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What will be China's immigration policy?

Doesn't matter whether your bond is due to culture or religion. The point is that it exists.

As for Nepal v/s India's role in Buddhism, we have all seen the debates here and they are irrelevant. Many important Buddhist sites are in India.

Rather than debating hypotheticals, let's discuss actual statements.

You want China's foreign policy to be influenced by pro-Buddhist leanings instead of national interest or moral justification. You were defending the Buddhist monks' terror campaign against Muslims in Burma, and wanted China to side with the Buddhists, even though all neutral observers including the UN were condemning it.

Absolutely wrong.

Check my old posts. I said we should not interfere in Burma at all, but it was better for them not to ask which side I personally sympathize with.

I have always maintained that we should not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. Check my posts and see for yourself.

Ask me what I would say if China rained down missiles on the Buddha's birthplace in Nepal. My answer is this: If it will further China's national interests... then do it without hesitation or remorse.

I consider the Chinese civilization-state to be above all religion and geopolitics.

Want to nuke the Bodhi Tree and Bodh Gaya? Or any ancient Buddha statues? The only question is whether or not it will further China's interests.
Absolutely wrong.

Check my old posts. I said we should not interfere in Burma at all, but it was better for them not to ask which side I personally sympathize with.

I have always maintained that we should not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. Check my posts and see for yourself.

Ask me what I would say if China rained down missiles on the Buddha's birthplace in Nepal. My answer is this: If it will further China's national interests... then do it without hesitation or remorse.

I consider the Chinese civilization-state to be above all religion and geopolitics.

Want to nuke the Bodhi Tree and Bodh Gaya? Or any ancient Buddha statues? The only question is whether or not it will further China's interests.

China supports the United Wa State Army. The Wa and other rebels in Myanmar like the Shan are Buddhist. In fact almost all of Myanmar's Buddhist ethnic groups have problems with the Burmese.
China supports the United Wa State Army. The Wa and other rebels in Myanmar like the Shan are Buddhist. In fact almost all of Myanmar's Buddhist ethnic groups have problems with the Burmese.

So? That doesn't change my position.

And what is your opinion about that?
Anyway, immigration policy should be designed to further national interests.

If the gender imbalance in China continues, I can see China favoring migration of foreign women married to Chinese men. This might be challenged by Chinese women married to foreign men as gender discrimination, but national interests could be cited as justification.
Anyway, immigration policy should be designed to further national interests.

If the gender imbalance in China continues, I can see China favoring migration of foreign women married to Chinese men. This might be challenged by Chinese women married to foreign men as gender discrimination, but national interests could be cited as justification.

I guess you checked my old posts then. :D

And seriously Developereo, do you think Burma needs help from China regarding their internal social policies on religion?

If they want to do it they will do it. And who will stop them? We'll just hear the regular sound-bites that we've been hearing already, but no one will actually do anything.
No, I couldn't be bothered and didn't want to derail this thread.

Everybody was condemning the Buddhist terror. The only people defending were you and your Indian buddies.

Everybody was condemning Buddhist terror. :lol:

Do you even hear yourself? Are the airports going to start putting Buddhists through special screening now?

It was an communal riot, every report says the same thing.
No, they don't, except for extremists.

Muslims' reverence for Mecca is no different from Christians' feelings for Bethlehem, or Jews' for Jerusalem.
@Chinese-Dragon keeps going on and on about why he feels a special bond with India because of Buddhism. Should we conclude that he has more loyalty to India than to China?

Yes they do. I am Chinese citizen and I go to Chinese forums and websites. Most Hui Muslims in China consider the Middle East their ancestral homeland even though I would say 99% of them are just converted Han Chinese. They side with any Islamic countries on any foreign policies regardless of merits.

