, can you mention when and which thread i said those very words?? :)


oh how can i miss to share ---- the skyline of my city today is just presenting a scene from heavens:pakistan:


or if you are in islamabad, snow i suppose... or a simple beauteous evening sun.

or perhaps a rainbow.
Want a U.S. visa? Pray at this Indian temple - Feb. 29, 2016

he Hindu place of worship outside of Hyderabad is known as "The Visa Temple."

Its real name is Chilkur Balladic, and it first gained its reputation in the 1980s thanks to a group of engineering students who were said to have received visas to study in the U.S. after visiting.

Tradition dictates that worshippers seeking visas must make 11 laps around the sanctuary. Those who are successful return to make 108 rounds in a show of gratitude.

this is what most indian engineering students are capable of, yet the sanghis criticize the non-engineering progressive students of jnu ( delhi ) who are trying to bring a revolutionary change to india. :lol:
That's a very violent video. :tsk:
Reminds me of my pet rabbits.
You know, I have always been very unlucky- none of my pets ever survived for long.
I had 2 rabbits which were killed by street dogs. Then I had a parrot which died due to severe cold.
And after that I had a pet dog which died in an accident.
My present pet "hunter" lives in India, away from me.
You made me senti wajsiee. :(

FYI- Hum shakahaari hai. :angel:
When loosely translated it means "I am vegetarian".
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