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What will be China's immigration policy?

Yes they do. I am Chinese citizen and I go to Chinese forums and websites. Most Hui Muslims in China consider the Middle East their ancestral homeland even though I would say 99% of them are just converted Han Chinese. They side with any Islamic countries on any foreign policies regardless of merits.

When people accuse China of no freedom of speech, the truth is China has all those outrageous speech everywhere in forums, websites, etc. During Indonesia's massacre of Chinese in 1998, some Muslims in China even voiced their support of those criminals because to them, Indonesia is an Islamic country and they must support it. I am not sure whether that's their majority view or not, but the fact that even a tiny minority has such view is already disturbing. That's when I became really upset about it and I am totally against any immigrants.

Most people have negative and positive mixed feelings about a political party, so do I. I don't hold allegiance to a party since I am not party member. National interest >>>>>>>>>> party interest, so I judge the CCP based on whether its policies are aligned with national interest.

At least I am pretty sure he was not born in China, and may have never been to China, so he has no credibility to comment on what's happening inside China.

Speaking of talking about a place you weren't born in, you've never been to Taiwan or know people who lived under KMT rule, which explains the stupidity you wrote here about CPC favoring minorities. There are slots in universities in Taiwan for minorities. And there isn't any problems in Taiwan with Hui (the biggest non aboriginal minority), Manchu, Mongols or the Tibetan minorities. They went to the same schools as us and there is no hate speech. The government funded the building of the main mosque in Taipei. We don't have problems with Islam or Hui in Taiwan.


There is a reason the CPC clamps down on stupidity. Over twenty years ago an idiot wrote a book claiming that Muslims had orgies inside mosques with animals and other slander. Alot of Hui were enraged and protested and the government arrested the author and closed down publication of the book.

Alot of other racist **** gets circulated like the rhyme about people's ancestors being animals. I don't want to post it here but I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. If you honestly think there is no bigotry or ignorance from the majority I have nothing to say to you.

And while we are talking of getting your opinions from the internet, have you ever been to this trash site? Lots of Han racists have the same opinions as you there. Stormfront wannabes. Do you want me to post some of the slurs from there about other people's religious beliefts and ethnicity?


I've seen very different things written by different Hui from mainland China online. One of them was sort of anti arab (or tried to distance hui from Arabs) and obsessed with saying Hui ancestors were Persian. Another one hated the Ming dynasty because it led to "assimilation" of Hui in China while other Hui love the Ming dynasty and even claim that the Ming emperor and all their generals were Hui. There are Hui mosques which openly display the hundred character eulogy allegedly written by the first Ming Emperor. I saw a thread on the Fujian Hui and a Muslim Hui apparently did not understand that they were doing ancestor worship and thought they were just paying respects to their ancestors like Confucius said and he said that there was nothing wrong with it. A few Hui are even racist against or view themselves as better other Muslims like the Salar and Dongxiang.

同心史话——第八回 爱国爱教虎嵩山 ä¸*阿并举育新人 – 【人人分享-人人网】

【人物志】虎嵩山 | 伊评网


Oh yeah and alot of Chinese buddhist temples are connected to gangsters and used to launder money. People worship those idols to ask them for favors (including bringing bad luck on other people), not because they revere a higher power. Alot of triads worship at those temples, like those Mexican drug cartel members who worship Santa Muerte. I got disgusted by their attitudes.
As China rises - most people leaving for the US would instead try to get into China. Especially the poorer nations China is friendly with. what do you think will be the policy of the Chinese government?

take them in , kick them out
And how exactly was I "defending" any communal riots? I can't remember ever doing such a thing.

You guys were saying that the Buddhist terrorism was an understandable response to Muslim provocation, essentially putting the blame onto Muslims. It was a long time back, so I don't have that thread any more.

However, the UN has listed the Rohingyas as one of the most persecuted minorities for decades, long before this latest flareup.

Anyway, this is getting too off-topic and if you don't remember, then no problem.

He is not even a Chinese citizen. I doubt he has ever been to China and I even doubt he is Chinese. I never read his posts so I am not sure why to you, his opinions are more convincing than me, a native Chinese that was born in China and raised in China.

Do you need Gallup polls in order to gauge Chinese Muslims' opinions? I have read too many Sina Weibo, and blogs, and I think I have more evidence than just my subjective imagination.

He backs up his posts with actual academic and scholarly research.

All you have is internet blogs and anonymous posters.
I think their Immigration policy is to send as many people to US as possible if not then send them to as close to US as possible, say for example Canada
Those are not immigrants.

Immigrants should have legal status. Those NK escapers are just hiding in China.

He refers to North Korean defectors(脱北者)

But I think this group is very very small.
Muslims, In china, they make troubles
In Thailand here, they kill innocent peoples,
In Burma, they make troubles too,
You guys were saying that the Buddhist terrorism was an understandable response to Muslim provocation, essentially putting the blame onto Muslims. It was a long time back, so I don't have that thread any more.

