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What should be India's response towards Pakistan for Gurudaspur terror attack?

Your a Genius I must admit

If you just have used your whale sized brain and seen my first post I said "You do anything with Pakistan, Will
cost you heavily and it will
definately wont be good for both
countries" and Sir I meant economy too of both countries...
it would do more harm to our economy, thats why we wont attack or do any stupid surgical strike.........let the money come in......paani pila pila ke marenge.......:p:
it would do more harm to our economy, thats why we wont attack or do any stupid surgical strike.........let the money come in......paani pila pila ke marenge.......:p:
:lol: Humay To Ilm hai ka India nay Pakistan ko marna kay hi maqsad per amal pehra hai beshak wo jesay keray but we have our "Pakistan Army to save us" So no worries buddy... :)
Fact of the matter is that nuclear countries understandably shy away from uniformed conflict. That does not mean conflict stops.

The lull you are experiencing could be because of the operations of your army.

Or it could be because of lifting off of the pedal of faceless others, as those you fight melt away.

Either way, if you want conflict, be prepared to have that conflict play out in your cities.

Because the armies of both sides know what full blown uniformed hostilities would entail.
Your a Genius I must admit

If you just have used your whale sized brain and had seen my first post I said "You do anything with Pakistan, Will
cost you heavily and it will
definately wont be good for both
countries" and Sir I meant economy too of both countries...

No you cannot..If India start increasing defense expenditure and acquire new weapons, Pakistan will follow...You guys have no choice. This is enough to make Pakistan bankrupt and divert you from nation building.
our leadership in 90's and 2000's blunders when they give up support for Khalistan and Kashmiri freedom fighters... but we have to correct it now... yindoo dont want peace in region.. its clear from Afghanistan,Mukti Bahini ,LTTE.. To Balochistan... its hilarious when here some bhangee yindoo call us terrorist while these beghairat bhangees were the one when they face Humiliation againstt Smaller Army in 48 and 65 war... they resort to terrorism. and when we reply them they start to behave as if they are innocent angels while a 7 times small state is evil... Drama koi in BC;s se seekhey..
As if its only us who have cities .......................... the bigger the area the more chances of getting hit. Remember this. Hum to tukay may bhi fire mary na tou India may kahi na kahi to ja kay giray ga he.

And the lull we are experiencing is at a cost of blood of 60,000 plus Pakistanis, you could not bear the rare small scale incident of yesterday and started threatening us on internet in your frustration.

Geedar bhabkia kissi aur ko do mia humay maloom hai aukat app ki.
:lol: Humay To Ilm hai ka India nay Pakistan ko marna kay hi maqsad per amal pehra hai beshak wo jesay keray but we have our "Pakistan Army to save us" So no worries buddy... :)
hahahaha thats what i said, pakistan can improve alot if and if CPEC gets going......u can have multiple dams, power houses, better quality roads aswell as better cities and an booming economy......bhaijaan even we want pakistan to develop but not at the cost of destruction of india.....and u know what.......ek baar tarrki ka nasha chad gya na aap logo ko.......shyad aap log bhi proxy wars chod den......i would love to see India pakistan trade flourish......but we both have to stop this cat and rat game, once this game stops and govt comes back to power and i mean proper govt having power over the army.......then and then CPEC can be a success........and also we can think of a future where we can both administer Kashmir together.......:-)

They got sucked up in the 56 inch chest. LOL
stop it, we got balls, but we also have a big brain to think about the consequences of any wrong step we take.........we dont think like jihadi's.......we think like a JEDI.........balls are made of titanium........even 155mm shells bounce off........but we dont fall for cheap tricks.....pakistan would love to see indian economy going down.....but it wont happen:bunny:
When aukat-less nations talk of knowing the aukat of others its pretty obvious that reality has suffered mortal wpunds in the face of the onslaught of the radically deluded.

Best the to just keep killing, and stop talking.

Aukat fir sabki saamne aa jayegi. Kaun geedad, kaun babbar sher.
When aukat-less nations talk of knowing the aukat of others its pretty obvious that reality has suffered mortal wpunds in the face of the onslaught of the radically deluded.

Best the to just keep killing, and stop talking.

Aukat fir sabki saamne aa jayegi. Kaun geedad, kaun babbar sher.

This rhetoric is getting kinda old. I thought last time was the last straw for you guys.
@doppelganger knows what I mean. This nonsense of response to Pakistan and stupid comments is not limited to this thread. Posters like @GURU DUTT are there to ensure this nonsense is present on every thread related to Pakistan and India.
look who is talking about "nonsense" :haha: :omghaha: :omghaha:

Fact of the matter is that nuclear countries understandably shy away from uniformed conflict. That does not mean conflict stops.

The lull you are experiencing could be because of the operations of your army.

Or it could be because of lifting off of the pedal of faceless others, as those you fight melt away.

Either way, if you want conflict, be prepared to have that conflict play out in your cities.

Because the armies of both sides know what full blown uniformed hostilities would entail.
as they say never stop a fool from making a mistake as if you do he will balme you for the results of his mistakes :coffee:
been there

done that
For example !!??? when ???

Dekh bhai... We are also human ... If some innocent dies ... We don't jump around distributing sweets... But go to indian forums and they literally cheer and wish death and destruction upon us... I remember when Bombay Attacks happened i condemned them .. (I wasn't on the forum back than)... Than I joined some indian forums.,, I remember the first thread I saw,,, it was about a Pak army vehicle accident and SOBs were cheering our deaths... Things like that tend to have a negative effect.., but still I didn't give a shit (though many of those scumbags are also members here).. Than last December Peshawar school Attack . I saw them cheering at kids death ? Statements like "future Jihadi deserved it"... "Less jihadi ..." , "A good P... Is a dead one" etc etc... BCs even have dedicated threads wishing death or "how to destroy Pak" and so on .. And yet they come here and take the Fukin moral high ground ? This is just BC.

BC beshaak maran marnay walay indian hoon .. But even before i estimation .. They without giving a damn point towards Pak ?
Sure brother i understand this sentiment... they gets happy when we suffer tragedy... but two wrongs doesn't make a right... if we would also do that... its inhuman of us and then we'll descend to their level...
This rhetoric is getting kinda old. I thought last time was the last straw for you guys.

I think there was ample graded disproportional retribution after last time.

Yes, we would be at pains to identify when, where, who, and most importantly, how many.
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