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@levina , what am i expecting?
what just happened, nice trick. Let's try something else ;D , didn't work, anything else?
No alert for ur post.....!!!!! Just saw now...... :-*(

Lolzzz maybe there are days when we all like to act crazy even tho we know we might have to pay for it.
Nahi i hope it will be wrapped up in time. Good luck. U gotta make it to finishing line brooooooo.

As nike tagline reads,' just do itttttttttttt!!!!!!'

Yea, that was simply crazy. My head just wasn't in the game at that time so I spent good time on time pass things. Wasted half the day and at around 4pm in evening I automatically started feeling the pressure. Guess my mind needed some off-work relaxation.

Then I had a cup of coffee, switched to work more, did continuous work from 5pm - 5am and just smoked the project. Have already got the phase 2 of the project approved with 50% advance payment on the way in couple of days.. ;)
. Have already got the phase 2 of the project approved with 50% advance payment on the way in couple of days.. ;)
Omg mashaAllah thats a great news. The customer liked the work. I am glad . You go broooooooo!!!!!!!!

5pm to 5am is 12 hrs straight. But then honestly human brain is weird ,it seems to work more creatively on some specific times of day depending on mood. U knowjust as u were feeling lazy and then u eventually caught up.
I hope it goes successfully till the end.
Omg mashaAllah thats a great news. The customer liked the work. I am glad . You go broooooooo!!!!!!!!

5pm to 5am is 12 hrs straight. But then honestly human brain is weird ,it seems to work more creatively on some specific times of day depending on mood. U knowjust as u were feeling lazy and then u eventually caught up.
I hope it goes successfully till the end.

I don't know why, but I tend to work better during night, especially late night. Almost zero disturbance or distractions and pin drop silence - perfect for creative minds.

But alas its too bad for health so I try to avoid situations where I'll have to spend several sleepless nights on the trot. This was one of my oldest clients and the project had to go live on time. Bahraini royal prince will be reviewing the project in coming days so it was important like hell for my client. Glad it went well..
Well, I think NATO require at least a Armoured Brigade on hand before making Air Assault Ops.

But usually QRF were deployed in support with any type of Special Operation, in case anything went south, but troop that make up that QRF could be different from time to time, it could be rangers, it could be special forces or it could be normal grunt.

But in all, you don't get t pick whatever support you want, you can use them or have priority using them only if they were on station.

Meh, the only SOC unit I deployed is the Special Reconnaissance Detachment, which formerly known as pathfinder. Wasn't any SOCOM material...

(I better not derail that thread.)

Whoa! A brig, Sometimes this ground warfare seems way complex to me. I don't knowaybe because of previously set mindset.. but sure it is complex when things get shifted into combined ground ops.

Ahh I remember we must have talked about that if I am not wrong it was something sort of LRRP. Here its a bit different, you get to see your previously decided role on initial training deployment after sending them the green ticket along with OMPF. The green ticket says everything you can do physically and mentally. If approved by joint board they allow you to thick this box which simply says "I am all yours..use me" lol. Basic's 2-3 week, 10 week cavalry and if hopefully I score high on it l, will get to chosen at SOC mechanized light infantry units. Than 5-6 weeks of accelerated spec ops. But this is like tier 3. DA, area recon, hot pursuit on mountainous area, building/cave clean up. If after 6 months of active service, I will try getting specialist sgt rank, means exams. Than back to field school for same training stuff. But advanced ones this time..a goddamn long way to go.
But I started thinking, what if I had joined army before instead of the navy's. It could be different today. How's your NCO school stuff going? I hope you sorted that out.
I don't know why, but I tend to work better during night, especially late night. Almost zero disturbance or distractions and pin drop silence - perfect for creative minds.

But alas its too bad for health so I try to avoid situations where I'll have to spend several sleepless nights on the trot. This was one of my oldest clients and the project had to go live on time. Bahraini royal prince will be reviewing the project in coming days so it was important like hell for my client. Glad it went well..
Maybe not with everyone but with some ppl who do creative work and when its something major they do feel more energized and mentally in that creative frame of mind towards night.

Writing algos, designing interfaces etc etc does need a specific state of mind imo. And ur work apparently is totally a creative one where u can borrow bits from others work but eventually project requirements have to be met. And idont kno how much aesthetics were part of ur project.

Ohhh and showing it to bahraini prince it means the project was a major one. Wow thats cool. may Allah bring more success to u in ur future endeavors.

But bahi u have benefits of self employment tooo lolzz.
I was going to post this


in the Weapons made in Pakistan thread but it'd probably get me a ban so I'll just put it here

Shabash mere sher!!!
Keep it up. :tup:

I am sure you copy pasted it. Lol
Not this one :p:, lol. Too much to remember for my little brain, lol. I have seen many people posting these sort of initials in comments, never understood them. Sukria, merey bhudey, motey bhain :lol:.
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