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What should be India's response towards Pakistan for Gurudaspur terror attack?

let the investigations complete...

No response from Modi means there is Pakistan angle to the attack and he is waiting for that to be confirmed before he responds.

India's response to this terrorist attack should be:

1) STOP using terrorist proxies like you have been doing in the past and present (LTTE, Mukti Bahini, BLA, TTP), because at some time this is going to backfire

2) Start oppressing and killing your minorities.

That will go a long way in solving terrorist problem in the neighborhood!

Now could you get out of this thread or stop posting nonsense.
see the mentality of these guys laughing on a terror strike, shameless people dont have anything good to do.... I say go for surgical strikes once and for all, cover up cities like mumbai and delhi with abms. What would happen we would loose our economic cloud for 10-15 years??? I guess these costs can be afforded to pluck the prick of terrorism.
Yet your another Indian Fanboy...
First of all in this thread it is asked that "What should be India's response towards Pakistan for
Gurudaspur terror attack?" and your checking our mentality...
Okey what proof do you have that Pakistan was involved in the so called Gurudaspur terror attack? Except for your media and your anti-Pakistani politicians?¿
You should get an appointment with mental care center because you Sir dont even read a thread properly.
Thank You.
When will common Pakistanis realise the games their military-mullah-mujahid complex have been playing with their blood.

I wonder.

It is not unthinkable to expect a Myanmar style attack. Within a week of water tight int confirmation.
Firstly India needs to learn not to wash the soap before hands,
Secondly tell Modi, he doesn't have a 56'' chest and there is no body building competition.
Looking back a few years, Anna Hazare agitation is in full swing, suddenly alarming tension flares up on the border with Pakistan.......Delhi rape case, people throng to the streets and Aksi Chin becomes the headlines.
Even when the gun battle is going on yesterday, Pakistan was already being blamed and there were calls to severe any sporting events. Diverting public attention may buy some time but it never addresses the real issues.
By playing to media and taking cheap shots at Pakistan may go down well with Indian public but in essence aren't the Indians being made a fool repeatedly by their Netas. If say Pakistan State was indeed responsible for 26/11 or other incidents in India, then shouldn't Indian public question their government on it's non response, one could almost write a book with the initiatives and terminologies suggested by successive Indian defence officials, however in the end it seems an acute case of blind leading blind.
When will common
Indian realise the games that BJP'S Modi and Co. have been playing
with their and others blood.

I wonder....

Pakistan has Pakistan to lose. Trust me they can't do anything to respond to that. I even doubt they will use conventional force too. But they certainly will send more terrorists in India, so its not a good idea maybe. But if you don't count those terrorists in, pretty much Pakistan will just keep watching.
trust you ??? come on if PAK couldn't do anything than what stopped you and 2002 and 2008 standoffs :coffee:
What to do is simple. Provide an annual defence budjet to our bros in pakistan. They will turn pakistan to a hell hole. (But i must agree that its not a moraly good option. Hopefully it will not come to that)
Paros jalta ha to apna ghar bi ni bachta :) .. By the way 7 lakh army for only Kashmir ....
Trust me they can't do anything to respond to that. I even doubt they will use conventional force too.

Trust me your top political and military leadership does not trust you and neither does any sensible Indian.


yakeen maniye, if this attack is linked to your country, your people will be made to pay. With interest. I am least interested in your armchair logic and psychoanalysis.

Every attack is linked to our country (By Indian logic) so the question is what next? As for paying with interest, we have already resulting to terrorist activities of your nation and so you cannot threaten us any more with what you are already doing it. But we can and we surely will.
@doppelganger and other emotional Indian children

As much as I want to avenge the last decades destruction in my country that your country facilitated and assisted and enjoyed, let me ask you something if you people still have your senses in working condition

Pakistan is seriously working on Economic corridor, that corridor is a matter of revival for us, and it has already been declared publicly that India's RAW has been assigned the task to sabotage that project ........................ Then why the hell would Pakistan finger India itself to give a warmongering nation a reason to sabotage our future hopes of peace and stability?

Its moonsoon season ................. Pakistan knows the threat of water destruction in shape of floods why would it provide you an opportunity by itself to flood us in your frustration?

It suits Pakistan more to have a peaceful relationship with India for the time being, with war going on at our Western borders, with ops going on in our major cities we cannot afford any conflict on Eastern border or a frustrated neighbor threatening us with consequences.

You people must remember that Afghan intelligence has been under your influence for nearly ten or more years after US invasion of Afghanistan, and you must remember that TTP's number two was arrested while he was travelling with Afghan intelligence, and you must remember too that this TTP is the same bastards who brutally murdered our children ................... So shut the fck up and get your act together ........................ make some sense ..................... if you want war that cannot happen behind a computer screen ...................... and if your State and ruling elite wants a war then lets have one ............................. because personally I feel my nation needs one.

