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What will the new PM of India do to improve relations with Italy?

@MarkusS - You started a good thread, but in the very first post you touched upon some of the issues we Indians are very touchy about, and for the very same reason you are seeing insults being returned in this thread. We,Indians, know we have problems in our country and we are trying to fix those but that does not mean we would take lightly us being projected in bad light anywhere in the world. If we have issues, others have them too. They should focus on their issues instead of ranting about India. Btw in India no one talks about Italy not even the marine's case. The only time Italy comes into picture when Indians are making fun of Sonia Gandhi and Family.

That being said, I still believe we need to leniently deal with the marine's issue. They are soldiers of their nation and they were deployed to look after the security of the ship. They indeed killed two Indian fisherman but then we should not ignore the fact that they did it out of misjudgment or in simple words they erred. We need to resolve this issue amicably (some kind give and take from both side) and not let the relations of two nation become hostage to this one incident. I sincerely hope the new govt works with Italy to increase trade between the two nation as well other areas of interests for the two. A good healthy relation is in interest of both Italy and India.
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@MarkusS - You started a good thread, but in the very first post you touched upon some of the issues we Indians are very touchy about, and for the very same reason you are seeing insults being returned in this thread. We,Indians, know we have problems in our country and we are trying to fix those but that does not mean we would take lightly us being projected in bad light anywhere in the world. If we have issues, others have them too. They should focus on their issues instead of ranting about India. Btw, in India no one talks about Italy not even the marine's case. The only time Italy comes into picture when Indians are making fun of Sonia Gandhi and Family.

That being said, I still believe we need to leniently deal with the marine 's issue. They are soldiers of their nation and they were deployed to look after the security of the ship. They indeed killed two Indian fisherman but then we should not ignore the fact that they did it because of misjudgment or simple words they erred. We need to resolve this issue amicably (some kind give and take from both side) and not let the relations of two nation hostage to this one incident. I sincerely hope the new govt works with Italy to increase trade between the two nation as well other areas of interests for the two. A good healthy relation is in interest of both Italy and India.

i agree and i hope a solution is found soon.
Ok. Your countryman quite gleefully called the country a "joke". Do you agree with such sentiments? I'm interested to know what Italy can't produce that India can.
Vada pav....idali samber....
I don't think any govmt in India will give any special consideration to relationship with Italy..for India as whole and people of India in particular, its not priority.
i agree and i hope a solution is found soon.

Also I think since the time Typhoon lost to Rafael in Indian air force deal, all the countries involved with Typhoon suddenly started showing India to have worst problems in the world. Britain is numero uno in this regard, btw!!

I don't think any govmt in India will give any special consideration to relationship with Italy..for India as whole and people of India in particular, its not priority.

Oh, really!! Are you gonna stop trading with them? India-EU Free Trade Agreement has become victim of one issue. Do you know what that FTA would mean for India? The last thing, Indians need now is stop acting as arrogant loud mouths. We are far from perfect. Indians need to show some humility and work hard for better India and for doing so every opportunity matters.
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In the EU one member state can block any law and as you said, the EU-India Free trade agreement already felt victim because this diplomatic desaster. At the current situation it is hard for any italian politician to agree on any laws that would india make profit.
Also I think since the time Typhoon lost to Rafael in Indian air force deal, all the countries involved with Typhoon suddenly started showing India to have worst problems in the world. Britain is numero uno in this regard, btw!!

