Get a pet which can be a dog or a cat or both if you may.
Life is too complex for the married couples than it's for the unmarried ones.
Enjoy your independence and relish your success.There will be people who'll like to follow you and stand along with you.The good company upon whom you'll be able to depend.It has got the strings like in every relationship there as well.
Ah, and if you find yourself in the 40's.There still be a hot version of reham khan (the wifey material) waiting for you to pounce on that glorious opportunity to entrap you.Till then your pets will be dead and your days of "Mast zindagi" will be over...Happy breeding.
This advice has an expiry of 23 hours.May expire sooner if the author gets another E-mood swing.
In case of an emergency get in contact with the nearest marriage bureau's consultant or their social agents i-e Rishta karane walle massis and babas.