And for your (Indian) response ............................ get a life kids, nothing is going to happen with you punching the keyboard as much hard as you can and are doing. Think logically and may be you would stop this hysteria, and non-sense, knee jerk, emotional BS that I have seen here since yesterday. Your threats mean nothing to me being a citizen of Pakistan and I give a damn about your threats for me death is a new beginning and there are many like me here in Pakistan.

And my condolences for any innocent life lost yesterday.

Excellent reply, sir. This should beat some sense in their nonsense heads.
@doppelganger and other emotional Indian children

As much as I want to avenge the last decades destruction in my country that your country facilitated and assisted and enjoyed, let me ask you something if you people still have your senses in working condition

Pakistan is seriously working on Economic corridor, that corridor is a matter of revival for us, and it has already been declared publicly that India's RAW has been assigned the task to sabotage that project ........................ Then why the hell would Pakistan finger India itself to give a warmongering nation a reason to sabotage our future hopes of peace and stability?

Its moonsoon season ................. Pakistan knows the threat of water destruction in shape of floods why would it provide you an opportunity by itself to flood us in your frustration?

It suits Pakistan more to have a peaceful relationship with India for the time being, with war going on at our Western borders, with ops going on in our major cities we cannot afford any conflict on Eastern border or a frustrated neighbor threatening us with consequences.

You people must remember that Afghan intelligence has been under your influence for nearly ten or more years after US invasion of Afghanistan, and you must remember that TTP's number two was arrested while he was travelling with Afghan intelligence, and you must remember too that this TTP is the same bastards who brutally murdered our children ................... So shut the fck up and get your act together ........................ make some sense ..................... if you want war that cannot happen behind a computer screen ...................... and if your State and ruling elite wants a war then lets have one ............................. because personally I feel my nation needs one.

And for your (Indian) response ............................ get a life kids, nothing is going to happen with you punching the keyboard as much hard as you can and are doing. Think logically and may be you would stop this hysteria, and non-sense, knee jerk, emotional BS that I have seen here since yesterday. Your threats mean nothing to me being a citizen of Pakistan and I give a damn about your threats for me death is a new beginning and there are many like me here in Pakistan.

And my condolences for any innocent life lost yesterday.
What a nice reply i am also thinking in this way. India wants to stop E.C thats all what happen they buildup army at border for few months to sabotage our projects and desalinize our economy and then again peace. But let me tell indians Gen Raheel Sharif will not let india go if this happen there will b a all out war if you hurt our country and economy we will do the same.
So we hid OBL .. Yet we get weapons,F-16s,OPHs,Vipers,SPGs,APCs,IFVs and $ from USA... Something ain't right here??

yes man something is not right else why would that salala incident happen. But guess what you guys will stop barking when you are supplied with F-16s,OPHs,Vipers,SPGs,APCs,IFVs and $ from USA . Damn are you proud of begging to America :lol: :lol:

Meanwhile you get raped by Pak and China on the other side ... And all you get to do is cheerlead for your sugar daddy USA like a good lil hoe ?

The actual meaning of raping is losing a big chunk of territory hope I don't have to explain more
As I said ... Stop barking ... And actually do so something .. I know you lack a pair.. But hey I'm willing to lend you mine... On one condition that you stop barking ? Deal done!?!

shit man go and consult the doctor for having a detachable one :lol: :lol:
@doppelganger and other emotional Indian children

As much as I want to avenge the last decades destruction in my country that your country facilitated and assisted and enjoyed, let me ask you something if you people still have your senses in working condition

Pakistan is seriously working on Economic corridor, that corridor is a matter of revival for us, and it has already been declared publicly that India's RAW has been assigned the task to sabotage that project ........................ Then why the hell would Pakistan finger India itself to give a warmongering nation a reason to sabotage our future hopes of peace and stability?

Its moonsoon season ................. Pakistan knows the threat of water destruction in shape of floods why would it provide you an opportunity by itself to flood us in your frustration?

It suits Pakistan more to have a peaceful relationship with India for the time being, with war going on at our Western borders, with ops going on in our major cities we cannot afford any conflict on Eastern border or a frustrated neighbor threatening us with consequences.

You people must remember that Afghan intelligence has been under your influence for nearly ten or more years after US invasion of Afghanistan, and you must remember that TTP's number two was arrested while he was travelling with Afghan intelligence, and you must remember too that this TTP is the same bastards who brutally murdered our children ................... So shut the fck up and get your act together ........................ make some sense ..................... if you want war that cannot happen behind a computer screen ...................... and if your State and ruling elite wants a war then lets have one ............................. because personally I feel my nation needs one.

And for your (Indian) response ............................ get a life kids, nothing is going to happen with you punching the keyboard as much hard as you can and are doing. Think logically and may be you would stop this hysteria, and non-sense, knee jerk, emotional BS that I have seen here since yesterday. Your threats mean nothing to me being a citizen of Pakistan and I give a damn about your threats for me death is a new beginning and there are many like me here in Pakistan.

And my condolences for any innocent life lost yesterday.
Sorry, but Pakistan will not get war. Nor will it get peace.

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