When people accuse China of no freedom of speech, the truth is China has all those outrageous speech everywhere in forums, websites, etc. During Indonesia's massacre of Chinese in 1998, some Muslims in China even voiced their support of those criminals because to them, Indonesia is an Islamic country and they must support it. I am not sure whether that's their majority view or not, but the fact that even a tiny minority has such view is already disturbing. That's when I became really upset about it and I am totally against any immigrants.
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Everybody was condemning Buddhist terror. :lol:

Do you even hear yourself? Are the airports going to start putting Buddhists through special screening now?

It was an communal riot, every report says the same thing.


The international agencies, including the UN, placed the blame squarely on the Burmese security forces and the Buddhist monks. The Buddhists in Myanmar have been on terror rampages against other minorities in the past -- the Muslims were just the latest victims.

Only YOU and the Indians were defending the Buddhist monks' terror rampage.

Most Hui Muslims in China consider the Middle East their homeland

Wholegrain has showed that it is not the case. If your only point of reference is internet chat rooms, then there is no guarantee it represents the wider truth.

The international agencies, including the UN, placed the blame squarely on the Burmese security forces and the Buddhist monks. The Buddhists in Myanmar have been on terror rampages against other minorities in the past -- the Muslims were just the latest victims.

Only YOU and the Indians were defending the Buddhist monks' terror rampage.

Wholegrain has showed that it is not the case. If your only point of reference is internet chat rooms, then there is no guarantee it represents the wider truth.

And how exactly was I "defending" any communal riots? I can't remember ever doing such a thing.

Maybe you can jog my memory by quoting me a post of where I said that?

And again, communal riots happen everywhere. This is not a case of Buddhists strapping bombs onto themselves and exploding in crowded areas of virtually every major country on the planet.

Though it is true that Buddhists certainly are not as pacifist as people think, they are capable of causing a lot of bloodshed through communal rioting as we have seen.

The international agencies, including the UN, placed the blame squarely on the Burmese security forces and the Buddhist monks. The Buddhists in Myanmar have been on terror rampages against other minorities in the past -- the Muslims were just the latest victims.

Only YOU and the Indians were defending the Buddhist monks' terror rampage.

Wholegrain has showed that it is not the case. If your only point of reference is internet chat rooms, then there is no guarantee it represents the wider truth.

He is not even a Chinese citizen. I doubt he has ever been to China and I even doubt he is Chinese. I never read his posts so I am not sure why to you, his opinions are more convincing than me, a native Chinese that was born in China and raised in China.

Do you need Gallup polls in order to gauge Chinese Muslims' opinions? I have read too many Sina Weibo, and blogs, and I think I have more evidence than just my subjective imagination.
He is not even a Chinese citizen. I doubt he has ever been to China and I even doubt he is Chinese. I never read his posts so I am not sure why to you, his opinions are more convincing than me, a native Chinese that was born in China and raised in China.

That's an interesting point, has Wholegrain ever said he is a Chinese citizen?

I know he doesn't like the CCP, and neither do you if I remember correctly.

I guess he might be an ROC citizen which is technically a Chinese citizen.
That's an interesting point, has Wholegrain ever said he is a Chinese citizen?

I know he doesn't like the CCP, and neither do you if I remember correctly.

I guess he might be an ROC citizen which is technically a Chinese citizen.

Most people have negative and positive mixed feelings about a political party, so do I. I don't hold allegiance to a party since I am not party member. National interest >>>>>>>>>> party interest, so I judge the CCP based on whether its policies are aligned with national interest.

At least I am pretty sure he was not born in China, and may have never been to China, so he has no credibility to comment on what's happening inside China.
China Law & Practice spoke with two leading employment lawyers to determine how the Law will affect immigration policies.
Most people have negative and positive mixed feelings about a political party, so do I. I don't hold allegiance to a party since I am not party member. National interest >>>>>>>>>> party interest, so I judge the CCP based on whether its policies are aligned with national interest.

At least I am pretty sure he was not born in China, and may have never been to China, so he has no credibility to comment on what's happening inside China.

I agree China's national interest is always the most important thing.

Though personally I feel the CCP is currently the best thing for China, but that's just my own opinion. They have a lot of bad policies to be sure, but I feel that the overall direction is positive.

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