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What should be India's response towards Pakistan for Gurudaspur terror attack?

You did exactly what a guy in movie Phantom trailer said stopped playing cricket. Phantom movie is about to come and a attack takes place by according to Indians by LET. @DESERT FIGHTER @Areesh and others
As for response please give it a try but than wait for our response and it would come immediately without even a delay of a single second that's a promise.

I am for cricket ties for India and Pakistan. India - Pakistan cricket is enjoyable. Why should Indians be deprived of the entertainment.

India can submit a complain to UN...

UN Bhad me jaye.
Pakistan was obviously chomping at the bit to turn their attention back towards us.
why ?

Moral of the story for us is to make sure you do not have time or breathing space to look this way again.

You are already doing that in Pakistan.. But the question is will Pak remain silent or reply in kind? After all ... Your own defence minister stated "fighting terrorist with terrorist" .. Remember ?

Kyunki dosti ka haath unse dekha nahin jaata.

Your entire election campaign .. Your current govt bashed Pak, shouting and spreading venom against Pakistan?... Yet Nawaz Chutiya went to attend modis oath taking ceremony? You cancelled sect level talks ? He goes and does all the wrong things.. Nawaz sends his mother shawls ? Modis ministers "warn" Pak.. Use third class language? Modi cones in power and border violation and accelerations start?? Modi goes and bashes Pak in Bangladesh? Nawaz sends mangos instead?we save and send back your BSF soldier? you call flag meeting and ambush our troops?

Even development projects irk your govt?
you talk about laknavi yet you support terrorism in Pak?
And you here say you want peace?

Aur dosti kis baat ki? Agar dosti hi karni thi to bantwara aur dushmani pehli baat kyun ?

Batwara? OUR AND.. BELONGS TO US! Bur unfortunately we can't change our neighbour!

And you prick a sleeping tiger next door.

You are trying to prick a wounded leopard ? And once he gets pissed.......
Good way to hide incompetency.
Yes yes off course keep believing that what ever you want to we want you to exactly believe what you are believing and make the biggest blunder of your life and history.

So we hid OBL .. Yet we get weapons,F-16s,OPHs,Vipers,SPGs,APCs,IFVs and $ from USA... Something ain't right here??

Meanwhile you get raped by Pak and China on the other side ... And all you get to do is cheerlead for your sugar daddy USA like a good lil hoe ?

As I said ... Stop barking ... And actually do so something .. I know you lack a pair.. But hey I'm willing to lend you mine... On one condition that you stop barking ? Deal done!?!
why ?

You are already doing that in Pakistan.. But the question is will Pak remain silent or reply in kind? After all ... Your own defence minister stated "fighting terrorist with terrorist" .. Remember ?

Your entire election campaign .. Your current govt bashed Pak, shouting and spreading venom against Pakistan?... Yet Nawaz Chutiya went to attend modis oath taking ceremony? You cancelled sect level talks ? He goes and does all the wrong things.. Nawaz sends his mother shawls ? Modis ministers "warn" Pak.. Use third class language? Modi cones in power and border violation and accelerations start?? Modi goes and bashes Pak in Bangladesh? Nawaz sends mangos instead?we save and send back your BSF soldier? you call flag meeting and ambush our troops?

Even development projects irk your govt?
you talk about laknavi yet you support terrorism in Pak?
And you here say you want peace?

Batwara? OUR AND.. BELONGS TO US! Bur unfortunately we can't change our neighbour!

You are trying to prick a wounded leopard ? And once he gets pissed.......

Excellent @DESERT FIGHTER bhai needs positive rating for this
So we hid OBL .. Yet we get weapons and $ from USA... Meanwhile you get raped by Pak and China on the other side ... And all you get to do is cheerlead for your sugar daddy USA like a good lil hoe ?

As I said ... Stop barking ... And actually do so something .. I know you lack a pair.. But hey I'm willing to lend you mine... On one condition that you stop barking ? Deal done!?!

