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So,why are you so hesitant.Don't worry about it..just pm your voice message.:woot:
You are going to train an academy and you can't pm me a voice message?:P
Lol,levina is wayy brave than you..:sick:


I am not going to train an academy, Karlberg is a College for Officer Cadet, but they also offer some sort of small courses or leadership courses for NCO and Officer alike, I am gonna be in charge on one of those course if I got the job :)

Did Levina PM you her voice message??
Hey there

I have been quite busy, I am re-joining the military, wife got me a teaching position on NCO college in karlberg academy. Now I need to get my fitness back, well, the position is a non-combatant but still require a certain degree of physical fitness...

But if all things goes well, you are looking at a new Swedish Fänrik in about 5 months time lol

P.S. You are going again? I am also gonna step out a bit from PDF once I got my commission....Well, I am gonna send you a email in a couple of days so we can keep in touch lol :)

my voice is crap lol

(also @Horus @Slav Defence )

Best of luck captain. But is it a coincidence or what?

You know it's pretty messed up here in S.E Turkey, COIN has just restarted most likely a land incursion is on plans in future. And no matter how I served before, I have to do military service as a matter of fact I have been delaying it for a couple years for my studies. As you just told me that, you're rejoining up too. You know you can't live without it. So I told myself, normal people go there to fight PKK with a 3 months of basic, what is there to serve after a couple years when all this sh.it storm is over, whereas I, was trained to lead fights would be sitting and watching TV with warmazz, I still know how to operate a CROWS, a 75mm even a Phalanx CIWS. So I applied to draft office. I am going at November, most likely choose to stay as OR-5 at the end of 12-month, since legally can't apply to be an officer again. 3-4 months gendarmerie commando training then aloha to kurds. I was gonna say take care but you're in the same situation lol. Wondering some advice in fight to a squid to be kicked in the middle of green faces lol.

I am not going to train an academy, Karlberg is a College for Officer Cadet, but they also offer some sort of small courses or leadership courses for NCO and Officer alike, I am gonna be in charge on one of those course if I got the job :)

Did Levina PM you her voice message??
Yes,she is a nice and a very decent person.I respect her.However,what about you sir?don't change the topic :D
NCO college in karlberg academy?First sonov has gone and now you are leaving?good luck anyways.
Hey @Neptune long time no see,really missing a true turkish intellect like you..:P


Congrats for being promoted.How his sonov and where is he?:)


Hey how are youy friend?

Thank you, but this forum with its double standards against Turks doesn't get missed by us :). It's been fine, as you heard, I decided to get drafted, leaving this November. Then S.E Turkey or North Iraq who knows.
(also @Horus @Slav Defence )

Best of luck captain. But is it a coincidence or what?

You know it's pretty messed up here in S.E Turkey, COIN has just restarted most likely a land incursion is on plans in future. And no matter how I served before, I have to do military service as a matter of fact I have been delaying it for a couple years for my studies. As you just told me that, you're rejoining up too. You know you can't live without it. So I told myself, normal people go there to fight PKK with a 3 months of basic, what is there to serve after a couple years when all this sh.it storm is over, whereas I, was trained to lead fights would be sitting and watching TV with warmazz, I still know how to operate a CROWS, a 75mm even a Phalanx CIWS. So I applied to draft office. I am going at November, most likely choose to stay as OR-5 at the end of 12-month, since legally can't apply to be an officer again. 3-4 months gendarmerie commando training then aloha to kurds. I was gonna say take care but you're in the same situation lol. Wondering some advice in fight to a squid to be kicked in the middle of green faces lol.

Actually, I am getting a reduction in rank due to stupid Swedish military tradition......

I am reinstated as a 2LT (OF-1) because there are no rules whatsoever to transfer ranks to foreign counterpart. Hence I am joining the Swedish Military with a rank of Fanrik as part of direct commission program...

So, after this stint, you can no longer call me captain, if I am lucky, I will climb back to maybe a rank of lieutenant but anywhere higher up is almost not possible, plus I am joining their home guard (Something like reserve) and their highest in rank is a major...

I do understand the situation is quite volatile in turkey this moment, and I can see why you want to go. A face to face war is quite a lot different than killing people with 75 mm guns or with a 25 mike-mike, something I can't tell you with only my word, just try to remember this, you have to believe in your conviction, both the conviction of the war and the conviction of people under your command, remember this, no one can do it alone, and you have to trust your subordinate, I know it may sound strange to you, but there will be a time when you have to make difficult decision in battle, and when that moment came, you need to let go and let your people do their job, and they will be fine as long as you do yours.

