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What should be India's response towards Pakistan for Gurudaspur terror attack?

26/11 had mountains of data and prof and testimonies and evidence and transcripts of listed-in VOIP calls, and court rulings and state sanctioned statements from the UK, the US and other non-desi sources.

Tum logon ke kaan mein joo tak nahin rengdti.
What proofs kindly link something :-)
Good luck with your so called "vis a vis" policy dude cause Good luck is what u need badly :-)

Ok man. Not in the mood to exchange pleasantries to be honest right now.

Am in mourning like all of us, plus you guys are really pushing it (your luck).

The thing with luck is, its a fickle mistress. And you never know when she's going to run out on you.
Ok man. Not in the mood to exchange pleasantries to be honest right now.

Am in mourning like all of us, plus you guys are really pushing it (your luck).

The thing with luck is, its a fickle mistress. And you never know when she's going to run out on you.
It takes two opposing forces to cause friction...

Im Outta This Crap Thread Because It Has No End...
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Pakistanis can't do anything. Surgical strike to kill the terrorists they are giving safe house and security inside Pakistan is not a big deal. Pakistan don't have the guts to use nukes. They use one nuke at any city of India and there will be no Pakistan, they know it. They will surely retaliate with conventional force but they will lose. Again, they will never ever use nukes they don't have guts to do so. So for me surgical strike is the way to go :)

All they are good at is killing civilians using terrorists.
surgical strike hone pe sabhi bilitant vahan se nikal jayege. or do char camp destroy karna kafi nahi he.
Indeed Pakistan is improving day by day So is India and I admire your thoughts but my friend these proxy wars wont end until Kashmir dispute is solved between us then only then we can have Peace and the best way is let Kashmiri People decide.I would love to see Pakistan and India be friends hopefully.We buddy have a proper Govt who has a friendly control over Army and Army is needed to be disscussed with when it comes to defence related matters etc...CPEC is going on its way to success but ty for wishing.The Fact My Friend Is That Peace Between Both Nations Can Only Come When Kashmir Dispute Is Solved...Be its Independence From Pakistan and India. :pakistan:
I feel like the time has come to let people decide what they want.........and they want azad Kashmir........while Pakistan wants Kashmir to be part of Pakistan, whereas India wont let Kashmiri people make another country based of religion........since its a contradiction and everyone knows India is in far better place than Pakistan now.....read the word now .....not in future, its like an Ego war that no one wants to loose........and u have to agree with this statement "India is better placed in the international community"........a powerful nation would not let a weaker nation take on anything that belongs to powerful nation.....for example Aksai chin and arunachal pradesh both these states belong to India (according to india) but china thinks its their's, same way even if Kashmir belongs to Pakistan by some virtue, India wont give it away that easy......Ego problems.......but in reality Kashmir has faced all the brunt force of the armed personal for over last 70 years.........since Indian soldiers have shed their blood as well as Pakistani soldiers too......both the nations wont give away Kashmir that easy....I don't know if its true but while Manmohan singh was our PM, he had planned of letting go Kashmir but then army intervened and told him about all the efforts, men, resources, blood and lives they have lost during these 70 years and cannot just give away Kashmir to Pakistan on a platter........since the govt has only one way of solving Kashmir issue that is "WAR", our govt thinks "if Pakistan is capable of fighting India and can defeat India, we will happily give Kashmir" I hope u take it in a positive way.......because No one likes to loose.......and taking away Kashmir from India will be tedious job.......best of luck:-)
How come past 10 years during sikh Prime Minister Manmohan Singh , the border, J&K remained calm, and when a convicted man like Modi becomes PM, the most stupid PM according to google, the boder becomes active, violations, infiltrations, cross border attacks, LOC crossings become daily occurrence.

Come on you know better than me, whats going on .....Indian making drama after drama....even the world is not taking Indian fake encounters seriously, go check what is made of India in the world media about this news, an isolated, economically failing country.

