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The First Punic War -
As Alexander's successors and their dynasties intermittently fought amongst themselves in the eastern mediterranean,the western mediterranean was dominated by the maritime empire of Carthage - originially a phoenician colony in modern day Tunisia in North africa.Carthage had dominated the western mediterranean with her great wealth(trade and grain) until she was challenged by the rising power of the Roman Republic in Italy.Over the preceeding centuries Rome has unified italy under her control,showing her early potential by repulsing the Invasion of Pyrrhus of Epirus -the greatest Hellenistic warlord of his day.The conflict begins over sicily - the central trading node of the mediterranean and a bread basket,the region where Roman and Carthaginian spheres of influence overlapped.The resulting 23 year war is one of the most devastating in antiquity with nearly 400,000 military deaths on both sides and ends in the defeat of Carthage and the loss of sicily.

In Sicily,the Carthaginian general Hamilcar had fought a lone battle for carthage remaining undefeated and earning the nickname 'Barca'(lightning) for the speed of his movements.Abandoned by the senate he returned to carthage after the war to crush the rebellion of unpaid mercenaries and peasants in Africa who had nearly besieged Cartahge itself.Rome meanwhile had added insult to injury by seizing sardinia and corsica and imposing a further indemnity on carthage when it protested.This kick in the back in Carthage's moment of weakness would not be forgotten or forgiven by the Barcids,who swore revenge.Eager to get the powerful general out of carthage the carthiginian politicians send him to spain to consolidate their holdings there.

(Hamilcar Barca)
Meanwhile,the new superpower of the mediterranean - Rome believes she is invincible.And there is solid ground for such confidence,having united all italy(one of the most populous and prosperous regions of the entire world at that time)she possesed the largest strategic manpower base in the world by far.Combined with its conscription policy and irrestible legions meant Rome had no peer on land.On sea,the romans had seized primacy from carthage after the 1st punic war and now controlled the western mediterranean.As Rome revels in her strength,hamilcar before leaving for iberia(spain)takes his 9 yr old son Hannibal deep into the temple of carthage,and on a blood sacrifice asks him to swear that as long as he lived he would be an Enemy of Rome.He would keep his word.

Hamilcar marched his veteran army to Iberia where Carthage already had a small foothold. Iberia (Spanish peninsula),a land whose variety of natural resources would fill its coffers with sorely needed revenue and replace the riches of Sicily that, following the end of the First Punic War, were now flowing into Roman hands. In addition, it was the ambition of the Barcas to some day employ the Iberian peninsula as a base of operations for waging a war of revenge against the Romans.Hamilcar rapidly expanded the Carthaginian coastal enclave in Spain into a continental empire,the gold and silver from spanish mines repleneshing carthaginian strength.However he is killed in an ambush and succeeded by his son-in-law Hasdrubal the Handsome.Hasdrubal consolidates Hamilcar's conquests with diplomacy as much as war -a steady trickle of gold and silver to Carthage keeping the politicians at home pacified and leaving him largely independent.Expansion of Carthaginian power in spain concerns the romans,but they are busy dealing with a gallic invasion and make a deal with Hasdrubal where south of the Ebro river would be Carthage's sphere of influence..but north of it he wouldn't move.At hasdrubal's assasination,the army unanimously proclaims Hannibal,now 26 as their commander.
''The old veterans thought Hamilcar restored to them.The same piercing eyes,the same determined expression and the same cast of features'' - Historian Livy