Ya keep begging for weapons, money and keep harbouring terrorists. No matter how much you support terrorism in the region, in the end its you who will suffer. And keep your detachable pair to yourself.
Funny Indians think they will launch a surgical strike in Pakistan and Pakistanis will just sit and watch.
Forget our Army, any attack from India will see a massive response from people of Pakistan.
With 180 million hotheads and no shortage of guns and ammo, Army may attack later but people of Pakisran will be impossible to stop.
So bring it on. 56 inchchest?
What should be India's response towards Pakistan for Gurudaspur terror attack?

The first option is surgical strikes, but surgical strikes inside Pakistan may turn into full fledged war.

The second option is lobbing in US, UN, West and in Muslim world against Pakistan for its involvement in terror activities inside India, but this has proved to be not that effective in the past.

The third step is making economic consequences of no war-no peace-no talks too hard to bear for Pakistan making Pakistan a military state there by depriving Pakistan of its social and economic development, but India too will have to bear some economic costs of such a strategy.

Do you have any other response for this brazen terror attack inside India? ....let us discuss.
Well there can be a forth option... Provide a proof to Pakistan of the culprits and work with it to bring the culprits to task... What indians don't understand is that we are also sympathetic towards them till they start threatening Pakistan... After that it feels like India deserve to burn...
Funny Indians think they will launch a surgical strike in Pakistan and Pakistanis will just sit and watch.
Forget our Army, any attack from India will see a massive response from people of Pakistan.
With 180 million hotheads and no shortage of guns and ammo, Army may attack later but people of Pakisran will be impossible to stop.
So bring it on. 56 inchchest?

I know people of Pakistan in the defence of terrorists will go on a killing spree any day.
Pakistan has Pakistan to lose. Trust me they can't do anything to respond to that. I even doubt they will use conventional force too. But they certainly will send more terrorists in India, so its not a good idea maybe. But if you don't count those terrorists in, pretty much Pakistan will just keep watching.

What's coming out of your mouth is VERY different what your generals are telling Modi.......they are talking the same language to try to involve Pakistan in a conflict, and they've been doing that for months now, JUST to stop or sabotage the economic progress being made by Pakistan.

I will always speak the reality out. I don't know (YET) if the attack today was really a Pakistani group or an Indian coordinated attempt to build a case for a conflict. But I do know that Indian generals are itchy to stop the economy related progress as Pakistan has over $ 60 million people young (either educated or getting some). Which would put serious labor competition with India. That India doesn't want to tolerate, no woman wants to look second to the younger one in the batch. Everyone wants to keep their edge, in this case the economical edge is worth trillions in a couple of decades!!!

BUT, what you are discounting is that what or how would Pakistan respond. Even your generals have told Modi that anything is possible anywhere to do, what they know for sure is that there would be a response, it would be heavy and it could go out of control by a large proportion and it won't be calculate.

I have a friend who got harassed and punched a couple of times in a bar last year. The dude is X-SF, when he got attacked, he used his training naturally and literally broke one of the attacker's arm.
Ambulance and all came and I walked with the police and paramedics to the Ambulance. The guy in pain looked at me and said, I just punched him, did I deserve this? (pointing to his injured arm). I was shocked to hear that. My response to him was, don't expect someone to respond to you just the way you attacked them, and if you weren't ready for the consequences, why fukk with someone?

So I say, less emotionality, investigate this entirely, find out who's behind it and ask for the criminals to be handed over. Whether that's Pakistan or the Sikh community sitting a few miles away.
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Ya keep begging for weapons, money and keep harbouring terrorists. No matter how much you support terrorism in the region, in the end its you who will suffer. And keep your detachable pair to yourself.

Bass? Cheerling and barking ? That's your total worth... All bark no bite...

Ja chotu .. Go play COD and don't forget to drink "dudu"..:lol:

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