Pakistanis are mostly quite, seeing how Indians, its media, and govt are making a mince fool about themselves. Indians can be that stupids.
How come past 10 years during sikh Prime Minister Manmohan Singh , the border, J&K remained calm, and when a convicted man like Modi becomes PM, the boder becomes active, violations, infiltrations, cross border attacks become daily occurrence.

As stupid as it gets. The terrible attack of 26/11 happened when Manmohan Singh was PM as did the beheadings of Indian soldiers which resulted in Indian retaliation. Fooling oneself is easy, the rest of the world is not easily fooled. There has never been any change, regardless of who is the PM.
just like this Gurudaspur false flag blame on Pakistan with no Evidence,

hundreds of Indians expose Govt and Indian media lies, let alone Pakistani making mince meat of Indians false flag encounters...:

Hundreds of Indian False Flag against Pak has been exposed by their own people

I feel like the time has come to let people decide what they want.........and they want azad Kashmir........while Pakistan wants Kashmir to be part of Pakistan, whereas India wont let Kashmiri people make another country based of religion........since its a contradiction and everyone knows India is in far better place than Pakistan now.....read the word now .....not in future, its like an Ego war that no one wants to loose........and u have to agree with this statement "India is better placed in the international community"........a powerful nation would not let a weaker nation take on anything that belongs to powerful nation.....for example Aksai chin and arunachal pradesh both these states belong to India (according to india) but china thinks its their's, same way even if Kashmir belongs to Pakistan by some virtue, India wont give it away that easy......Ego problems.......but in reality Kashmir has faced all the brunt force of the armed personal for over last 70 years.........since Indian soldiers have shed their blood as well as Pakistani soldiers too......both the nations wont give away Kashmir that easy....I don't know if its true but while Manmohan singh was our PM, he had planned of letting go Kashmir but then army intervened and told him about all the efforts, men, resources, blood and lives they have lost during these 70 years and cannot just give away Kashmir to Pakistan on a platter........since the govt has only one way of solving Kashmir issue that is "WAR", our govt thinks "if Pakistan is capable of fighting India and can defeat India, we will happily give Kashmir" I hope u take it in a positive way.......because No one likes to loose.......and taking away Kashmir from India will be tedious job.......best of luck:-)
I admire your post it could have almost the same that I would have written but you wrote it...Sorry for replying you late.I was busy Praying and visitors arrived. :-)

Yes your right Kashmir should be independent because non of both countries Pakistan and India wants to loose its land and your right its an ego problem if they both loose their part of Kashmir it will be like loosing to your rival and who want to loose?(So it'll be best that Kashmir is free.

Ofcourse Both Army Men have shed their blood for their country and Kashmir but the Kashmiri People Too.But the blood flow will keep its track until the Kashmir wound stays and dont get healed.

And Yes kashmir can get its place on the Map through a deadly war which can even lead to Nuclear blast which no one wants to see or by Using serious and soft diplomacy which is the best way...

But my concern is India Media more than politicians because they have to raise there ratings and the best deal is to show Pakistan as a devil all over.Pakistani media is alot mature my friend he does on only a few occassion when the news is mostly hot from India blaming on Pakistan...Media is such a powerfull tool in the world today...It can make War or Peace, make you evil or a hero.Indian
Media should quit these stuff.

Pakistan stayed alive from 4 wars all these years so has far bigger India...SO my point is both have deadly Armies but Indian Army has the number game and is advancing & Pakistan has enough numbers to protect & is also keeping the balance up and advancing.

Your right India has a better image in the world that of Pakistan but its changing rapidly and Pakistan is gaining its image back.

The fact is one is a Muslim country and one is a Hindu Country but called secular.Dont take me wrong.I dont think any of these Religions dont teach Peace.

Believe me buddy Pakistan-India's relation can only go too Highly friendly and extremely Low like now days, it cant be neutral...