(Hannibal in his youth on the coin,and at a later age in marble bust)
Hannibal spent the first two years of his command seeking to complete his father's ambition while simultaneously putting down several potential revolts that resulted in part from the death of Hasdrubal, which menaced the Carthaginian possessions already conquered thus far.Hannibal's first campaign was directed
against the Olcades, a Celtic Spanish tribe whose lands lay to the south of the Ebro. After routing the Olcade levies,Hannibal stormed and sacked Carteia, their capital. The weaker neighboring tribes quickly submitted, and the Carthaginian army returned to winter quarters laden with booty.In 220 BC Hannibal set his sights on the Vaccaei and Carpetani the only major tribes south of the Ebro that had not yet bowed to Carthage. These were also Celtic tribes that had settled in Spain He probably led no more than 20,000 foot and 6,000 horse,
considering the large kingdom that had to be garrisoned.Hannibal attacked and sacked the Vaccaei capital Arbacola headed back to New Carthage to regroup before moving against the Carpetani.It had become clear that all the Spanish tribes would be sequentially subjugated by Hannibal if each tribe acted alone. So the Carpetani made common cause with the Olcade, Vaccaei and neighboring lessor tribes to march against Hannibal.
Battle of Tagus River -
While still north of the Tagus, Hannibal's scouts brought word that a large tribal army was in pursuit twice his size. Hannibal was in a precarious position. If he abandoned his booty, his fast moving army could easily leave the barbarian host behind. But a mercenary army fought for its booty, and any delay in the conquest of Spain would affect his long-term plans for war with Rome. Yet, to accept battle in the open field with a force nearly double his in size would be extremely risky.Hannibal took a manuever out of Hamilcar's book.His army raced south, in apparent fear. The Spanish pursued eagerly.Hannibal crossed the Tagus River in great haste, further baiting the tribesmen.Covered by a screen of skirmishers,the Carthaginian army moved in four columns. On his flanks, Hannibal placed his elephants in the van, followed by the cavalry. In the center he formed two columns, first the light infantry, then the medium and finally the phalanx. Therefore the slowest troops were nearest the river, the quickest were farthest away. The Spanish tribal forces streamed on in pursuit. However, once across the river, Hannibal's army executed a retrograde wheeling movement that brought the African phalanx, auxiliaries, cavalry and elephants back to the riverbank even as the rebels were wading across. The Punic cavalry charged first, cutting down thousands of rebels struggling up the bank through mud and slime. Here the elephants proved invaluable, crushing Spanish warriors scrambling up the bank with their massive feet. Hannibal's Spanish auxiliaries showered the enemy with javelins. When the rebel assault was completely halted and thrown into confusion, Hannibal ordered his phalanx to re-cross the river and finish them off. Hannibal had converted a danegerous situation into a dramatic victory.Hannibal followed up his victory by pursuing the Carpetani into their homeland,completing the subjugation of all tribes south of the Ebro.

Saguntum,the only remaining major city south of the ebro not under carthage's aegis had allied itself with rome and Rome sent a delegation to Hannibal to warn him against any attack.In the past after the first punic war Carthage had always capitulated to roman demands,to the Romans surprise Hannibal attacked Saguntum and sacked the city after a 8-month siege.Rome demanded the carthaginian assembly hand Hannibal over ,but this was refused.It would be war.The Second Punic War had begun.
Hannibal had no intention to sit and recieve the romans in spain.Hannibal clearly considered the nature of roman power-and came to the conclusion that Rome could only be defeated in Italy.The cornerstone of Rome's power was a strategic manpower base that in theory could produce 7,00,000 infantry and 70,000 cavalry.More than half of this manpower base (4,00,000) was provided by rome's Italian allies,who paid no taxes but had to render military service to rome's armies.Not all were content.Carthage on the other hand rarely used its own citizens for war,bulk of its army being mercenaries.In any case its manpower could never even come close to Rome,the fact that had aided roman victory in the 1st Punic war.Hannibal thus understood that Rome could afford to raise and send army after army to spain and take losses. Meanwhile any carthiginian losses in spain would encourage the recently conquered iberian tribes to defect.
The only way to defeat Rome,was to fight in italy itself.By winning battle after battle on italian soil and demonstrating to the italian allies rome's inability to protect them and weakness,he could encourage them to break free of Rome eroding Rome's manpower to sizeable proportions.
But there was one problem,his fleet was tiny and Rome ruled the seas.By land,the coastal route would be blocked by Roman forces and her ally-the great walled city of massalia.Hannibal thus resolved to think and do the impossible - move thousands of miles by land through the pyranees mountains,uncharted territory inhabited by the fierce gauls ,then through the Alps mountains and invade italy.

