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Have you guyz ever tried Green Tea Ice Cream.. ? :eek: They serve it in Sushi Bars as a desert... The name sounds weird, but the taste was pretty good..

Sometimes I'm confused by what I think is really obvious. But what I think is really obvious obviously isn't obvious...” hmmm still confused lol
he is already back with the ID of FRED GRIFFIN... :eek::eek: and this time if he starts a fight... I will talk with moderators myself... I am documenting and saving his posts...

I am confused as to who you are?

In this thread:

Seriously, If Israel attacks Iran we are going to see World War 3. Its going to be no good. Iran will also attack the nations that allow use of their airspace to get to Israel. And it is speculated that Iran will attack Saudi Arabia oil refineries.

Yeah that is a remote possibility ADT. but I don't want World War 3 at any costs.. :cry::cry:



Stop following me around and do not private message me anymore. I didn't know they allow psychopathic individuals on this forum. :rolleyes:


How are you............... Whatever! :lol:

I am fine.. Zaki you know what I am addicted to this forum.. I am serious.. I dont know what to do about it... I love to argue and this forum have diverse range of members to argue with on diverse issues.. I had to do so many things on this long weekend.. but I was not able to finish 30% of them...

If this addiction continues, I have to ask moderators myself to ban me from this forum.. :angry:
don't fight please................ leave your generations old dispute at home :angry:
I was just reading thread Beauty of India and its People and in the end so many messages deleted by Mod, Wow I missed the world war three

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