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@ S.U.R.B. Visit this thread more often. :D

Thank you very much respectable KRAIT.I'll take it as a compliment.:D

Condition on my side it really exhausting.That's why i won't use the word busy.And i do enjoy your company as well.

There was a thread.I feel the need to edit it.


Good old days...

I'm sorry if i miss any messages or notifications from anyone yarr.I apologize about it in advance.
One of my Professors will be on CNN in a few moments to discuss the Meteor explosion over Russia today. Very cool.
Whoaa! Last I wanted to stay on topic with mobile and listening music. But sounds like I falled to sleep. And the battery's fucvked up :D
People who are unable to detect sarcasm
and lies are likely suffering from dementia,
an ongoing decline of the brain and its
Remember they days Indians used to ask for Indian Flags on PDF?

Very interesting please read! If all schools and madressas implemented these concepts from a very young age

Read this beautiful Information about Japan

1 - Did you know that Japanese children clean their schools every day for a quarter of an hour with teachers, which led to the emergence of a Japanese generation who is modest and keen on cleanliness.

2 - Did you know that any Japanese citizen who has a dog must carry bag and special bags to pick up dog droppings. Hygiene and their eagerness to address cleanliness is part of Japanese ethics.

3 - Did you know that hygiene worker in Japan is called "health engineer" and can command salary of USD 5000 to 8000 per month, and a cleaner is subjected to written and oral tests!!

4 - Did you know that Japan does not have any natural resources, and they are exposed to hundreds of earthquakes a year but do not prevent her from becoming the second largest economy in the world? -

5 - Did you know that Hiroshima returned to what it was economically vibrant before the fall of the atomic bomb in just ten years?

6 - Did you know that Japan prevents the use of mobile in trains, restaurants and indoor

7 - Did you know that in Japan students from the first to sixth primary year must learn ethics in dealing with people -

8 - Did you know that the Japanese even though one of the richest people in the world but they do not have servants. The parents are responsible for the house and children -

9 - Did you know that there is no examination from the first to the third primary level; because the goal of education is to instill concepts and character building, not just examination and indoctrination. -

10 - Did you know that if you go to a buffet restaurant in Japan you will notice people only eat as much as they need without any waste. No wasteful food.

11 - Did you know that the rate of delayed trains in Japan is about 7 seconds per year!! They appreciate the value of time, very punctual to minutes and seconds

12 -. Did you know that children in schools brush their teeth (sterile) and clean their teeth after a meal at school; They maintain their health from an early age -

13 - Did you know that students take half an hour to finish their meals to ensure right digestion When asked about this concern, they said: These students are the future of Japan
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