(Beginning of the Second Punic War)
Hannibal's preparations -
Even before the siege of Saguntum had concluded,Hannibal had set things in motion.Having sent a number of embassies to the Gallic tribes in the Po valley with the mission of establishing a safe place for Hannibal to debouch from the Alps into the Po valley. He did not desire to cross this rugged mountain chain and to descend into the Po valley with exhausted troops only to have to fight a battle.Additionally the fierce gauls would provide a source of manpower for Hannibal's army.The romans had recently conquered much territory from the gauls in this area,brutally subjagating them ,seizing their land and redistributing it to roman colonists.Thus securing an alliance proved to be easy.
After the sack of Saguntum he dismissed his troops to their own localities. He did this with the hope of cultivating the best possible morale in his army for the upcoming campaign, which he knew was going to be difficult. He left his brother,Hasdrubal in charge of the administration of Carthaginian Iberia, as well as its defense against the Romans. In addition to this, he swapped the native troops of Iberia to Africa, and the native troops of Africa to Iberia. This was done in order to minimize desertion and assure the loyalty of the troops while he was himself busy with the assault on Rome.
Roman Preparations -
Leaving aside its garrisons,in 218 BC the Roman Senate mobilized a first wave of 64,000 infantry and 6,200 cavalry for a planned 2-front assault on Carthage.
>One force of 8,000 roman infantry(2 legions) plus 14,000 Italian allied infantry and 2200 cavalry were sent under Consul Publius scipio the elder to invade Spain
>A Second army under Consul Sempronius Longus of 2 roman legions(8000 foot and 600 horse),plus 16,000 allied infantry and 1800 cavalry in sicily was to invade Carthage in North Africa.
>A Third army 2 additional roman legions,plus 10,000 allied infantry and 1,000 cavalry was sent to north italy to keep the gauls under the heel.And this was just the tip of the iceberg as far as roman manpower was concerned.
Hannibal mobilized his Polygot Multiethnic armies at New Carthage for his War of Retribution.
He dispatched 15,000 spanish infantry and 1200 cavalry to reinforce Carthage in Africa.
He left behind Hasdrubal with 13,000 infantry and 2500 cavalry in Spain to defend against a roman attack.
He then began his epic march from Carthago Nova(New Carthage) with over 75,000 men .

Lightning Campaign In Catalonia -
Hannibal foresaw problems if he left Catalonia as a bridgehead for the Romans. They had a number of allies in this country, and he could not allow the Romans a place to land in his base unopposed. As he was relying upon contingents of forces coming to him in Italy via the land route he was about to head out upon, he must take and conquer this country. He had no intention of leaving Iberia to its fate once he was in Italy. Hannibal opted to take the region in a swift campaign, and to that effect he divided his army into three columns, in order to subdue the entirety of the region at the same time.
The principal column was the right column, and with it was the treasure chest, the cavalry, with baggage, all the other necessities of war and Hannibal himself. This was the critical column. As long as Hannibal had no ships to keep himself abreast of the exact movements of the Romans, he wanted to be present in person in case the Romans should make a landing in an attempt to attack his army on its ascent or descent through the Pyrenees. This column crossed the Ebro at the town of Edeba, and proceeded directly along the coast through Tarraco, Barcino(later Barcelona), Gerunda, Emporiae and Illiberis.Each of those were taken and garrisoned in turn.
The second, or central, column crossed the Ebro proceeded through a number of valleys in this country, and had orders to subdue any tribes that resisted its advance. It eventually rejoined the principal column when it had completed its task.
The third, or left, column crossed the Ebro where it touches with the Sicoris River and proceeded along the river valley and into the mountain countries. It performed the same task as the second and the first columns did. When planning each of these marches, Hannibal ensured that the Rubracatus river was athwart each of the columns' paths, so if any of the columns should be placed in a disadvantageous situation the other columns could march up and down the river in support of each other should one be placed in a perilous position.The campaign was conducted over the course of two months,Hannibal lost 13,000 men.
Hannibal garrisoned the region with 10,000 infantry and 1,000 cavalry under his brother Hanno.He further let go another 10,000 spaniards who were reluctant to leave thir homeland.Hannibal reportedly entered Gaul with 50.00 foot soldiers and 9,000 horsemen.