Never put your people in a situation you don't want to be into yourselves, unless it is utterly necessary, then you will conquer anything that your enemy throw at you.

And good luck buddies. Talk to you when you finish your stint.
Hey how are youy friend?

Thank you, but this forum with its double standards against Turks doesn't get missed by us :). It's been fine, as you heard, I decided to get drafted, leaving this November. Then S.E Turkey or North Iraq who knows.
I am fine bro,just listening complains...becoming a sandwich b/w Indians and Pakistanis,each claiming for being biased towards them..a serious thankless job am up to..
However,in last few days..I am quite shocked to know that whether they are Indians,Pakistani,Iranis or anyone else..everyone is showing disrespect towards our soldiers..and I have been requesting them lately to show them respect,specially the ones who passed...thankgod now both seems to listen me:P
Yes,she is a nice and a very decent person.I respect her.However,what about you sir?don't change the topic :D

lol, I think about it, in fact, someone asked me to produce some defence related TV show, maybe I should do them once I have the time and send it up here for viewing lol

I don't know man
Actually, I am getting a reduction in rank due to stupid Swedish military tradition......

I am reinstated as a 2LT (OF-1) because there are no rules whatsoever to transfer ranks to foreign counterpart. Hence I am joining the Swedish Military with a rank of Fanrik as part of direct commission program...

So, after this stint, you can no longer call me captain, if I am lucky, I will climb back to maybe a rank of lieutenant but anywhere higher up is almost not possible, plus I am joining their home guard (Something like reserve) and their highest in rank is a major...

I do understand the situation is quite volatile in turkey this moment, and I can see why you want to go. A face to face war is quite a lot different than killing people with 75 mm guns or with a 25 mike-mike, something I can't tell you with only my word, just try to remember this, you have to believe in your conviction, both the conviction of the war and the conviction of people under your command, remember this, no one can do it alone, and you have to trust your subordinate, I know it may sound strange to you, but there will be a time when you have to make difficult decision in battle, and when that moment came, you need to let go and let your people do their job, and they will be fine as long as you do yours.

Never put your people in a situation you don't want to be into yourselves, unless it is utterly necessary, then you will conquer anything that your enemy throw at you.

And good luck buddies. Talk to you when you finish your stint.

Ahh I get it but I think even if there's a possibility you'd rank up fast, I mean it's a former US Army officer we're talking about, though I don't exactly know their regulations for that. Well, its better than starting a pvt/pfc which will happen to me. Thanks for the warm advices sure I will try to stick to it. I don't think it'll be that vastly different than naval infantry which I got the chance to do internship, in terms of adoption to units but also one can only be a stupid to put land w and naval w in the same box. So let's see what happens, but what I can say is my gf will leave me, she threatened to do so to prevent this happening but after all every action has a consequence.

Actually, at weekends I will have free time to use mobile phone at base, there's 3G connection there unless the terrorists didn't blow the GSM stations yet. I can take a look once in a week to see what's happening here.

I am fine bro,just listening complains...becoming a sandwich b/w Indians and Pakistanis,each claiming for being biased towards them..a serious thankless job am up to..
However,in last few days..I am quite shocked to know that whether they are Indians,Pakistani,Iranis or anyone else..everyone is showing disrespect towards our soldiers..and I have been requesting them lately to show them respect,specially the ones who passed...thankgod now both seems to listen me:P

Lol..except for some few Chinese, Iranian members who can't think in manner because of what happens to Turkmen in China just like what happens here. But we can't blame nationalities for that, there's bad in every flag. When I was mod, I was putting myself to others shoes then execute actions which helped me a lot to protect my objective stand. I am sure you'd sort it out anyways.
Last couple of days have been bad for Pakistan, one bad news after another.