Oh, really!! Are you gonna stop trading with them? India-EU Free Trade Agreement has become victim of one issue. Do you know what that FTA would mean for India? The last thing, Indians need now is stop acting as arrogant loud mouths. We are far from perfect. Indians need to show some humility and work hard for better India and for doing so every opportunity matters.
dude...I didn't mean the EU...it was just an answer to our relationship with Italy....why are u so worked up? ..
In the EU one member state can block any law and as you said, the EU-India Free trade agreement already felt victim because this diplomatic desaster. At the current situation it is hard for any italian politician to agree on any laws that would india make profit.
Italy is not an important country for India, and specifically this govt will be very inward looking (trying to fix economy and other internal problem), there might be some focus on immediate neighbourhood but I dont see any movement in relation with any govt which is not in our immediate neighbourhood.
Having said that, this govt will lay red carpet for FDI(appeal to business leaders whose priorities are different from foreign relation and diplomacy)
Italy is not an important country for India, and specifically this govt will be very inward looking (trying to fix economy and other internal problem), there might be some focus on immediate neighbourhood but I dont see any movement in relation with any govt which is not in our immediate neighbourhood.
Having said that, this govt will lay red carpet for FDI(appeal to business leaders whose priorities are different from foreign relation and diplomacy)

good news. Since EU is your biggest trading partner this should be priority nr. one.
good news. Since EU is your biggest trading partner this should be priority nr. one.
everybody have wishes.. should could would.. one should be practical in knowing what is more likely to happen based on precedent and track record... this govt has mandate that will tie them down in domestic issues.
This govt will however remove trade barriers and make investment and business easy with EU (a key demand of EU since 2007 is market acess)

Anyway, dont know why I have this image of pope on a popemobile charging at us ..with scores of crusaders behind him.. in slow mo :fie:
I don't expect too much. The people of both nations are emotional rather than logical; they are quick to get insulted, and even quicker to insult.
You do realize that Italy can produce anything space related simply because we are part of Airbus and ESA. Some modules on the ISS are build in Italy. Cupola for example as well as Raffaello.

Can you develop 'anything' as you claim ? No.Without the French ESA is going nowhere.We know the 'Vega' launcher you are developing , and it is nowhere close to what we already have.
In the EU one member state can block any law and as you said, the EU-India Free trade agreement already felt victim because this diplomatic desaster. At the current situation it is hard for any italian politician to agree on any laws that would india make profit.

Internal development is more in focus nowadays.Trade with Italy is important.But we have our priorities, some of which cannot be compromised.
As pointed out by one forum member, the countries involved with Typhoon fighter aircraft all of a sudden started to show India in bad light when the deal did not become successful.Well, the IAF is the best judge when it comes to decide which aircraft is best suited to them.The countries involved with the Typhoon project should try to take that sportingly. If they can't, well too bad, but we cannot do anything about it.
This kind of negative propaganda towards India is nothing new. Nixon & Kissinger have done it in a much greater scale before.Most recently, Hillary Clinton tried doing the same, funneling truck loads of US tax money through various NGOs in disguise, trying to find out mass-graves in Guajrat.Well, they did find some cow bones in a barren field.
Its all part of a game that gets played from time to time.Our policies are not biased by these trivial external factors.We have priorities and agenda of our own and thereby our policies are designed as such.We will stick to that. Italy can choose to be co operative or not.Either ways, we don't have a problem.
The way forward to resolve this issue is to drop your threatening language, we dont care if you will pressurize EU to create problems in prospective trade agreements., actions such as these will only strengthen our resolve to prosecute them.And which EU nation witll indeed succumb to italy pressure, britan...No, french....hell no, rapheal deal remember.So, the way forward is to drop your threating stand , come to the table, talk to us while also admitting your fault and come on a working relationship.
No, they wont get the death penalty.

The death penalty is reserved for the most brutal acts of murder only. "Simply" shooting two people out of sheer ignorance and negligence is not enough to award somebody with the death penalty in India.
Bro, don't you get it, our Arp2041 Bro, wants everything good for us.What do you think this moron "Mark US" is literally doing us a favour or something? Watch his threads ,We should hang those Italian Marines and show the Middle finger to them!Enough of ITalians, let this "@Markus" Explain how they send funds,(Which this idiot thinks is doing us as a favour every christmas!)
Your Italian people are shite, you really want to do that fascist shite?

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