That is such bullsh*t. :lol:

So far you have accused me of saying multiple things, and every time I have asked for a quote to back it up.

But you are never able to find a quote from me. :rolleyes: Posts are locked to editing after 24 hours, so if I said it then you will be able to find it with the search function.

So either you're lazy (how hard is it to use the search function) or you are a liar, and my bet is on the latter.

For the record, I have never once supported terrorism of any kind, especially not Buddhist terrorism. And my post history is there and in the open, waiting for anyone to read it.
For the record, I have never once supported terrorism of any kind, especially not Buddhist terrorism. And my post history is there and in the open, waiting for anyone to read it.

Just a sample of your posts where you excuse Buddhist terrorism, which is often committed with complicity by Burmese officials. Keep in mind that, according to international agencies, the Rohingyas have not been implicated in any terrorism and all the attacks are by Buddhist mobs.

I did not see any condemnation by you of the Buddhist terror attacks, or acknowledgement of official complicity.

And frankly, if it is Buddhists vs. Muslims then you don't want to know where my sympathies lie.

Buddhism is in fact an integral part of Chinese culture. Which everyone knows.

So it baffles me why people on this forum constantly expect me to support the Rohingas against the Buddhists.

I am in favor of non-intervention, as always. I don't see one side as good and one side as evil. I see plenty of provocation on either side.

This is not the "state" slaughtering anybody though.

These are ethnic and religious riots, same as what happened in Gujarat, same as what happened in Xinjiang.

From what you are saying, the world should have "intervened" in both those cases as well?
Just a sample of your posts where you excuse Buddhist terrorism, which is often committed with complicity by Burmese officials. Keep in mind that, according to international agencies, the Rohingyas have not been implicated in any terrorism and all the attacks are by Buddhist mobs.

I did not see any condemnation by you of the Buddhist terror attacks, or acknowledgement of official complicity.

LOL, what a joke. Did you even read those posts you quoted? :rofl:

The posts you quoted show YOU to be a liar, thanks for doing all the hard work in finding them I guess?

For example, the second post of mine you quoted, shows that your post here was a lie:

Rather than debating hypotheticals, let's discuss actual statements.

You want China's foreign policy to be influenced by pro-Buddhist leanings instead of national interest or moral justification. You were defending the Buddhist monks' terror campaign against Muslims in Burma, and wanted China to side with the Buddhists, even though all neutral observers including the UN were condemning it.

:lol: So it was a pure lie from you, considering the second post of mine you quoted above, in which I explicitly say: "I am in favor of non-intervention, as always."

And here is another lie in this page that I'd like you to back up:

You guys were saying that the Buddhist terrorism was an understandable response to Muslim provocation, essentially putting the blame onto Muslims. It was a long time back, so I don't have that thread any more.

Again, I have never supported any kind of terrorism whatsoever, and especially not Buddhist terrorism.

This is just another lie from you, though I'd love to see you grasping at straws over this one too.
LOL, what a joke. Did you even read those posts you quoted? :rofl:

I will accept that I misinterpreted your admission of personal bias (in the quoted post above) as a recommendation for state policy.

However, when Muslim Chinese (Uighur) citizens attacked other citizens, you called them terrorists and condemned it.

When Buddhist Burmese citizens attacked Muslim Burmese, you refused to call it terrorism. You continually dismissed it as a "communal riot" without "state" involvement. You excused their behavior as a result of "provocation". That post is already quoted above. Once again, international agencies, including the UN, HWR, and Amnesty put the blame squarely on the Buddhist monks and security forces.

Rather than take a principled stance against terrorism, you explicitly wrote that you support Buddhists v/s Muslims.

All you talk against terrorism was exposed as a sham when you refused to condemn the Buddhist mobs.

P.S. Anyway, I like Chinese people in general and admire China, as a country and as a civilization, so I am not going to drag this tiff out.
Muslims, In china, they make troubles
In Thailand here, they kill innocent peoples,
In Burma, they make troubles too,

There are Hui Muslims in Chiang Mai and Thai Muslims in the north. Thai group the Hui with Han chinese from Yunnan and call them all Chin Haw. Your former Commander in Chief of the Thai Royal Army General Sonthi Boonyaratglin was a Muslim. Hui and Thai Muslims have nothing to do with the Malay insurgents.

Encyclopedia of Diasporas: Immigrant and Refugee Cultures Around the World ... - Google Books

Klongs-Thai Waterways & Reflections of Her People - Pamela Hamburger - Google Books

The only people killing are the Malay insurgents in Pattani. The Malay Sultanates in Pattani were vassal states of Thailand but they were abolished in 1902. They want to restore the Pattani Sultanate.

The Strange Thai Insurgents Who Like Sorcery and Get High on Cough Syrup - Jonah Blank - The Atlantic

And this is not the proper thread for the topic, go open up a thread about Thailand.
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