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Naval School? In where? Dude you guyz are flooding to Beşiktaş Çarşı and looking to girls like you've never seen a single women. It must be really hard to be one of the Denizci's there.

Birde para ödedin mi ya çıkarken? Arkadaş HvKK'de idi, bayağı zorladılar.

Dude we don't have girls' high schools.

Abicim durum şimdi şöyle; bilindiği üzere bizim liseler hazırlık+4 yıl. Ben 3 sene kaldım Heybeliada'da. Şimdi lise 3üm. Bu dönem daha yeni denizden ayrıldım. Aslında geçen sene ayrılacaktım ama 30-35 milyar boru değildi yani :-) hatırlarsan bi 5-6 ay önce yeni yasa çıktı askeri liseler ve polis kolejinden ayrilanlardan harç parası alınmayacak diye. Öyle çıktım ben de. Hayata bakıcaz artık kardeşim :).

(ENG: No, I didn't pay any money.)

Billion has 9 zeros

Trillion has 12 zeros

Quadrillion has 15 zeros

Quintillion has 18 zeros

Sextillion has 21 zeros

Septillion has 24 zeros

Octillion has 27 zeros

Nonillion has 30 zeros

Decillion has 33 zeros

Undecillion has 36 zeros

Duodecillion has 39 zeros

Tredecillion has 42 zeros

Quattuordecillion has 45 zeros

Quindecillion has 48 zeros

Sexdecillion has 51 zeros

Septendecillion has 54 zeros

Octodecillion has 57 zeros

Novemdecillion has 60 zeros

Vigintillion has 63 zeros

Googol has 100 zeros.

Centillion has 303 zeros (except in Britain, where it has 600 zeros)

Googolplex has a googol of zeros

So you study biology? I study Biology and specialize in Cell Biology and Genetics.

yes, I did........i am greatly interested in microbioligy,genetics and industrial chemistry...lets see what Allah wills.......good man!!!YOU ARE GOING FINE......I WISH YOU BECOME A SUCCESSFULL SCIENTIST ONE DAY AND ME TOO(ameen).

from where you have seen my post??
yes, I did........i am greatly interested in microbioligy,genetics and industrial chemistry...lets see what Allah wills.......good man!!!YOU ARE GOING FINE......I WISH YOU BECOME A SUCCESSFULL SCIENTIST ONE DAY AND ME TOO(ameen).

from where you have seen my post??

Well you recently thanked one of my post in the Iran protest thread and I noticed your avatar.

You should read about the Mamavirus, largest virus found to date, it is even larger than some bacteria. Another interesting virus is the Adenovirus, it is a very persistent and dedicated virus once it enters the cell it can bypass many of the white antibodies and proteins which do their best to destroy the virus before it makes its way to the nucleus, but even they are usually no match for the Adenovirus, it is a very clever virus it will even attach itself to motor protein and make its way closer to the cells nucleus, what happens next is even more disappointing (once its outside the nucleus- hint it tricks the cells nucleus into getting entry into the nucleus through the pores).


I will share an interesting video with you about cells vs viruses truly epic stuff.
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You should read about the Mamavirus, largest virus found to date, it is even larger than some bacteria. Another interesting virus is the Adenovirus, it is a very persistent and dedicated virus once it enters the cell it can bypass many of the white antibodies and proteins which do their best to destroy the virus before it makes its way to the nucleus, but even they are usually no match for the Adenovirus, it is a very clever virus it will even attach itself to motor protein and make its way closer to the cells nucleus, what happens next is even more disappointing (once its outside the nucleus- hint it tricks the cells nucleus into getting entry into the nucleus through the pores).


I will share an interesting video with you about cells vs viruses truly epic stuff.

man i love to learn...i have also seen latest research a/c to whcih viruses are living together forming a cluster------wow...and i enjoyed my study about t4 bacteriophage, while tobacco one is very old,infact it introduced the term virus to us.......

Well you recently thanked one of my post in the Iran protest thread and I noticed your avatar.

oh,it was very good post of yours......i clearly understood your point in irani forum...so i liked it...sometimes it happens you are right but nobody understands you...i feel stupid at that time!!
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man i love to learn...i have also seen latest research a/c to whcih viruses are living together forming a cluster------wow...and i enjoyed my study about t4 bacteriophage, while tobacco one is very old,infact it introduced the term virus to us.......

oh,it was very good post of yours......i clearly understood your point in irani forum...so i liked it...sometimes it happens you are right but nobody understands you...i feel stupid at that time!!

This is just a clip, can't find the full version but if I do will PM you the link.

FYI this virus seems to prefer lytic method/cycle.
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This is just a clip, can't find the full version but if I do will PM you the link.

FYI this virus seems to prefer lytic method/cycle.

hmmmm.........hey i remember one more post for you...it is about wolbachia....did you heared of it???
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