But I wish we have Peace...
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Simple send the best of all Sunny Deol, who can even destroy tanks just with his hands.
I admire your post it could have almost the same that I would have written but you wrote it...Sorry for replying you late.I was busy Praying and visitors arrived. :-)

Yes your right Kashmir should be independent because non of both countries Pakistan and India wants to loose its land and your right its an ego problem if they both loose their part of Kashmir it will be like loosing to your rival and who want to loose?(So it'll be best that Kashmir is free.

Ofcourse Both Army Men have shed their blood for their country and Kashmir but the Kashmiri People Too.But the blood flow will keep its track until the Kashmir wound stays and dont get healed.

And Yes kashmir can get its place on the Map through a deadly war which can even lead to Nuclear blast which no one wants to see or by Using serious and soft diplomacy which is the best way...

But my concern is India Media more than politicians because they have to raise there ratings and the best deal is to show Pakistan as a devil all over.Pakistani media is alot mature my friend he does on only a few occassion when the news is mostly hot from India blaming on Pakistan...Media is such a powerfull tool in the world today...It can make War or Peace, make you evil or a hero.Indian
Media should quit these stuff.

Pakistan stayed alive from 4 wars all these years so has far bigger India...SO my point is both have deadly Armies but Indian Army has the number game and is advancing & Pakistan has enough numbers to protect & is also keeping the balance up and advancing.

Your right India has a better image in the world that of Pakistan but its changing rapidly and Pakistan is gaining its image back.

The fact is one is a Muslim country and one is a Hindu Country but called secular.Dont take me wrong.I dont think any of these Religions dont teach Peace.

Believe me buddy Pakistan-India's relation can only go too Highly friendly and extremely Low like now days, it cant be neutral...

But I wish we have Peace...
hmm i understand the issue very well, Indian media now days is not more than a circus, they don't even care about lives of our soldiers, Pakistan media in this case has won one point.....Indian media shows live operation as well as plays the role of devil's advocate.........yesterday attack was a big lesson........but media wont learn......reporting an event isnt a bad think but cant u just keep ur camera off from the operational area:mad:......they portray Pakistan like a country where suicide bombers, jihadi's are trained, but they don't show that even Pakistan has a very kind population :hitwall:, i know there is rivalry between India and Pakistan......i feel like let Kashmir decide its fate and then maybe we can start doing business, maybe even India should join CPEC.....if Kashmir becomes a free country it can be CPKEC.....that way Kashmir can become a great country......tourism can also be one of the areas they can focus......i wish i live to see that day and not war.......:-)
hmm i understand the issue very well, Indian media now days is not more than a circus, they don't even care about lives of our soldiers, Pakistan media in this case has won one point.....Indian media shows live operation as well as plays the role of devil's advocate.........yesterday attack was a big lesson........but media wont learn......reporting an event isnt a bad think but cant u just keep ur camera off from the operational area:mad:......they portray Pakistan like a country where suicide bombers, jihadi's are trained, but they don't show that even Pakistan has a very kind population :hitwall:, i know there is rivalry between India and Pakistan......i feel like let Kashmir decide its fate and then maybe we can start doing business, maybe even India should join CPEC.....if Kashmir becomes a free country it can be CPKEC.....that way Kashmir can become a great country......tourism can also be one of the areas they can focus......i wish i live to see that day and not war.......:-)
Indian Media is massive and if they had played like a good person the image would have been better and terrorists have phones and other equipments on which they can see whats going out there and Indian Media should have acted mature and have learnt from Mumbai attacks in which terrorists used media provided visual as info to counter Indian Armed forces...Didnt local govt ordered the media not to shoot the scene? This could have been a grave mistake by media for the Armed Forces.
And dont worry our Media dont show much of a Indian good image but they do sometimes when its a bit big..mostly when they do its 70% times negative my guess...
If its CPKEC then Kashmir will go miles in economy and India can open trade route from Pakistan to Afghanistan/Iran and further...India can give access to west countries like Banladesh, Nepal etc
China and India may become good friends and Indian could buy cheap products + The Arms buying will decrease and it'll help solving the problems of the citizens from both countries :) Damn thats called a bright future
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