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What should be India's response towards Pakistan for Gurudaspur terror attack?


There is a Quote...

"The bigger the man is the harder it fells"

If your smart you'll get it.

~No offense

[-_-] Alzaam Tarashi Band Kero
<[]> Pahlay Apna Ghar To Saaf
/\ Kero ~ :)

1) why I did not get an alert of your tag?

2) I'll be honest. I am waiting for confirmation that you guys were involved. After that, for exactly 3 hits (different cities) on your country, I will shed not a tear or a word of empty condolences. Regardless of who does them or whether we are involved or not.

No response from Modi means there is Pakistan angle to the attack and he is waiting for that to be confirmed before he responds.

Now could you get out of this thread or stop posting nonsense.

And could you get out of this Pakistan Defence Forum and stop posting your nonsense Indian propaganda here? :coffee:

2) I'll be honest. I am waiting for confirmation that you guys were involved. After that, for exactly 3 hits (different cities) on your country, I will shed not a tear or a word of empty condolences. Regardless of who does them or whether we are involved or not.


And then what? Other countries reciprocating your terror tactics by attacking 6 of your cities?

Grow up dude, your extremists such as Ajit Devil, Manhoar, Modi's policy of spreading even more terrorism in the neighborhood will backfire massively.
And could you get out of this Pakistan Defence Forum and stop posting your nonsense Indian propaganda here? :coffee:

Let the WebMaster ask me that...I will leave. In the mean while why don't you request WebMaster for my exit. By the way I too am enjoying my coffee. :coffee:.
And then what? Other countries reciprocating your terror tactics by attacking 6 of your cities?

We have proven to you and you cannot win a war with us. Be it with uniformed troops or any other kind.

A member here said that we are so big that any attack from your side will hit something within our borders.

I put it back to you (and him). You are so small (in comparison to us) that even if we kill equal numbers, you get hit worse than us. There is a lot less real estate for you to run in. And you are boxed in by hostile states.

And I can assure you, the current mood and dispensation in India, both at the level of the populace and the cultural and political power shift, there is absolutely no intention to limit retribution to a scaled and equal manner.

You then have to ask yourself, if both of us continue escalating hits on each other, who comes out the worse for it? And who reaches the threshold of unacceptable damage first?
This bs has been going for long in this forum...even when he whole world proclaims terrorism in and by pakistan. .you guys will keep denying it..pakistan and pakistanis have got the denying art to the tee..Unfortunately no one believes you or your false propaganda of naming everyone else rather than looking at your own house which is overrun with thousands and thousands of terrorists.
Open a new thread and post the proofs that are against Pakistan there because its getting an off topic thread...and quote me there...if you have some guts.
We have proven to you and you cannot win a war with us. Be it with uniformed troops or any other kind.

A member here said that we are so big that any attack from your side will hit something within our borders.

I put it back to you (and him). You are so small (in comparison to us) that even if we kill equal numbers, you get hit worse than us.

And I can assure you, the current mood and dispensation in India, both at the level of the populace and the cultural and political power shift, there is absolutely no intention to limit retribution to a scaled and equal manner.

You then have to ask yourself, if both of us continue escalating hits on each other, who comes out the worse for it? And who reaches the threshold of unacceptable damage first?



more Blah....

Even more Blah.

Do what you have to do. Please, just stop whining like a little girl and running like a headless chicken everywhere if others reciprocate.


more Blah....

Even more Blah.

Do what you have to do. Please, just stop whining like a little girl and running like a headless chicken everywhere if others reciprocate.

Ran out of coffee.

Understandable. The buzz is addictive.
1) why I did not get an alert of your tag?

2) I'll be honest. I am waiting for confirmation that you guys were involved. After that, for exactly 3 hits (different cities) on your country, I will shed not a tear or a word of empty condolences. Regardless of who does them or whether we are involved or not.

Idk why you didnt get an alert.

First of all, I dont blame India on everything...
Second I condemn this attack which occured in India...
Thirdly When You Get those proofs Ill be glad reading that but I would read more then a few sentences if its an Anti-Pakistan statement by any of your media or Political leader...Bring something not Desi :-)

Bring something not Desi

26/11 had mountains of data and prof and testimonies and evidence and transcripts of listed-in VOIP calls, and court rulings and state sanctioned statements from the UK, the US and other non-desi sources.

Tum logon ke kaan mein joo tak nahin rengdti.

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