Yesterday Gen. Hamid Gul died, today a Blast in which HomeMinister died,Afghan Mullahs declared Jihad against Pakistan. civilians killed at LOC and now Soldiers Martyred in Balochistan.
hi, sorry for the off-topic but why does everyone keep saying it like that, he was home minister of Punjab state, not the centre.. or, how does it work in Pakistan ? here we have Rajnath at the centre but every state has it's own home ministry as well.

is Punjab = Pakistan ?
Thanx f
@Super Falcon Congratulations on being blessed with a baby Girl. I did not have rights to comment on your post and i wanted to wish you so did it here.
thanx dear for ur love and dedication will never forget your kind words and blessing ALLAH KAREEM BLESS YOU TOO
How his sonov and where is he?:)

Right here, but only for a few days:wave:. The owner of this account, myself and my wife, also a forum member (víðarr) are spending a few days together @Technogaianist persuaded me to stop by and say hello, so I took her account controls, but will return them to her and resume my ban this coming Friday at the latest.

Sorry I haven't been around, I asked Jungibaaz to ban me so I could focus more on my personal life and less here, my wife's pregnant with our first child (a daughter, we don't have a name yet), and I'm helping to make the experience as pleasant as possible. I've also got a lot of vacation time that I need to use away from work, so we've been making our way across Europe for a few months.

I'll be around for a couple of days.
Right here, but only for a few days:wave:. The owner of this account, myself and my wife, also a forum member (víðarr) are spending a few days together @Technogaianist persuaded me to stop by and say hello, so I took her account controls, but will return them to her and resume my ban this coming Friday at the latest.

Sorry I haven't been around, I asked Jungibaaz to ban me so I could focus more on my personal life and less here, my wife's pregnant with our first child (a daughter, we don't have a name yet), and I'm helping to make the experience as pleasant as possible. I've also got a lot of vacation time that I need to use away from work, so we've been making our way across Europe for a few months.

I'll be around for a couple of days.
oh,sonov..great to see you..
congrats man!! :woot:
..and congrats for your baby girl,hey..why don't you name her as ''Amanda'' it means ''one who deserves love'' or ''Blythe'' meaning ''joyful'' :D
Ahh I get it but I think even if there's a possibility you'd rank up fast, I mean it's a former US Army officer we're talking about, though I don't exactly know their regulations for that. Well, its better than starting a pvt/pfc which will happen to me. Thanks for the warm advices sure I will try to stick to it. I don't think it'll be that vastly different than naval infantry which I got the chance to do internship, in terms of adoption to units but also one can only be a stupid to put land w and naval w in the same box. So let's see what happens, but what I can say is my gf will leave me, she threatened to do so to prevent this happening but after all every action has a consequence.

Actually, at weekends I will have free time to use mobile phone at base, there's 3G connection there unless the terrorists didn't blow the GSM stations yet. I can take a look once in a week to see what's happening here.

Lol..except for some few Chinese, Iranian members who can't think in manner because of what happens to Turkmen in China just like what happens here. But we can't blame nationalities for that, there's bad in every flag. When I was mod, I was putting myself to others shoes then execute actions which helped me a lot to protect my objective stand. I am sure you'd sort it out anyways.

Well, Swedish system is a bit different than other system from other country. But well, as I said, my job is to teach courses in the academy, there are no way I am starting again as a private heh

Usually if you had served in the military of friendly nation, especially those belong to NATO grouping, they will give you your old rank back given if you discharged honourably. Problem is that Swedish military (and home guard to this ends) does not run on a NATO frameworks, and hence they cannot give me the same rank I had before when I was with the US military, ironically, if I were to enlist in Turkish military, I will probably get my old rank reinstated as Turkey is running on NATO frameworks.

But meh, I ain't complaining, don't really care much for ranks anyway. As long as I can be the man in the house lol (remember my wife is a OF-4, she is being promoted to OF 5 actually when she took the offer...)

Well, I guess if you are going to be in the front line, you gonna be careful on what you are doing, as I said, you have to have conviction with your mission, that mean you always going to be putting your mission first, then everything have to be set aside. And there will be times when you have to get your hand dirty. Ground Warfare is a lot messier than Seaborne warfare, but as long as you are expecting what to do and you will do them when you need to do them, then it will be just fine, just don't expect yourselves to be able to do everything right at first, I had my own period of blanking out and don't know what to do next, but it will be becoming easier with every decision you take.

About GF, been there, my first fiancé left me when I was deployed to Iraq, and your world just sinks when you read that Dear John letter now imagine you are in a warzone... but eventually you will understand girls are everywhere, and you only have one chance to serve your country.

And yeah, you can still come back here on PDF every once in a while, just don't do it when you are on a mission, don't want to get killed over PDF you know...lol

Good Luck, and talk to you soon
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